Orbs or Water Droplets on Shuttle?

On Friday, November 5, the space shuttle Discovery was to have made its final mission. The launch was scrubbed, though, when engineers spotted a leak that allows dangerous levels of hydrogen gas to build up around the orbiter. It’s now scheduled for November 30.

However, take a look at this video. There may be other reasons for the mission being scrubbed. This video looks like it was taken of a TV screen, during the mission countdown. It’s intriguing.

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24 Responses to Orbs or Water Droplets on Shuttle?

  1. Vicki D. says:


    I think this is right! Vicki D.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Vicki – it doesn't come up in google. Is it through blogger or word press? If you could post the whole URL, then we can find it.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good for you, Vicki! I'll try to find it.

  4. Vicki D says:

    A few years ago when my family and I were in Paris we were in Notre Dame and my husband took some pictures and he was shocked at some orbs that not only showed up but that he saw with his own eyes.
    When we looked at the pictures on the camera we were surprised at how bright they were and then we noticed that they had faces in them, as clear as day!
    What I find so fascinating about that is that when my oldest daughter was a child she would tell me of the beautiful angels that would come into her room in glass balls!
    I took film of her one morning telling me about them.
    When my kids are home over Christmas break I will try to share that footage with you all.

    I have started my own blog and am very new at this. I am still trying to figure out how to copy and paste, download pics etc. But I can post.
    I think I will still come up as Vicki D. But my blog is called

  5. Anonymous says:

    Nothing showed up on radar, yet how many folks took actual pictures and videos of this missile-looking thingie blasting off? Including a TV news channel helicopter crew? Give us a break, military people! We aren't idiots!

  6. Vicki D. says:

    They look like orbs to me. Very interesting. Ice doesn't hover.

    In regards to the jet/missile, I laughed when they said it was a jet because they had just reported that everyone had said "Nothing showed up on our radar". HuH?! How can there be a jet yet not show up on radar, and if that is what happened, Holy Cow!!!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Natalie, talking about things being swept out to sea and "misinformation", all the national news channels last night covering the whatever-it-was that blasted off from the California coast is a good example of mis-information. All branches of the military state frankly they don't know but it wasn't them. The White House spokes-person said it was a JET (!!!!!!!) yeah, right! and the TV channel helicopter pilot and crew who took the photos had no idea what it was but stated it definitely had the appearance of a missile. What are they doing now that they don't want us to know? Was the military shooting a missile at something they don't want to disclose to the public? Wouldn't we all just love to know why they shot that thing off and what was the target!! I certainly would! Not for one minute do I believe they "don't know". It was just too big a deal and seen by too many thousands of ordinary people for NO ONE to claim responsibility, and to label it a "jet" is an insult to the intelligence of most folks. cj

  8. Natalie says:

    Synchro! I read about the Min Min lights day before yesterday. They are fascinating for sure.Many, many people have seen them. I read about them in a book called 'Something is Out There'. It is written by Aussies who investigate all manner of 'happenings' witnessed by very ordinary Australians.
    Such things include : ghosts, ufos, orbs, strange animals etc.
    The ufo chapter had a couple of stories which were covered up very quickly by the Australian Federal Forces.

    Re: the orbs and the 'bogeys'… So much misinformation out there, that the truth is being swept out to sea on the wave of ridicule.

    wv = nosion notion.

  9. Brizdaz says:

    When you used the word indigenous in your comments above it reminded me of what the Aboriginals call this phenomena:Min Min,or Min Min light.
    Here's a link on Wikipedia;


    …and here's a YouTube video of some witnesses talking about their encounters with it;


    I've not seen one,but I have never ventured out to this area.I've lived all my life on the coast,but I have had friends tell me about them and they're not the sort of people who make up stories for the sake of it.
    Maybe Rob and Trish could do a post on the phenomena.It's recognized as a fact in Australia,it's just that no one can tell you what it is,exactly.

  10. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    just tellin' it like it is, cj! 😉

    can't wait to see your images!!

    thanks so much nancy!

    oh, and trish and cj, i sent you a site on contrails – check it out!

  11. Anonymous says:

    My deceased mother-in-law's house is 110 years old, situated on the side of a mountain in N GA. One of the sons continues to live there now, alone. Anyone who goes into that home can see orbs on occasion, with the naked eye, hovering here and there and sometimes darting away. They are not plays of light and shadow. One can also see orbs in the modern home of my middle son and his wife here, very often in their hall and in their living room. Both her parents are deceased, and once lived in their home. Our youngest son and his family in another town, in a brand new home they had built, often has orbs in it that are quite visible. These orbs range in colors from white to blue to a shimmering rainbow; they dart about, and reflections have been definitely ruled out as the cause. Recently there are large orbs circling around the head of my dog who is very ill, when she is sleeping. I'll have my son take some pictures and scan them to Trish and Rob to put on the blog if they wish. If I can locate film for my old Polaroid black and white camera, which cannot be faked or altered, I'll take some as well. The B&W film is difficult to obtain but is absolutely the BEST, next to infra-red, for capturing other-dimensional oddities, and of course infra-red can't be used in a Polaroid which makes it even more valid. It's pretty stunning. cj

  12. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Interesting – these orbs are being seen in all sorts of places, even over Stonehenge where I visited recently.

