Another FATEd Synchro

You might recall that the last time we wrote about the fate of FATE Magazine it concerned a synchronicity experienced by Saucer Smear editor Jim Moseley. (We don’t make this stuff up!) In that instance, Jim was writing the obituary of the long-running magazine on the larger mysteries of life and had just finished it when the phone rang and it was the editor of Fate Magazine telling him that the magazine was alive and coming back. Jim had called Phyllis Galde two or three days earlier and when she didn’t call back, he figured it was all over. As soon as he got off the phone, he returned to work on his new issue of SMEAR and added a FLASH! right where he’d left off. Well timed.

So here’s the new twist. Again working on a new the issue of SMEAR, Jim decided to give FATE Magazine a free ad after receiving a copy of  the revived FATE in the mail. He didn’t tell the editor or anyone else about it, and he’d never done such a thing before for FATE or any magazine. So a day or two after making up the ad, he received another call from Phyllis Galde, who proceeded to let Jim know that she was willing to advertise SMEAR on the FATE website free of charge.

In other words, it was a free exchange, only the two parties didn’t connect until after the exchange had been set up, more or less. In essence, it was a precognitive synchronicity or, to borrow from UFO terminology, a close encounter of the synchro kind.

Jim was so impressed he sent us a post card (as always labeled CONFIDENTIAL!) and exclaimed: “You have me hooked on this synchronicity sh*t!”

Way to go, Jim.

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18 Responses to Another FATEd Synchro

  1. Brizdaz says:

    It's been 6 days since I ordered my Nov-Dec e-mail edition of the above magazine at 3.95 US $ and still I'm awaiting my FATE,so I've had to send them an e-mail to see what's going on,as I thought an e-issue would be sent via computer to be read almost straight away.
    I was after the NOW experience just like in my first comment above and now my FATE hangs in the balance,also.-)

    WV= crawli (at a crawl ?)

  2. Brizdaz says:

    This little post has proved fateful for FATE Magazine,as I have just ordered the latest Nov-Dec e-mail edition and a six-month hard copy subscription of the magazine.

  3. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Daz – many thanks.

  4. Brizdaz says:

    Another important doco to watch is "What in the World are They Spraying?"

    Official Trailer;!

    …or you can watch it here;

    An important film to see if you care about the planet.

  5. Brizdaz says:

    Sorry to hear about your Brother-in-law's passing.Please pass on my condolences to your wife.
    I meant to include this in my last comment,but was running late for work and forgot and I have been kicking myself all day about it at work.

    Have you seen "Something Unknown Is Doing We Don't Know What",yet?
    If not put it on your list.

  6. Nancy says:

    Daz – I've been buying and watching dvds lately, too.

    Great synchro. Now I'm interested in this magazine.

  7. Brizdaz says:

    Well,as I was telling Ann on the post about her story,
    my Grandmother's maiden name is Jocumsen
    and I've always thought it was a Norwegian take on the name Jacobson,since the Jocumsen's are from Jewish backgrounds and Leonard could quite easily pass as one of my relatives on my Grandmother's side,plus he is an Australian after all.

    Fate or synchronicity ?

  8. Natalie says:

    Funny how a plan comes together. Just goes to prove beyond doubt that it is all about intention. 🙂

  9. d page says:

    I love these kinds of synchros!

  10. terripatrick says:

    "You have me hooked on this synchronicity sh*t!"

    Yep! 😀

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Mike – that is incredibly weird and worthy of a post all by itself. Out of all the names in the universe?

  12. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    I remember the original story. Just great when this sort of thing happens.

    Strange seeing the name Jacobson on the Fate cover as that was the name of my wife's brother (who has just died) – and I came here immediately after seeing you had left a comment on my blog about this.

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Tolle's book is terrific. I thought we bought a lot of books! Wow, 60 on a shelf.

  14. Brizdaz says:

    I have Tolle's book "The Power of Now" on my bookshelf with about 60 other books that I have bought recently,but haven't got around to reading it,because I've got too many things to do…now.-)

    More irony / Daz

  15. Brizdaz says:

    Taking about UFOs there's a TV interview from 2003 with a man I have corresponded with on a number of occasions and read most of his books,which I would recommend to anyone who is after a good read.
    Plus his website is quite good,too,but some readers here might find it a little too creepy.
    Anyway,scroll down until you come to the first YouTube video on his website called "Interveiwing ET" (his name is Ellis Taylor,hence ET)
    and click on the arrow.

    While you're there,search his site for "Chemtrails".The ones over Brisbane are the pictures that I sent him,which I took with my camera,of planes flying over my house spewing crap that stayed in the sky for hours.

    WV= outfu (out to F you)?

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Funny, Daz, having to wait 2 weeks to learn to live in the now! Have you read Tolle?

  17. Brizdaz says:

    The last DVD I bought from the US was a Leonard Jacobson title called "The Presence Experience" about being in the "now ".
    So,I bought a DVD off an Australian living in the States and then had it shipped back to Australia because I couldn't find the title here.I had to wait two weeks before I could learn to live in the now.How ironic.
    But,now I see he is on the cover of Fate magazine for the December issue ("The Presents Experience" might make a good subtitle for the interview,maybe ?).

    Now,that's Fate!
    Wouldn't you say?

    But all joking aside,I found the DVD quite enlightening,at least for now,anyway.-)

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