The Paranormal War on Terror

Secret documents reveal that the British Ministry of Defense has been studying the paranormal and other unexplained scientific phenomenon for use in the war against terror.

The ARTICLE below uses the British release of the TV show The Fringe as a hook – Fringe as in fringe science. We were deeply disappointed by the show. You expect something paranormal to be explored. It never happens. It’s all about gadgets and technology. No one has any psychic abilities in The Fringe. In fact, any mention of the psychic phenomena in the show is quickly dismissed. The previews of the show (in the U.S. ) were totally misleading.

Maybe others have a better attitude about The Fringe. We stopped watching after three episodes. Maybe it got better.

The article is more interesting than the TV show in terms of  paranormal content.

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26 Responses to The Paranormal War on Terror

  1. Anonymous says:

    I don't have a comment…was just reading through the posts and comments again and noticed at the bottom of this blank comment box, the WV is "saturn"

    How cool is that! cj

  2. Anonymous says:

    Natalie, your WV: leden "led in"?
    Seems appropriate! Last night (the day of this post) on cable TV channel Lifetime, was a 2006 movie with Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves, THE LAKE HOUSE. It's a TimeTravel story, and a strange, good one. If anyone hasn't seen it and gets a chance, watch it. Caution: it must be seen from the very first second or it's confusing. Beautiful story expressing the transcendence of love across the boundaries of Time.

  3. Natalie says:

    Well, i am glad i am good for something. 😉

    wv = leden

  4. Anonymous says:

    Natalie, DITTO on all your points! Same with me. I only do one-on-one readings because I don't want to try to sift through the spirit visitors and try to determine who belongs to whom. I also see "dead" people as clearly as I see physical folks, and can accurately describe clothing, scents, features, names. The one ability that still occasionally bothers me, but that I was born with, is that when a spirit comes to visit with messages for a client, the spirit will very often give me the physical feelings he or she experienced at the moment of death. Heart attack, cancer, car accident, stroke, whatever. It passes through me quickly, and is a means of their being evidential, but can be briefly uncomfortable. Due to illness, I rarely do readings anymore, but frequently
    continue to get messages from Spirit to give to living loved ones, expecially if it is important. And sometimes I don't even KNOW the person that I'm instructed to contact! That gets a bit sticky, but they won't leave me alone until I do it, and it always turns out well! It's so great to know I have a "sister-medium" on board, and I have no doubt there are many, many more of us who choose to not "come out" yet! cj

  5. Natalie says:

    Daz~ In regard to Medium, I agree with Trish. When it first aired, I was beside myself with excitement, because it was pretty close to home. I gave it up as garbage about a year ago.

    I concur with the others re: Ghost. That movie is pretty much spot on . I love when Ida May? doesn't want to listen to Sam, and he bugs her so much she ends up doing what he wants anyway. IT IS JUST LIKE THAT! Also the three way conversation between Ida May, Sam and Molly ~ spot on.
    I am a working Medium. Only one to one readings, not group overheads like Sylvia Browne (URK!!!!!)I see dead people in my mind's eye as clear as I would see you. It is so clear i can see dirt under their fingernails and patterns on clothing, tattoos etc. With my physical eyes, I see orbs and shadowy figures , but not much detail however.

  6. Brizdaz says:

    I just want to make it clear that I'm talking about fictional TV series only,here…like "X-Files","Medium",etc.,
    not TV documentaries or "Real Life" shows like "Cops".
    Shows where scriptwriters have to keep an idea going week after week until the original idea gets lost in the quest for ratings and sponsor dollars.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Interesting comment about Bill Birnes, Vicki. I was involved in an episode – though my interview got cut – that took place on Andros Island in the Bahamas, the site of the secret Navy base, known as AUTEC.

    At one point, I was with Bill and the other two regulars as we approached the gate to see if we could get inside. Bill stopped about a hundred feet from the gate to make a short spiel for the camera, when two helicopters swooped down.

    Bill sort of freaked and backed away. He didn't want to go any closer. I thought that was kind of odd that he seemed so frightened.

    But then, as we posted earlier this year, when we flew over the base on our way home the GPS system in the private plane shut down as if we'd been zapped by an electronic projectile. The next day it worked fine. Who knows. – R

  8. Anonymous says:

    I thought the movie KNOWING was pretty good, too, Vicki. It hit home with me and I thought the ending was appropriately addressed.

