Augustine’s Latest

Perception is in the eye of the beholder. Case in point: most people don’t see much similarity between Nigeria and the U.S., or the two men pictured above. Augustine Togonu-Bickerstet is the exception. Augustine has sent us numerous e-mails linking Nigerian figures with American ones. His latest takes a geographical twist in which he has found ‘some interesting developments’ between New York state and Oyo state. We’ll let you be the judge.

So hang on. Here goes:

New York City in New York state is the largest city of the U.S. Ibadan City in Oyo state is the largest city in Nigeria.

New York City is  the publishing capital of the US. and Ibadan the publishing capital of Nigeria.

In New York, there is a well known monument to Liberty-The Statue of Liberty. In Ibadan, there is also a well known monument to Liberty-The Liberty Stadium.

New York state and Oyo state have the best places for agricultural research of their respective countries. In New York, it is Cornell University in Ithaca and in Oyo state it is the  International Institute of Tropical Agriculture(IITA).

New York City is the cultural capital of the U.S. Ibadan City used to be the cultural capital of Nigeria.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was  governor of New York state and James Ajibola Ige was governor of  Oyo state. Both of them served for four years.

Roosevelt became president of the United States and Ige was a presidential aspirant.

Franklin Roosevelt’s s father, James Roosevelt, invested in the railway business, while Bola Iges’s father, Solomom Ige, was a railway officer.

Roosevelt and Ige were both lawyers.

Rooosevelt and Ige have both been described as orators.

Roosevelt and Ige both died in office: Roosevelt as president, Ige as attorney general and minister of justice.

The governor’s office of  New York is at Albany., and the governor’s office of Oyo state is at Agodi.

We might add to this list: Ibadan City, and elsewhere in Nigeria, is the home of the infamous Nigerian money scam, while NYC is the home of Wall Street, known for a few of its own scams, including taking large amounts of government bailout money and paying huge bonuses to corporate executives, who drove their companies into bankruptcy.

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12 Responses to Augustine’s Latest

  1. Brizdaz says:

    Sorry Mike,
    I take it from your above comment that I got it wrong,if so,could you explain to me what meaning "67 Not Out" has to your blog tittle,if you don't mind me asking ?
    Year of your birth,maybe ?

    In that case,

    Darren…64 not out

  2. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Darren: Interesting interpretation of my blog title! I wonder how we became programmed to think of our earthly life span as being limited to a certain period.
    P.S. My son is called Derren.

  3. Brizdaz says:

    I had a quick snoop at Mike's Blog this morning and it does look interesting.I'll have to take another look when I have a little more time.

    The family is taking it quite well from what I've seen of them.
    I think the little synchronicitys surrounding his death have helped ease the trauma of the death quite substantially.Without them I think we'd have a very different ball game on our hands.
    Thank heavens for synchoricitys and thank you Rob and Trish for your kind thoughts.

    Cheers /Darren

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    so intriguing to read of such similarities – i always enjoy reading augustine's stories and am so happy you posted this one – of course, i particularly like the wall street reference from you all! 😉

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Darren – you'll love Mike's synchro blog. He's got a good one daily! Hope everyone in your family is healing.

  6. Brizdaz says:

    I take it "67 Not Out" refers to your age in terms of a Cricket score.I like that analogy.In Cricket,as a batsman you are always looking to make that next run,but there are no guarantees you won't get bowled or caught out next ball.
    My father-in-law was 66 when life bowled him out,but I think he can look back on a match well played.
    Anyway,carry on batting and I'll be cheering in the stands for you when you reach your century,that's if I'll still at the wicket .-)

    Darren…46,not out.

  7. Brizdaz says:

    I agree with Mike,the bailouts are a worldwide scam,not just an American one.In fact,our ex-Prime-minister,Kevin Rudd was more than likely kicked out of office by his own party for trying to instigate a mining tax on the big corporations who own the mines,in order to try and pay back the bailout money to the banksters.

    See what happens when the puppet tries to cut the strings ?

    WV=exato (need I say more?)

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We have synchronicities between the two countries–some better than others–but we also have synchretism.

    That's the merger of religions. In this case, it's the Yoruba spiritualism merging with Catholicism to form Santeria, which came to the U.S. via Cuba.

    Anyone who ever watched I Love Lucy in the old days remembers Ricky Richardo, Lucy's hubby and the band director from Cuba, shouting out in frustration from time to time calling on Babalu – an orisha or god derived from Nigerian Yoruba spiritualism.

    In fact, we did a post on Babalu right here:

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good point, anon. More than one way to measure the size of a city.

    Here's a followup from Augustine.

    Thanks so much for publishing my write up on New York and Oyo State. Interestingly the present Governor of Oyo state has been accused of squandering money that could have been used to transform Oyo state into New York State.

    Further more, the elections will be held next year, and one of the main contenders for the office of the Governor of Oyo state studied at State University of New York as well as the Governor State University ,New york. And lastly the largest Univeristy in New York state, the State University of New York was founded in 1948 and the largest University in Oyo state , University of Ibadan wasf also founded in 1948.

    I hope great things would come out of these write ups.Like more friendly relations between U.S. and Nigeria
    Cheers Augustine

  10. Anonymous says:

    "Lagos" is the largest city in Nigeria. I believe that "Ibadan" is the third largest. Ibadan is the largest in geographical area, but NYC is not the largest U.S. city in geographical area.

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    So in that case, cause and effect rein, not synchronicity.

  12. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Not sure what to say really but I guess you could link the Nigerian Money scam with most finance centres around the world including London, where the banks also took government money while paying themselves huge bonuses.

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