Quebec Encounter, part 7: Seeking holy water…

In part 7 of the Quebec encounter, an eerie, melancholy pervades. An invisible presence stalks Charles. He feels that his house has been infested with something evil, that it must be cleansed. He’s literally living in The Castle of Otranto.  Has something attached onto him from his trip to the cemetery (part 1), is it something leftover from the encounter with the cones of light…or could it possibly be a combination of the two?


When I arrive home, I call the number the pharmacist gave me. No one answers and I don’t leave a message. I start feeling  frightened all over again. How could the pharmacist have found out? What did he see, what does he know? And who is this man he wants me to talk to?

But it’s not just that matter. I sense a presence beside me. I cannot explain it, but it is there following me. I’m more receptive now. I hear weird sounds and see dark shadows. I am haunted in my own home.

I am very scared. My mind and my reason cannot deny it. Something is nearby, with me.

I sleep in the basement. I feel more secure because I keep some lights turned on. I cannot sleep upstairs. Helene sleeps with all the light turned off.

The next day, April 7, I go to work as usual. I still have that huge pressure in my head. I lack energy. All that is happening to us is draining me. All I am doing is thinking and thinking. I must be dreaming. This cannot be possible. What have I done? Did I allow something bad to come into my life? Again, I am thinking seriously about suicide. What disturbs me though is that I keep wondering what or who would be waiting for me on the other side.

At 9:50 a.m. I decide to call the man named Jules, the one the pharmacist recommended. I close the door of my office and punch the number. This time he answers. I greet him and say: “André gave me your phone number and said that you will help me.”

I feel emotional and don’t where to begin with my story. But before I say anything, he tells me to take a deep breath. “I know what you saw—UFOs. You have to be aware that you are not the first and you won’t be the last. It happens every day. I won’t let you down, but you are in shock.”

I told him briefly what happened, and told him about the medium, Henri. He said, “Are you a believer? Have you got faith?

“Now I do. No doubt.”

“Faith is your only weapon. You know what you must do. Clean up the house and tell them that they are not welcome. They have to leave.”

“What about the medium?”

“Mediums are very sensitive people. He is really in communication with those beings of light, and he is probably not a dangerous person. But considering your condition, you should stop talking to him.”

With that, Jules said he had to end the call. “I am a microbiologist working in Montreal. That is all the time I have for you this morning, but I will give you a call this evening.”

Five minutes later, I call the priest in my hometown. I did not identify myself. I ask him if I could stop by later for some holy water.

He laughs a bit, then says: “If you want holy water, all that you have to do is to come to mass next Sunday.” Then he hung up.

I am mad at him.

After work, I go home and tell Helene about Jules and about what he suggested we do, and also what he said about Henri.

The phone rings. My wife answers. I hear her say: “Well, why don’t you ask him? Here he is.”

She hands me the phone and whispers: “Erica, the neighbor.”

Erica sounds very nervous. “Henri just called me a few minutes ago. He wants to know if tomorrow is still good for you for his visit.”

“Erica, tell him to stay away, that I do not want to see him. Tell him that I think he opened up the wrong door. He thinks that he is connected with the good ones, but they are lying to him. So they  must be the bad ones.”

She asks why I don’t call him myself and I tell her that I want no further contact.

“I know what you mean,” she replies. “It is kind of strange. I don’t like getting his phone calls and having to call you. But he also wanted me to tell you that he has something very important to tell you concerning your family.” After a moment, she adds: “I just hope that you are not mad at us. You are good neighbors. What have you seen exactly?”

“I saw something that I wish did not exist.”

Later in the evening, Jules calls me. I am very exhausted. I tell him about my phone call with the priest and the holy water.

He says: “You do not need holy water to clean up the house. Your faith is good enough to kick them out. You are strong enough. Go to every corner of your land and mark your property. Place a shield in your mind on all your property.”

I ask him how much André the pharmacist had told him before I called. He replies that André did not tell him anything. “He is my brother-in-law and very open minded because of personal experience. He is aware of their existence.”

We talked for half an hour and afterwards I felt better knowing that a pharmacist and a microbiologist don’t think I am crazy.

However, by Sunday, I am feeling that my faith is not strong enough to get rid of this presence in the house that I feel wherever I go. I am so afraid of mirrors now. I feel like another dimension is in there. I feel like something is going to come out.

I decide to go to church, but not in my hometown. I drive to a nearby city. I’ve brought along an empty plastic bottle, which I’ve hidden in my jacket. After mass, I ask an old woman who helped with the ceremony if I could have some holy water. She was very kind and when I took my bottle out of my jacket, she said, “You may take as much as you want. This is free and you may come anytime you want more.”

Back at home, Helene is lying on the couch with a cold water towel on her forehead. She complains of a headache and the constant pressure that I also feel. I immediately go to the basement and pour a bit of holy water in my hand, touch my forehead with it, and drink a bit.

Spot is nearby so I pour more in my hand and let the dog lick it. I pour more in my hand and touched his head. Then I bless every room by throwing drops of the holy water and saying: “Get out of here. Leave us alone. You are not welcome here. We want to live in peace…in peace with Jesus Christ, our only lord.”

I go upstairs and did the same thing in every room. Then I pour holy water in Helene’s hand and tell her to rub her forehead. She drinks a bit as well.

I go outside to every corner of our land and even to the sheds, kicking the bad ones out of our property, blessing and making a protective shield against them.

Later that same day, my wife and I start feeling better. The headaches and pressure on our heads ease off.