  9. Vicki D. says:

    CJ – I am in total agreement with you about Sylvia Browne. I think at one time she was good but now I think she is just terrible. When I am in a bookstore and near her recent books (she cranks them out almost monthly!) I get a negative vibe and I need to move away.

    I also agree that the movie Ghost is very accurate. The main character reminds me of how the one soul I knew from the 9/11 disaster kept bugging me until I finally went to his family. He drove me crazy.

    I was also a big X-Files fan, and enjoy Fringe but last year was much better, but I watch these shows for entertainment.

    In regards to UFO shows,I liked the show, UFO hunters. One of the last shows they did was on this area out west where there had been numerous reports of UFO's "disappearing" into the mountains. They interviewed townspeople etc. and everyone seemed very credible and told the same story. The group agreed that UFO's could be landing in this area, that there could be some kind of underground base etc. It was eye opening. But what really got me is I ran across an article, and I apologize but I cannot remember where, and in it Bill the lead investigator said that after the story was filmed someone came up to him and said "I suggest you not air that" in fact this person who had connections with the military really pressed him to not air the show because he stated that more than likely his show would be immediately canceled.
    Guess what, they aired the show and his show has been canceled.

    There is another movie that I found interesting, The Others, more the scene towards the end with the medium.

    No matter what I think it is great that more people are being exposed.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Re Uri Geller, I can't address him as I've never seen much of him. I can, however, address real-life "medium" Sylvia Browne who appears frequently on TV and has penned a bunch of books. I watch very, very little TV, but have watched Browne, and as a medium myself, I'm appalled by her. (Hope this doesn't offend her fans.) She may have once been a true medium. Probably was. But she gives true mediumship a terrible reputation by her persona. She is intimidating and obnoxiously condescending to the audience and to the people who asked her questions, waving her hand in the air and looking down her nose at the sincere folks who asked her questions. She NEVER, EVER gives an evidential response. Her responses could fit any man-on-the-street and are so general as to be almost funny, if I weren't a medium myself. She's an example of why there are so many who are skeptical of mediumship. On a different kind of TV show and their relativity to truth, I never watch medical shows because as a medical professional, I see how ridiculous they are (when I've caught snippets of them). I like "House", but…physicians and nurse do NOT talk and/or behave in the presence of patients the way they do on that show! As you say, Daz, like cop shows, the medical shows are absurb in terms of being 'realistic'. Medical personnel would be fired if they really behaved as they do on TV!!
    For me, regarding psychic phenomena, the closest to my own experiences is the movie GHOST. I relate very closely to Whoopi Goldberg's scene where all the discarnates are gathered around her clamoring to be seen and heard! It happens to me sometimes, when I'm in large groups of people!
    That movie pretty much was on the mark in a lot of ways, at least for me. cj

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Clint Eastwood on Uri:

    "I haven't had any personal thing. The only thing I have ever had that is sort of offbeat, that is I have watched Uri Geller spin the keys and things like that … I have seen that so I am a believer. It was my house key and the only way I would be able to use it is get a hammer and beat it out back flat again. So there are certain energy things that are outside of the norm … But as far as people … to actually visualize the dead, maybe they do it, maybe it's for real, or maybe you just guess a certain amount of things that are common to most people."

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I agree with you,daz. Uri is a mixed bag. I've seen him perform – years ago now – three times. The problem is that he's always on target. He never misses during a performance. Any psychic knows the talent doesn't work that way. There are hits and misses.

    I don't know what he's up to these days. He seems to be much more accessible than in the past when he was at the top of his game. Trish e-mailed him not long ago and he answered her the next day.

    But even in his answer I sensed a bit of the showmanship that I recognized from my one brief conversation with him when I crossed his path at a shopping mall after a performance. I can't recall now what I asked him, but I remember the answer was pure promotional BS.

    That said, I wish him well. The guy can bend spoons and I think he can do it psychically. He has telepathic and clairvoyant skills, but he also has tricks.

