The Medium and the Message and Paradigm Shifts

 The visual medium primes our collective consciousness in a unique way. Through TV and movies, we can vicariously experience anything screenwriters can imagine. Love, sex, birth, death, UFO abductions, the end of the world: moviemakers and TV shows dish it out and we gobble it up. But on a deeper level, these shows and movies help to make us more receptive to new beliefs.

Many of the blogs I visit and many of the people who comment on this blog sense that a shift is coming. It’s not a 2012 end-of-the-world scenario so much as it is a paradigm shift, where these new beliefs reach a tipping point and spill over into mass consciousness. Many things can bring about this shift in beliefs: wars, racial or religious oppression, natural disasters, external events so tragic and dramatic that we simply can’t ignore what’s going on.
Right now, our world is so polarized that people seem to be really looking for answers, insights, definition. The visual medium of TV and movies may be pushing us toward a tipping point in belief systems.
Think back for a moment on the TV show 24. Did the African-American president in Jack Bower’s world set the stage for the election of the first African-American president in the U.S.? Are shows like The X-Files, The 4400, V, The Event, V,  preparing us for contact and/or disclosure? What about movies like The Sixth Sense, Dead Again, Siesta, and Hereafter?  Do they urge us to think more deeply about life after death, spirit contact, and reincarnation? Do they open our minds to new possibilities? Over time, a tipping point is reached on certain ideas and they are more readily accepted into the mainstream.
Books also serve this function. A book you read thirty years ago might have pushed your life in a new direction. A book your mother read you when you were three might be with you even now. Books, I think, tend to work on us over larger tracks of time, whereas visual mediums are more immediate.  
Then there’s the Internet: lightning quick connections to people on the other side of the world, to information that newspapers and TV news simply don’t have the space and time to cover. In many ways, the Internet really is Indra’s net. The ancient Hindu mystics said everything in the universe was inextricably interconnected, and they used Indra’s net to illustrate the concept. “If the net is multi-dimensional, the points where the strings of the net connect would be like intersecting points from which one could access the whole net. One tug pulls the whole net, one tug connects you to the whole net. Basically, that is how synchronicity works,” writes Shawn Randall, Synchronicity in Your Life.
Perhaps more than books and movies and TV, the Internet is what will ultimately bring about a paradigm shift. We can now stream our TV shows, movies, download our ebooks. With You Tube, we can see a video that someone in China took of a UFO or follow someone’s trek through the Himalayas.  In blogging, we congregate with like-minded individuals and share our experiences and ideas. You never know how a post you write or a comment you make may alter someone’s beliefs. In a sense, the Internet enables us to combine visual and printed mediums at the speed of light.

We do, indeed, live in interesting times!
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18 Responses to The Medium and the Message and Paradigm Shifts

  1. terripatrick says:

    I fell like the paradigm has already made a big shift and we are now in the early stages of finding a new balance, that may take a decade or three. Or maybe until Pluto becomes more solidly anchored in Capricorn.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Great comments and insights! Thanks, all. I was on the other side of the state the last 2 days, visiting our daughter. No time to post. Now I'm reading through all these.

  3. Brizdaz says:

    You could probably re-tittle your above comment "The Medium and the Message".-)

    WV=revarey (reverie)?

  4. Natalie says:

    Just popped in to tell you that while i was commenting here this morning, a voice in my ear told me that Esperanza was ready for me to pick up from the library. I ordered it two weeks ago and they said it would be at least a month wait, so I haven't bothered checking my P.O box for the notification slip. I also realised that I had not changed my email address for them to notify me that way.
    I thanked the 'Spook' and left for work. On the way, I stopped by the Post office and checked my box. What was in there? The notification slip for Esperanza that had arrived only hours before. 🙂

    When I got to work, I unpacked my stuff, and drew a card for the day: It was synchronicity. Gotta love it. 😀

    wv =nodstir
    Nodes Stir?

