More Spirit Contact through Cluster Synchros

Galaxy clusters: NASA


After our interview on Dreamland, we received an email from Lisa, who experienced a number of cluster synchronicities involving license plates, names, and numbers. This intriguing story involves great odds.


A few years ago, I dated a fella – John – who had a couple of young children at the time. While I was in the relationship with him, he lost his youngest child, Rhys, to a nasty form of cancer, God bless him.

In the same year that Rhys passed over, I went with John’s dad and his daughter to visit my cousin at the hospital. She had just given birth to a little lad she named Reece. As we left the hospital, we got  on a bus to travel home. There weren’t many cars on the road, but I see this car registration (license plate)  that read: RH19YS. Rhys was born on 19 April and there was his name, with the 19 in the middle!

This happened  four times in  the years after his death, always in the same format: RH19YS.

On one of John’s birthdays, I came out of work, got into my car in this huge parking garage and right in front of my car was a vehicle with the RH19YS on its registration plate.

Next, I was in the little town where Rhys lived and is buried. I drove to a garage to fuel up and since all the pumps were taken, I had to pick a queue. Anyway, I picked my lane and was behind a green car – green was Rhys’s favorite color- and guess what was on the reg? RH19YS! Now, the odds for this happening must be quite high, right?

Thanks for taking the time to read and letting me share my story. I’m not sure of the meaning of this synchronicity cluster, but it felt like Rhys was perhaps trying to get through to me to tell his dad he was okay. I’m an open person and do believe we go on, but John didn’t believe.


We hope John believes now. We’re pretty sure that YOU believe.




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13 Responses to More Spirit Contact through Cluster Synchros

  1. Darren: In the UK each car or car’s number is unique. I notice in the post it’s mentioned that on one occasion the car was green, as if the same number is on various vehicles.

  2. gypsy says:

    neat story – i always love the numbers stories – ya’lls zen665-666 license plate story reminds me of that day i was headed toward the beaches and those sequential tags came up, with the last one being on a big older black cadillac –

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    Maybe the ZEN666 you saw later in the same state belonged to the same people, and they had a new car? I know you know in the U.S., two tags in the same state can’t have the same ID on them….so am thinking the folks got a differenct vehicle, probably? In any case, there are certainly powerful synchronicities involved here.
    Like my clocks….I’m still stunned.

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    Interesting story.Like Mike, I assume the license # was on the same vehicle and she kept seeing that same vehicle? because if it was in the same state, there couldn’t be more than one vehicle with that same tag #. Maybe she travels? Or, maybe that vehicle has always been “around” her rea, etc, but she never had reason to notice it until her frien’d child died. Numbers do follow us throughout our lives, no doubt about that.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I had a similar experience occur to me with the license plate ZEN 666, a story included in The 7 Secrets. First, we saw ZEN 665, and said wouldn’t it be interesting if we saw ZEN 666, which we did within minutes while still driving on I-95 to Miami. Then, years later, I again saw ZEN 666, but it was on a different vehicle in the same state.

  5. Momwithwings says:

    Absolutely she was getting a message!!!!

  6. DJan says:

    I always enjoy these stories. Just letting you know that I’m still reading, if not always commenting. I so enjoy your comments on my blog, Trish, I wanted you to know I’m still here.

  7. Didn’t quite understand if RH19YS was on the same vehicle each time, though I presume it had to be – or maybe not in US? But an interesting cluster otherwise.

    • Darren B says:

      Yeah,that’s what I’m intrigued about also.Whether it is the same car or not?
      In Australia,our plates are issued in the state,or territory that you live in.
      So technically I could see a car with the plate “DAZ 023” on it on
      (not owned by me,by the way) on 8 different cars.
      But only one “DAZ 023”, on a Queensland (my home state) plate could be issued to a single car.
      So,if it was a Queensland plate,there could only be one car I would see with this plate,unless like Connie said,the owners of the plate bought a new car and transferred the plates to the new car…or someone stole the plates and put them on a hot car to use in a hold-up.
      But it would be interesting to know if Lisa was seeing the same state license plate,or different state plates with the same number?

      • Rob and Trish says:

        I honestly don’t know. Maybe she’ll let us know.

        • When I lived in Europe, I noticed that each country has its own license plate and they don’t issue regional plates, so there’s no way that the same number would appear on different license plates within the same country. However, since license plates in Europe are a lot longer than they are in North America and Australia, I’m thinking that the writer left off the other letters / numbers and focused only on the “RH19YS” portion of the plates that were seen.

          It is an amazing coincidence / synchro for sure. It would also be more amazing if each of the plates seen were from different countries.

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