Owl Medicine

Jane Clifford offered us this owl synchro. It’s short and to the point. We’ve also added another short one from the field of play, so to speak.

“Yesterday I bought a beautifully carved wooden owl that makes a perfect owl call when you blow into it. As you know, I use Owl in healing often to reveal hidden truths. Today, in my living room I tried it out three times. I then put it aside & began to lay a fire. Pulling out a very old newspaper (not mine I don’t buy them), I discovered three magnificent photos of an OWL!

“So I said,  “Oh you heard me then!” Short of one flying into my living room in broad daylight, I think this counts as a direct response!”
I’ll say. Three toots on the owl and three owl photos appear. The universe alwasy responds. You want an owl? How about this? Its the cosmic filing system. The universe finds the closest thing available that resembles what you want.

We don’t do many sports synchros–(much to the chagrin of Simple Simon.) But here’s one related to football. The Dallas Cowboys were off to a horrific season, starting out with a 1-6 record…and they were supposed to be one of the good teams in the NFL this year. Finally, after the sixth loss, they fired the coach and started making changes in personnel.

So along come the next game with the New York Giants in the Meadowlands – the Giants home field. It’s the third quarter and the Cowboys are actually ahead when suddenly a large bank of stadium lights go dark. The field is dimly lit, but the teams keep playing. Dallas has the ball in the darkest part of the field when the announcer says that matter-of-factly ‘The Cowboys are running the ball toward the light’ — as if the whole team was having a ‘near-death experience.’

A short time later, the lights came back on, and Dallas went on to win. So they returned from the brink.

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19 Responses to Owl Medicine

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i always always love owl stories and this one is perfect!!!

    oh, and just fyi, i have the nature theme on my computer – guess what the "sound" is when i'm doing something the computer wants me to double-check – yes, the owl!!!

  2. Linda Starr says:

    I don't know what type of owl, I could only hear them and not see them, it was before the sun rose in the morning. But the call came from up in a tall tree. Of course at night they would be high looking out for food to swoop down on, who knows during the day?

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Linda – were they burrowing owls??

  4. Linda Starr says:

    I'm intrigued about the owl carving whistle, where can I get one?

    I love owls, early this morning on my way to the farmer's market I heard an owl hooting, their call is a strange one for me having just moved to Florida, it sounds a bit like a dog barking.

  5. Brizdaz says:

    We've got a team called the
    "North Queensland Cowboys" in our National Rugby League (what we call Football in Australia…along with Aussie Rules Football [Go Lions!])
    and they were supposed to do well also,but they ended up buried at the foot of the table,below my beloved Cronulla-Sutherland Sharks,who were supposed to take the honours out according to the "experts".

    Stop by the Cowboys website


    and leave a message of commiserations,if you get the urge.-)

    WV=dicyt (yeah alright,I'm being a bit of a dicyt,sorry.-)

  6. Natalie says:

    I loved the penguins! That was totally cool. 🙂

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    That pic of the owl..he looks so wise, and so um…alien.

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The patterns do seem to be key!

  9. Gemel says:

    That was lovely, the wisdom of the owl reaches far……

  10. "sailor song" says:

    O coo little recogn……,, don't even know the meaning of chagrin could Ony guess,,,, remember back in the fall of 77 was offered a job working around the Meadowlands,, that was shortly after the last movement of america's king,, and just to stay in line with "Dean K." yes boodachs where hanging around the hometown at that time,,, goes far beyond sports,, they just jumped into the pitcher lately, no bull R+T but thanks for noticing,,,,

  11. lakeviewer says:

    The trick is to be looking for patterns, and we will find them.

  12. Stephen Tremp says:

    I like your near death experience describing the Cowboys. They have what appears to be a gimme against my Detroit Lions. And thanks for stopping by Karen Gowan's blog and saying hi. Great to meet you!

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nancy, about the cosmic filing system…it's an integral part of MU – the mystical underground. We even have our own CIA, except it stands for Cosmic Intelligence Agency.

  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Mike, think of it this way, soccer-style football is nearly continuous, real-time action. American football includes play-calling, lining up, action. Four plays to make 10 yards or turn over the ball.

    Also, three time outs per team for each half of play, but endless timeouts for television commercials for NFL games.

  15. Nancy says:

    Ummm that would be "Jane to find her friend from childhood!

  16. Nancy says:

    I think it was funny that an announcer would make that call. The universe is definitely in overdrive. The owl made me laugh, and you are so right about the cosmic filing system.

    I would say it was a lucky thing for Jane to find her friend my childhood! I think they are going to have a great time in February.

  17. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Liked the owl synchro – but just don't understand what you call football! 🙂 Have a good weekend.

  18. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Definitely a synchro! The penguins were your ticket to synchronicity land. Love that what you won was the cost of the ticket. Very cool.

  19. whalechaser says:

    I've been looking for these Synchros of your and haven't found any until the other day. Maybe I wasn't paying close enough attention…
    Anyway, after many years of searching I found my friend from grade school. She was as excited as I that we found each other again after some FIFTY years! Anyway, we are physically so far away from each other< I suggested we meet in Florida in February. She agreed and I purchased a ticket for her. We communicated on facebook for weeks..then I said well, I need your real email so I can send you the confirmation. She gave it and it included penguins. Just days after that, I was at a nearby casino and hardly staying even. thinking I should leave, I wandered closer to the doors when I thought I would play this one last machine. I put five dollars in and played the 40 cent maximum pull. The machine gave me $18.00; then these penguins came out in a rowboat and upped the winnings to $28.00; then they came out again and upped it to something around $ 100.00. I was very excited by now! But there was another trip out by the penguins and I ended up winning $208.00. all for my $0.40 play. The winnings were almost the cost of the ticket I bought for my friend.
    Wow! I think this qualifies as a synchro, yes?

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