  5. MarZel says:

    You chose a very wonderful, fresh and powerful image to accompany your words. I think you are correct and it is good to communicate this to others so those who are going through this do not feel so alone. Thanks.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Natalie, I am right beside you with the mediumship and spirituality. My husband's entire large famiy consists of Bible-Belt fundamental eveangelical Baptists. I have no choice but to censor and montitor every word that comes out of my mouth in my efforts, even after all these decades, to not offend any of them. Are they concerned with offending me? No. But that's OK. I hold my spirituality and my work in the field sacred, and simply don't discuss it with them. It doesn't get easier, though, except that my husband completely accepts and supports every aspect of my work, my abilities, and my gifts. He just doesn't participate. All three of our sons are on OUR page….our spiritual page….all three of them are highly gifted psychics and mediums and two were fortunate to be guided by Destiny to soulmate wives who are also on this page. The other one, bless his heart, is married to a brainwashed Italian Catholic who thinks all of us are satanists! In any event, as time goes on perhaps enlightenment will spread through the media and the internet, and paradigms will shift. Meanwhile, we keep on keeping on with the Work! cj

  7. Natalie says:

    Great post, Trish. Absolutely true in all respects.

    It's funny I was just thinking about V the other day and how it impacted me so much back then. I was pregnant at the time and kept having dreams about giving birth to lizards. (maybe I did!!!!) 😀
    It is wonderful to see the media evolving over time, think AVATAR. It is exciting and I do believe we are headed for a tipping point.

    Mike ~ Sometimes new things are scary for people and maybe that is why they have a long face?

    Connie ~ Thank you for the kind words. It is an absolute joy for me to participate on-line and to 'meet' so many like minded others. So often in my physical world, I am still the recipient of fear and loathing in regard to my 'spiritual stuff'. It is slowly changing, thanks to television Mediums, but still my physical peeps don't have a'spiritual' understanding as opposed to a 'religious' understanding.
    All great innovators throughout history were ridiculed at one time or another, right? ♥

  8. Von says:

    You'll note the plethora of adoption movies and TV programs in America these days 'normalising' and shifting attitudes in the population.The adoption industry is enormously lucrative and profitable for some.
    Hopefully some paradigm shifts will be more profitable in terms of human good and health of the planet.

  9. maggie's garden says:

    I finally got to see Inception last night….I know what you mean. And I agree with some of the comments from your last post on Fringe…it isn't the same this season. Gosh I was out for a few days and see you've had some great post topics. The orbs on the NASA craft are amazing. I have to catch up….

  10. Nancy says:

    Beautifully said. I remember when my spiritual search began, the media, books, etc., that was available back in the 1970's and 1980's was so limited – there is just no comparison! The movies, the books, the internet, has created an explosion of new ideas and thinking. The 'hundredth monkey syndrome' is alive and well. We are now careening at lightening fast speeds taking in information that is everywhere.

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    absolutely on point with this post and dialogue – and it seems to me that the making of such films, books, etc, is becoming more and more frequent, making it all more mainstream, reaching more and more people who want/demand more and more – the ripple becoming a wave, as vicki d says – but especially facilitating is the internet, indra's net – where we virtually visit those other worlds other peoples –

  12. Vicki D. says:

    I remember watching the movie Contact and just knowing it was the beginning of reaching people because the theater was packed!

    Also, now being psychic doesn't scare people, as much. I am often asked if I'm more like The Medium or The Ghost Whisperer ( I don't watch either ) I usually say I'm more like John Edwards.
    I just find it fascinating how these shows have changed peoples views.

    A ripple becomes a wave.

    wv-worsmo … worm hole?

  13. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Definitely exciting times and the Internet plus future technology are all part of this. Information can go viral so very quickly.

    Also books (and movies, tv shows), which are often criticised, such as The Celestine Prophecy and Dan Brown's big sellers play a part. They are reaching many who would not otherwise think about such subjects. The books etc. may, perhaps, not be necessarily accurate but they generate a seed that expands within the readers' minds to want to explore more for themselves.

    Exciting times ahead – but why still so many long faces …

  14. Cole says:

    No doubt about it, media has a huge role in opening the eyes and minds of individuals both positively and negatively. I have always found it very interesting to observe the trend in movie themes. I often wonder if the topics being translated in film especially those of a "spiritual" sense are going to push larger groups of people to explore and question their norm.

    I still think these films only speak to those who are ready to look deeper at the mysteries around us, ( I am not suggesting that all these movies should be taken as literal phenomena, but it's the suggestiveness that, as you say, creates the tipping of consciousness) some will still see these movies as you mentioned like Hereafter, or the Matrix and think, well that was entertaining and then never think about anything more.

