Those crazy numbers

We like that T-shirt, but in the following story it’s 2s and 7s that keep cropping up on a particular day for one of our readers. This story comes from Wilbur, who is reading The 7 Secrets and experiencing synchros between the lines, so to speak.


Still reading the book 7 Secrets, but couldn’t hold this in any longer:

March 22nd. Temperature 77 degrees. What a day. 22 and 7 are my current “clustering” numbers. And the combination of the two 722227, 272. Both hold significant meaning for me. But my, oh my, did they show up this day.

A colleague at work called to advise me that an email had just been sent out from our new president. 7 top executives from our division had just been fired, including the friend who got me the job opportunity 2 years ago. We share birth signs. Both of us have 11 (possibly another cluster number, although not as frequent) & 2 in our birth dates. So 7 good people fired on the 22nd. That was the first thing.

I had ordered a baritone guitar back on March 3 from a music store in Europe. It had not arrived on the 16th as they had informed me it might, so I contacted them on the 19th and they said “if it doesn’t arrive by the 22nd, you can file a claim.” The guitar showed up on the 22nd, just as I was on the phone with a friend. We were discussing the firing of our mutual friend. He then started to advise me of a new opening in his organization.

Now look at this: my customer number at the guitar store? 4422xxx bar code on the carton 6422972. Sender number on the commercial invoice 132261052 (I observed this at 3:22PM)

The phone number for the store (last 5 digits) 92230. I took the guitar out of the box and looked up baritone tuning on the internet. I noticed a posting with the date 3/22 right away and thought, “OK here’s a fresh post for baritone tuning.”

Then I noticed the year – 2011. I clicked on it! (11!). It took me to! My guitar is a 6 string, not a 7 string. Wasn’t aware there was a 7 string. I knew an 8 string baritone exists. There was a pop-up ad on the site right smack in the middle of the page for a recording arts school. I had just stumbled across this site on Monday as I was doing a search on home recording studios. This school is in my town. I never knew it. It’s always been a dream to get into the recording industry.

I entered a writing contest recently. A free shirt was part of the  deal. Order#400002248 arrived on the 22nd. From the zip code 37212.

So I was curious by now, “what is on page 22 of the 7 Secrets book—the paperback edition?” Nothing – there is nothing but a blank page where 22 should reside. Not even a page number. It jumps from 21-23. I interpreted that as my life is a blank sheet, open for anything, just waiting for me to manifest it.

I went to happy hour that evening at a local wine bar. On the way there I was hitting the ‘next’ button on my radio to advance songs on my iPod – Only the Wine came on and I thought, “well that’s certainly appropriate.” Then I looked at the display – it was selection number 22 of 184 songs in that folder. I had the iPod set to shuffle songs, so it was a totally random selection.

More to come, I’m sure of it.



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17 Responses to Those crazy numbers

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    Sansego, I bought the movie CONTACT from They probably still have it available. Have you tried them? I have several favorite parts, one of which is when Ellie’s dad appears in the form she recognizes and tells her “this is how it’s been done for billions of years, Baby steps….baby steps….” And then at the end when she tells the children what a waste of space it would be if we are the only entities occupying it! I also love the scene where it’s revealed that her recorder ran for all that time and they “hid” it not only from the public from from her. But she KNEW. She KNEW. And surely her life was never the same. Numbers…….Every language on the planet has a linguistic conversion chart to corresponding numbers. The most frequent method of giving me messages from Spirit in mediumship is through the use of numbers, and I am left to put the puzzle together. It’s pretty phenomenal.

  2. Darren B says:

    Speaking of 11:11,I found this website where not only can you buy an 11:11 t-shirt
    ,but their whole philosophy,or reason for the company name (11:11) is based on 11:11 showing up repeatedly on clocks.
    From their website;

    ” Our Mission:
    Here at 11:11 we know that true positive change will never come from the government and/or those who risk losing their position of power. We also know that the real change in this world can, should (and will) ultimately begin with each and every one of us.
    If you get this, then it is your personal duty to express this understanding to whoever crosses your path.
    Our unique and eco-friendly t-shirts are just one way of doing so.

    Why 11:11:
    For me, the number 11:11 has been showing up my entire life. For as long as I can remember, not only have my eyes been magically drawn to this number on clocks, etc, but the moment I became aware of that 11:11, I always somehow felt it wasn’t happening by chance. As if ultimately there was some higher meaning or purpose.
    Back then I simply grew to think of it as my own little private joke that no one else would ever understand.
    Little did I know the days of Google and the Internet were just around the corner, and i would soon discover, to my fascinated astonishment, that thousands of people, all over the world, have been experiencing and exploring the same exact thing.
    So what does 11:11 mean? Well, I heard and read lots of theories: a sign of synchronicity, of spirit, a cosmic gate, a call to action, and many more. Overall, a sort of ‘Wake Up Call’ for humanity.
    (Learn more about the number 11:11 here .)
    Wanna know more about us? Read our recent Interview with Spreadshirt:

    They sell some great t-shirt designs
    ,books on the 11:11 phenomena
    and even have a blog
    you can even buy an 11:11 tote bag if you like

    I have not bought anything from the site and don’t personally know the people running the site,so can not personally vouch as to how good their products and services are,but it does look promising…in other words purchase at your own risk,because I only found them in a Google search…I know next to nothing about them.