  13. Nancy says:

    Gypsy – You can watch the trailer for the crop circle movie here:


    Just click on Regina's Cantina.

  14. Anonymous says:

    For anyone who might be interested in the shuttles and UFOs, here are just three of many shuttle astronauts' documented comments: Major Gordon Cooper testified before the United Nations,"I believe extra-terrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets. I did have occasion in 1951 to have two days of observation of many flights of them, of different sizes, flying in formation, from east to west, over Europe". Scott Carpenter: "At no time, when the astronauts were in space, were they alone. There was a constant surveillance by UFOs". Thomas Lovell's flight on Gemini 7:
    Lovell: "Bogey at 10 o'clock high"
    Capcom: "This is Houston. Say again 7." Said we have a bogey at 10 o'clock high." Capcom:" Gemini 7, is that the booster or an actual sighting?" Lovell:" We have several – actual sightings."
    Capcom: "Estimated distance or size?" Lovell:"We also have the booster in sight."

    Here's a curious WV: cable (cabal?) cj

  15. Anonymous says:

    Luv ya, GypsyGirl! Luv your sense of humor! 🙂 Regarding orbs, they seem to appear in myriad places and in myriad circumstances, and can often be seen by the naked eye, not just through a camera lens on film, still or video. They appear in colors or white; they appear quite motionless; they appear moving in odd explanation-defying motions, darting about; they sparkle and shimmer or simply hover. I've seen them during hauntings; during UFO encounters; in cemeteries during funerals and otherwise;in broad clear daylight and in pitchblack dark of night, and so have hundreds of thousands of other folks observed them without the need of cameras or special ESP abilities. My opinion is that they are an energy form for many different types of interdimensional whatevers. ETs, crafts, Nature entities, spirits and ghosts,astral travelers, all kinds of energy forms that are not indiginous to our third dimension, and this is a form they sometimes take when manifesting in our 3rd dimension. Skeptics offer "swamp gas" and other peculiar and illogical explanations. Swamp gas ten thousand feet in the sky? That's not likely. Anyway, they are certainly all around us and they do appear in many shapes, sizes, colors, and activities. Anyone who undertands the invisible waves of Light and Sound can entertain the notion that there are OTHER energies existing extra-dimensionally. cj

  16. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    wow! incredible images – i just googled "orbs and nasa" and found numerous videos at the disclose.tv site – nancy, i'm curious about the name of the crop circle film you've ordered? is it a recent one? interesting post this morning especially because last night i dreamed "they" were here and we were being warned of them by the govt [see that happening, right?!] – of course, i'd watched the event last night, too, so i'm not at all surprised of the dream! 😉 [oh, and in this case, it really was a dream – i really can tell the difference – i mean, really, i can!]

  17. Anonymous says:

    Definitely not raindrops. We are in a serious rain deficit in Florida. And notice the one in the sky on the upper left simply suddenly vanishes at the same moment the one on the brown part of the shuttle vanishes. Nothing on the camera lens, then. Possibilities: good guys/bad guys scenario: if the orbs represent good guys, maybe the shuttle would get into trouble if it flew on the designated days and times. If bad guys, maybe they're creating the mechanical issues preventing lift-off. Anyone who denies the existence of these orbs appearing universally in valid photographs as unidentified anomalies (having nothing to do with photographic equipment or trick photography) is lacking in knowledge of the research that has been on-going for decades involving the orbs. Could just be anomalous somethings. Could just be something else. We don't know, therefore can't draw any conclusions either way. Can't debunk what isn't known or unknown. We CAN observe and express ideas and opinions based on criteria that have been presented over a long period of time. (Scientific) studies of such orbs have quite often demonstrated discernible characteristics, including faces, etc. So, who knows? It's pretty apparent that they are energy forms of some kind. cj

  18. Nancy says:

    I ordered a new movie on crop circles that hasn't arrived yet. But the white orbs look the same. Maybe the movie will have some insight as to what they are.

  19. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Here's one of the crop circle/orb
    videos. This one is interesting because of the scientific inquiry into the nature of the video.


  20. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Kidding about what?

  21. Anonymous says:

    Wait…you're kidding, right? Seriously?

  22. Natalie says:

    Oh dear, they are at it again!

  23. Nancy says:

    what the heck are those??!!!
    Also, Nancy, is there a video of orbs creating crop circles?

  24. Nancy says:

    Very weird – they look like the white orbs filmed creating crop circles.

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