    It makes me think though as to who is behind all the scripts and creation of these stories; like minded, creative, open writers, and the actors. When they take on the roles, surely they are aware of the messages, so are they then advocating the idea of a shift as well, by participating in the films?

    It is an exciting time, I hope marked by if anything an acceptance and lack of fear that whether or not these things exist: afterlife, reincarnation, spirits, life beyond our world and universe, extra sensory abilities, we can begin to feel comfortable in saying that these things may exist and become more open to hearing the stories or experiences of those who question and are interested in this realm.

    At the very least, I hope no matter what faith you follow I hope it becomes widely accepted that there are simply things around us that occur that we do not understand, just yet. And acknowledging these thoughts creates more of an open, accepting, spiritual, and intelligent generation.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Interesting times indeed!
    Books, movies, tv, the internet have all provided me with a greater understanding of what's happening to me and apparently a whole heck of a lot of other people. If it were not for all these medium's I would not be sitting here this morning typing on this blog. Synchronicity has led me to finding like-minded individuals and take confort in knowing that all that is happening to me is happening to others. Society as you mentioned earlier has taken a bigger interest in the unusual, the paranormal from Medium, Ghost Whisperer, Ghost Hunter's, Psychic Kid's etc to the movies which you've already mentioned. The subject matter is not taboo anymore. People are waking up and embracing what's happening and it's really exciting. With the quick access we have at our finger tips we can explore and investigate with others all the possibilities that exist. I just can't wait for that epic film to come out! Talk about a blockbuster! Synchronicity it moves in mysterious way's!

  16. Brizdaz says:

    I think you are certainly right about paradigm shifts occurring because of popular TV shows or movies having an effect on big populations of people at certain times in their lives.
    Just look back to the 70's Kung Fu movies of Bruce Lee and Co and the TV show "Kung Fu" (also Bruce Lee's brainchild.Alas he never got the lead role he envisioned for himself).It opened up to the west a lot of ideas that people took on board such as Acupuncture,Tai Chi,Buddhism,Martial Arts,etc,that may have taken a lot longer to filter through to mainstream population if it had not been for popular shows like those.
    Erich von Däniken and his "Chariots of the Gods" books and movies and Uri Geller's spoon bending antics made a lot of people think and talk about these subjects.
    Monty Pythons movies such as "The Life of Brian" and "The Meaning of Life" made people think about the absurdities of organized religions and life in general.
    I remember reading Lobsang Rampa's
    books on Tibetan Buddhism,such as "The Third Eye" and being totally fascinated on the subject of reincarnation and even though he turned out to be a total fraud,his books inspired me to look into more books on reincarnation and other such subjects.
    I'm sure your readers can think of many others such as "Star Wars" and "The Matrix" etc,who's ideas made a profound impact on the lives of many on this planet for good or ill.

  17. Anonymous says:

    This insightful post reminds me of one of my all-time favorite movies.
    "84 CHARING CROSS ROAD" (1996) starring Anthony Hopkins and Anne Bancroft. Hopkins' character is the owner of a bookstore in England; Bancroft is a journalist in America. Both are lovers of very old books. Their relationship begins when she orders a book from his shop, and the entire movie is a progression of their unique relationship as it develops over several decades. They never meet each other in person, but they grow to cherish each other intensely as close friends through their on-going communications, via snailmail across the ocean. Theirs is not a romantic love. It's nonetheless genuine and touching and very rare. Over the years they learn to know each other intimately, each others' families, etc., and their lives are changed by their friendship. Many people would be bored to tears by this movie. I loved it so much I purchased it and watch it once in a while. Anyone who is a collector and devotee of old books would love this movie and understand its message, and possibly it opens the eyes to how close people can become even when they never physically meet. It's simply, for me, a magnificent example of how we touch each others' lives around the world, yet never shake hands. Daz and Natalie are examples of this here on the blog. Neither lives in the U.S., yet we've all grown to know them well and enjoy them. That pretty much extends to all here, and is pretty amazing. cj

  18. DJan says:

    Oh, I totally agree, Trish. I think we are creating something new under the sun with the blogosphere, and the importance it holds in the lives of so many of us. Although I don't know you personally, I know you virtually in a very real way.

    And about something coming, yes of course. I hope it will be for the greater good, although it might not look like that when we see it. Thank you for this thoughtful post.

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