  13. Brizdaz says:

    While we're talking TV shows on the paranormal,I've been having a lot of syncs about Uri Geller lately,so I decided to do a Google on him and got a link to his blog,which is where I found the story about Clint Eastward and the movie "Hereafter"
    (Comment 24 on the "Hereafter" post on this blog).
    Now,regarding Uri,I've always been a bit weary of his showmanship,but I do believe in my gut that he has got some genuine abilities.
    Although at the same time I believe he has muddied the waters by placing some staged magic into his shows as well,so he has built his foundation on part lies and part truth,(a bit like the "X-Files".-)[see comment above],but as he grows older he seems,to me anyway,to be a little more genuine,but with a past he probably regrets to some degree,like an ex-con who's seen the error of his ways,but doesn't want those ways exposed.
    To cut to the chase,I watched the documentary "Being Uri Geller" which you can see here;

    Then watched the trailer for his new TV show called "The Next Uri Geller"
    What I wanted to know from the readers on this blog is what their impressions of Uri are?
    Especially the people who feel they have psychic abilities.Do you think he is a fake,genuine,or a mix of fake and genuine,like I do and do you think he has anything to offer the world in the future,or should he be avoided?
    I would also love to know why I am getting so many Uri Geller syncs…anyone else?

  14. Brizdaz says:

    My wife watches Medium which is based on a real psychic named Allison DuBois and while I don't doubt her ability,the few shows I have seen confirms my above statement.Hollywood/the TV industry only seem interested in ratings and money and the truth is a very distant third (especially if your major sponsors don't want to hear the truth).
    I liked the movie"The Dead Zone",but I haven't watched the TV series.
    The X-files,on the other hand is what my above comment was mainly aimed at…get one cup of truth and then get a cup of disinfo and then stir them together in a large TV series and serve.That seems to be the recipe here.The Romans had a similar recipe called panem et circenses or
    "Bread and Circus(Games)".
    When it comes to UFO shows on the mainstream networks,just remember who owns those networks and who the major sponsors of those networks are;

    …and who the major military contractors are and you'll see the truth is going to have a very hard time getting through those channels.
    Why do you think so many great journalists can't get heard on mainstream media anymore?…because they think truth is a much more nobler concept than profit.

    Just one example,watch the movie "The Insider",starring Russell Crowe,about a real life figure that was trying expose the Tobacco Industries lies on 60 Minutes and see what happened there.
    So much for the Truth.

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We'll have more on TV series and movies related to psychic abilities, UFOs, and the afterlife tomorrow.

    Meanwhile, is your cell phone haunted? Take a look.

    (Thanks, Jane C.! Now every time I put my ear to the phone, I'll wonder if there's a ghostie coming my way.

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'm not a psychic or medium, but I liked Dead Zone, starring Anthony Michael Hall as a psychometrist, for about three seasons, and The Medium, staring Patricia Arquette, for the first couple of seasons.

    Most TV series run out of wind after a couple of seasons, and become repetitious or just plain stupid.

    Can we include X-Files? We watched every episode of every season.

  17. Brizdaz says:

    To be honest,I can't recall ever seeing a TV series about psychic phenomena that was really worth watching.
    It's like if you were a cop.I'm sure most police shows on the tube would be nothing but a laugh to the majority of the force and I would say the same goes with psychics on TV series about psychic phenomena.
    Sure you might find a grain of truth here and there,but the rest is just BS.
    I've never heard of "The Fringe",but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to,either.
    I'm not a cop or a psychic (…that I know of anyway…at least I know that I'm not a cop.-)
    but I would like to hear from any cop or psychic who can recommend a TV series worth watching…make that psychic shows only,as I'm not into cop shows,anyway…no matter how realistic there are.

  18. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Musing, love that wv: Holy Cow!

  19. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, gee, is this the mystery missile the same thing i sent referring to it as contrails? hope i didn't flub it all up 😉

  20. Anonymous says:

    Musing…the mystery missile article and video popped up on my Comcast news a little while ago. I forwarded it to Trish and Rob. No one is claiming knowing anything about it or who fired it. All military officials deny doing it. Kinda weird. There are really some strange things happening in our skies. cj

  21. Nancy says:

    Musingegret – Thanks for the link – how weird!

  22. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Okay, the link is working now.

    Mike, The Fringe is just starting in Great Britain. That's why you haven't heard of it.

  23. musingegret says:

    Off Topic: Anybody else following the story of the "Mystery Missile?"

    wv: holoque (!)

  24. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Think I must be getting out of touch as I'm not familiar with The Fringe! (The 'article' link isn't working.)

  25. Nancy says:

    I liked the first season better than this one.

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