Quebec Encounter, part 6: ‘A Week in the Life of….’

We begin part 6 in the Quebec encounter series with a synchronicity. Charles cries a lot about his experience, over and over. For days following the event, he is inconsolable. The experience metaphorically has cracked open his head and broken his heart. The world is no longer what he knew it to be.

What made him so fearful is not necessarily the cones of light in the field, but the object, the ‘tube,’ or machine, as he calls it, which appeared like a UFO on its side. It hovered with circulating O-rings along the rim. It did so near his weeping willow tree. There it is. A tree related to crying. In English and French--saule pleureur –it’s the same meaning.

(The willow above is a majestic example, but not not the one from Charles backyard.)

What follows is a diary, one week in Charles’ life in the aftermath of the encounter. Remember the early morning incident took place on March 28. Over the week covered, beginning three days later, his  life has become dominated by that event. The week begins with a visit to his parents and ends with a surprising encounter with a pharmacist.

Thursday March 31, 2011

As soon as I’m home from work, I have a strong feeling that I should delete all the photos of the tombstones I’d taken at the graveyard. I’m seriously concerned that those photos could be linked to all the strangeness that had occurred. I feel a presence in my house. I want to be sure that everything that might attract them is cleaned away, that nothing in my possession will link me to these unseen beings. I cannot stand the fact that these things exist – whatever they were.

That evening, I visit my parents and right away, I start crying and ask them to listen carefully to what I have to say. Later, my mother declares that she thought I was going to announce that I had cancer. She also says my eyes are not the same as usual, but rather dull and that my pupils are very large and dark. They stayed like this for about two weeks.

I am relieved that my parents believe me, and they’ve helped me ever since. We discuss the matter every time we meet. They always ask for details.

Saturday April 2, 2011

I want to find out what happened during the missing time. So today, I have an appointment with a hypnotherapist.  Helene refuses to come with me. She is too afraid. She doesn’t want to know.

I tell the therapist that I am not consulting her to forget my experience. Even though it’s difficult for me to live with this new reality, I tell her that I want to relive everything that I missed when I blacked out.

Unfortunately, the session does not go well. She fails to hypnotize me. She tries to take me back to the wrong day and time, plus I am disturbed by noises inside and outside her office. At least, I am able to close my eyes and get some rest for awhile. I feel more secure. I have someone guarding me while my eyes are closed.

Monday April 4, 2011

I am home early from work. It’s raining and I wonder if Henri, the medium, will show up for our appointment. The phone rings. It’s the neighbor, Erica. She says her cousin, Henri, called to cancel the visit because of the rain. However, she says if I want, I can give him a call. After dinner, I decide to do so.

The first thing he says is that he wants to meet on Friday, April 8. Then he launches into more talk about his Beings of Lights. He tells me they were constantly sending him messages of love, and also messages about future disasters. Finally, he starts talking about what happened in my backyard, and still he insists they were angels of love.

That’s it, too much for me. I get mad and ask him, “YOU, Henri! Have you ever seen what I saw?” He says no.

I tell him that if they are as good as he says they are, can he explain to me why Helene and I  both have so much pain or pressure in our heads, and why we  have a lack of energy? If they are really angels of love, they would have done no harm.

Wednesday April 6, 2011

I feel the need to get out of the house. After dinner, I decide to visit a friend in the nearby city. However, before I arrive, I stop at at a drug store. I still have the prescription the colon surgeon recommended I take before the test. I decide to get it filled.

While I am waiting for the prescription to be filled, I look for some nonprescription medicine to help my wife and I relieve our headaches and help us sleep. We both still feel a constant pressure in our head and cannot sleep more than two consecutive hours.

An employee comes over and asks if I need help. I tell her that I am looking for a nonprescription medicine to help me sleep. She replies that I should talk to the pharmacist when he finishes with my prescription. She goes to tell him.

A few minutes later, the pharmacist approaches and asks me how he can help. I tell him. “Is this for you?” he asks.

“For both of us, my wife and I.”

“Have you thought about marriage counseling?” he asks.

“No, no all is well between us. We don’t need counseling.”

To my surprise, he says, “You  could use counseling.”

My eyes started to get wet and I tell him, “No, we can’t because we know we are not crazy. Counseling will not help.”

He looks carefully around and moves closer. He whispers: “Tell me, where did it happen? Inside or outside the house?”

I don’t respond. What is he talking about? Does he know? How could he?

He repeats the question.

This time I say, “Outside.”

He looks right into my eyes and whispers: “You know, the UFO phenomenon is real and many people are aware of their existence.”

He takes out a piece of paper from his pocket and writes someone’s first name and a phone number. “Call this person either tonight or tomorrow. Tell him that André said that you should call him. He will help you.”

Then he picks a bottle of Melatonin off the shelf and says, “This will help you and your wife get some sleep.”