    • Rob and Trish says:

      Wow, Daz, thanks for the links! I’m definitely going to buy one of these shirts! I’ll let you know how the service etc is.

      • Darren B says:

        I’m going to risk getting a few shirts,too,Since she seems to be a fellow 11:11’er and what she says rings true to my own experiences with the number.
        I also like what Shira says when asked what her favourite t-shirt is,that she sells at ’11:11′.

        ” If I had to choose, then I would say our “11:11″ logo shirt. There’s just something magical about that number. Whenever we wear it, it somehow becomes the topic of conversation. Random people on the street can approach us and ask what it means, or share with us that this number is very special to them, and they tend to ask us where they can get one. It’s also one of our best-sellers. ”

        I also like this question they asked her at the end of the interview
        ” Which question have you always wanted to be asked and what is the answer?
        Question: What time is it?
        Answer: 11:11! “

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    I want one of the shirts, too! I can’t tell you how many folks comment to me about the 11 11! It’s a universal archetype. I watched CONTACT over the weekend on TV, even tho I own the movie, and I loved it when she responded to one of the debunking scientists that “Numbers and music are the only universal languages”. Love it!

    • I LOVE “Contact”!!! In fact, my favourite scene in the film is when she testifies at the end and James Woods character was being a jerk to her about why she won’t admit to being a victim of a hoax. Her response is amazing and is the best description of what faith really is. I saw this film as a metaphor for a Near Death Experience. The overall theme seems to be the universal need to know that we aren’t alone in the entire universe.

      I need to get this film on DVD. Its hard to find, though I wish they’d come out with a special edition with more features.

      Another thing I wanted to say…I attended a Body Mind Spirit Expo a few weekends ago and one lady’s lecture I attended, she said that she had a Near Death Experience and when she saw the tunnel, she got curious to see what it was made of and was shocked to see a lot of mathematical formulas. She said that the “tunnel” was made of math formulas!

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    I feel it’s essential, once again, to emphasize that in and of themselves, numbers are meaningless. They are inanimate and abstract. It is when they REPRESENT frequencies and energies, and therefore persons and life experiences, etc., that they become animate and concrete, no longer meaningless or abstract. If we are inclined to study the recurring numbers and the natal astrological profiles in our individual journeys, we are able to discern the opportunities and experiences that are inherent in our souls’ choices for a given incarnation, always subject to free will, some of which is practiced prior to coming in. Our karmic issues are evident in our numbers and in our astro configurations….and so, too, are the resolutions to life’s dramas. But we usually must really work for those resolutions!!! They tend to hide from us! 🙂

  5. The numbers of our lives – interesting how they crop up over and over.

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    Once again, undeniable proof that our lives are lived within a mathematical matrix! I was thinking about my Mom and Dad this week, (as I often do), and their relative numbers. Both of them transitioned too soon: Dad at 42, and Mom at 63, each from cancer. The number that connected them to each other throughout their lives together was 21, or 3. Dad and Mom were each 21 years old when they got married. The date they married was 5-15-1936. This is 30, or 3. They got married in Adel, Georgia. Adel is 13/4. Georgia is 44/8. 13+44 = 57, or 12/3. They had been married for 21 years when Dad died. Mom died 21 years later. (It interests me that the fact they were married for 21 years and she lived 21 more years adds to 42, his age at his death.) Both of them died on a Sunday. The word Sunday resonates to the frequency of the number 21. Their burial sites are located at Westview Cemetery, and on the map of that enormous cemetery, the small Masonic area, Acacia Lawn, is designated as Section 21. Dad is buried in plot #1. Mom is buried in plot #2. Our home that they built in Alabama carried the house number 1911 Biltmore Avenue. 19+1+1=21. Dad died at 9:50pm, but Mom? She died at 2:10pm. Her hospital room number was 210. When Dad got sick, we had lived in Arcadia, CA, for 21 months. We had to go to Chicago for his cobalt treatments. Our hotel suite number in Chicago? 480. 12/3. We were in Chicago for exactly three weeks, or 21 days, before going to Atlanta. Dad’s first name, “Harry”, resonates to 7. Mom’s first name, “Aline”, resonates to 5. 7+5=12. It just goes on and on and on and on.I understand that this is almost impossible to accept and believe. It is for ME, and I’m right in the middle of it. But I have indisputable documentation for all of it and have gone over it repeatedly with a fine tooth comb and with more and more awe. We cannot escape our connectedness with specific numerical frequencies. They are the glue that holds our lives intact, and the guides that intertwine our relationships. Uncanny, yes? I love this post, guys. But of course!!!!

  7. gypsy says:

    always love love love the number synchros – great series of them here!

  8. DJan says:

    I am still seeing 11 everywhere. And if I glance at my watch, it’s likely to be 11:11 or 1:11. I smile at each one, and now I think of you and smile again.

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