I leave the drugstore with my prescription and the Melatonin, plus that piece of paper. I’m speechless, and I’m no longer in the mood to visit my friend. I get in my car. I’m so exhausted. I start crying. I start the car and drive home.


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13 Responses to Quebec Encounter, part 6: ‘A Week in the Life of….’

  1. occultisi13 says:

    Omg you people on here have so much to share and thank the stars for this blogg.
    I looked up scarey owl and UFO as my toddler keeps saying before I put her to bed. Scary owl??? I have seen a movie called the forth kind and this is where I found out about the owls and ETs being linked. Its a strange thing for a toddler to say as there are no owls in Dunstable bedfordshire in the uk that I have ever seen. My daughter is a miracle she did not have a heart beat or breath for 6 mins after she was born. If the scary owls is something extra terrestrial, I believe they are interested in her because she is so special. She touched death and came back. I have had so many strange experiences in my little life, whether it’s sightings of ufo or spirit lights or something other, not of our world. I believe you all and wish you all peace of mind and the feeling of being safe.

  2. Natalie says:

    Who, What, Why, Where and How? I wonder when our species will get answers? Further, will we cope with the answers? It’s a mind blower for sure.

  3. gypsy says:

    more than a little disconcerting to hear the ongoing sorrow fear and confusion being suffered by charles and helene and even spot here – especially, i am sure, for those of us who have experienced similar encounters/incidents – and how intriguing now the pharmacist’s coming into this saga! and the cemetery connection – so much to consider simultaneously with just the enormity of the experience itself – overwhelming –

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    “All the world’s a stage, and we each must play a part…..” It never ceases to astonish me that when these encounters occur they are so often, at least in my experiences, followed by my meeting others who KNOW….strangers, poeple I’ve never met or seen….as if some gigantic hand is orchestrating the entire scenario and bringing it all together again and again and yet again. Yes. Therein lies the big secret, and the biggest question: Who Is The Director?

  5. Momwithwings says:

    Who is the stranger? An ET? That would truly frighten me.!
    D you are so right, you cannot unknow what you know. What a burden for all of you to share.
    I also agree that when you see or experience something that you KNOW really happened yet others question, it is frustrating and tiring.

    I can’t wait for the next installment, each one that I read feels to me like it is nudging something in me.

  6. D Page says:

    I am sad for Charles and Helene. Experiencers can’t unknow what they know. Once your worldview has been changed by such a shock, there is no undoing it. The fact that there are no answers (yet) for these experiences makes it even harder.

    As for the pharmacist: the “stranger who knows” is not unusual in these encounters.
    Sometimes, the whole experience and high strangeness afterwards feels orchestrated. It seems like theater, but some of us aren’t in on our parts in it.
    Who is the producer?

  7. mathaddict2233 says:

    With Mike and all the MU group, I too am following this closely. I find yet another synchronicity in the fact that Charles relates the cemetery (Death) with the Visitors. Something we’ve discussed here on the blog from time to time, and most recently….the possible connection between the AfterLife and the Alien encounters as Strieber talks about this connection. And the pharmacist? Out of nowhere? How weird is THAT! Regarding the messages from the psychics…my sense is that they are probably “New Age” folks who have never had the experience of an encounter, and that they think of all alien experiences as encounters with angelic or highly evolved entities and/or beings. Pardon my grammar, but it ain’t so!!!! And believe me, we CAN tell the difference! Certainly Charles and Helene have had their worldview and belief constructs severely and disastrously, suddenly challenged, and such an experience in and of itself is sufficient to create disabling anxieties and fears and instabilities….not insanity, just unexpected need to adjust one’s mindset to different and frightening channels, as it were. Such an encounter requires intense changes in one’s thought processes, and it can be grueling when we have virtually no understanding of any of it. As J, Debra, and I all completely know, having the encounters throughout life still does not bring understanding or comprehension on our overt levels of consciousness. There are too many unanswered questions. Add to this the PHYSICAL pains and incidents that accompany interactions with these “things”, and it becomes more life-altering than most of us can easily tolerate. I just must tell Charles and Helene yet again, that they are not alone in this. We may not have the answers, but we do have the shared experiences, and eventually it can be gradually integrated into some form of acceptance.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Math, what is baffling to me is that the ones who seem so ruthless and uncaring still apparently take certain precautions. They blank out horrific memories, why? To protect you? Why? They also put you back to bed. Why? If they are treating us like cattle, why don’t they dump abductee naked on the side of the road a thousand miles from home? Maybe it happen, but I’ve never heard that. I’m not taking the abductors side, just trying to figure out what their motivations are related to how they treat their temporary captives.

  8. I’m sure we are all hooked on this story as we try to fit together the pieces and sympathise with the emotions. If the pharmacist ‘knows’ how many other people do? Once we scratch the surface who knows what we’ll discover hidden underneath.

  9. Mike Clelland says:

    I am following this story with great awareness of the deeply human emotions that Charles is sharing. Thank you.

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