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14 Responses to Quebec Encounter, part 7: Seeking holy water…

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    I think that’s one of the criteria for determining whether an encounter is real or hoaxed: is the expierencer seeking fame ot attention, or is the experiencer left feeling helpless and brutalized and insane and totally alone, and afraid to tell anyone yet feels so compelled to share it with SOMEONE….hoping against hope to get logical, reasonable answers or explanations and not debunking and abuse. It was years and years before I felt secure enough to talk to anyone about it, although my sister and two of my three sons are also abductees and my oldest son had the black-chaser-car horror. When it happens to only one person in a family, the aloneness is petrifying. But when there are more, and also when there is undeniable physical evidence proving that something inexplicable has indeed occurred, then we may become less fearful to talk. After the AFB experience and its accompanied lost time and the threats, I didn’t speak of these matters for several years. I hid, and I would feel extreme terror whenever I would see an American military person in fatigues. I wouldn’t even look at any books on the subject during those years. Because I didn’t remember, and still don’t, the entirety of the threat made against my family. Ultimately I contacted Budd Hopkins and received a very empathetic and interested response directly from him, but he has passed away and we were never able to have the conversation he requested after he got my lengthy letter. That conversation wasn’t supposed to happen, obviously. I encourage Charles and Helene to discreetly attempt to locate kindred souls who have shared such encounters. It’s pretty much the only way to remain mentally and emotionally stable in the face of these inhuman attacks. And they ARE attacks, no matter what certain psychics may choose to label them. And as Debra so eloquently expressed, we can (perhaps) deter them by screaming at them with conviction to leave us alone!!

  2. Rob MACGREGOR says:

    The continuing story is stupifying. It’s difficult for skeptics to attack, because Charles is obviously not interested in publicity and hates every second of what happened. He’s looking for answers, pleading for help. He’s just thankful that the encounter was also experienced by his wife. Otherwise, he says he probably would have killed himself by now, thinking he was insane.

    In one e-mail, he noted the difference from his experience and someone who observes a UFO in the sky. “It was so close that we were not really observers, we were part of the spectacle.”

  3. Natalie says:

    Still here, still somewhat speechless.

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    Similar situation for me, Debra, after I screamed at the Gray in my face. However, the encounters didn’t cease and, in fact, a VERY humanoid entity insinuated himself into my life and it ultimately became crystal clear to me who and what he was. T and R are familiar with this situation and it’s too complicated to discuss here. But it was ominous, to say the least. Even as we speak, the black helicopters continue to occasionally hover in broad daylight and leave distinct bruise marks and tiny punctures on both my wrists, which others have documented. The marks fade rapidly, but are there. And, neighbors see the helos. The part of the many encounters that has given me peace happened rather recently. One of the obviously extremely highly evolved, loving groups…I don’t know if they are ETs or their origin and won’t venture a guess….told me he would be coming for me. After that, when the three craft would come, another type of craft would suddenly “appear”, a disembodied voice would say, “we’ve come for Connie”, and the bad guys would immediately vanish. None of this is my imagination. That’s what makes it so terrible. People who don’t have the experiences tend to mock and scoff and call me insane. As mentioned in the past, I no longer care what the nay-sayers think or do. I know what has happened to me, and I don’t feel the need to try to prove it to ANYONE. I do feel such empathy for those who are going through it. I assume we must have agreed to it somewhere along the way if free will is truth, but nevertheless, it’s a troublinhg, challenging journey with too many unanswered questions.

  5. D Page says:

    This phenomenon is so tricky. There seems to always be ambiguity. I was never certain if the beings had any strictly physical presence. It’s so hard to know what to do- to feel certain- when your mind & perceptions are being messed with. You have no ground. It’s terrifying.
    For me, the key to banishing them was complete faith in my “right” to say no. I became enraged at them for taking my pets,and harming my house-guests (They abducted 2 separate visitors). I directed that rage 100% at them. I told them that they will NEVER harm or touch another being in my household again. They seemed shocked. That’s when it all stopped. Saying no didn’t work until I became incensed at their lack of caring, or compassion. I was defending others.

    I am still aware they are in the world, being tricksters, messing with humans.

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    Don’t want to dominate the conversation here and will hush in a moment! 🙂 I just keep thinking about the situation with this couple and my mind is popping. The rituals and ceremonies and the tools we use in them help us to FOCUS. Tarot and regular cards, pendulums, crystal gazing, tea leaves, runes, etc etc etc, are all wonderful, tangible “things” that allow our minds to completely concentrate on whatever we are seeking, which allows the superconscious and subconscious minds to surface and reveal truths that are already there but not necessarily within reach. That includes body work such as Yoga and other Buddhist practices and movements and motions, or lack (of motion) thereof. It’s a fact that the human mind is unable to think in more than one direction simulataneously, so the better we are able to focus on a single, specific need or answer or purpose, the more powerful the thoughts…thoughts themselves being “things” that are matter resonating at various frequencies. I agree with Jen yet carry her idea a bit further. Objects have power because we endow them with power. But objects themselves, with or without us, also have power, or frequencies, or energies, that may be latent within them until and unless we use them. Psychometry is a good example. A finger ring worn by an individual always absorbs the energies of the person wearing it, and a sensitive who holds or touches that ring is able to perceive so very many things about the person due to the transfer of energy. So yes, objects have power with which we endow them, but they also have power themselves….in my humble opinion!! Defintiely not disagreeing, by the way!

  7. mathaddict2233 says:

    I do want to add something. I use music a great deal in my spiritual work, as well as various natural crystals whose elements are suitable for the purpose. I also use “smudging” when clearing a space, which is a shaman ritual. But what I would like to add for Charles and Helene is this: They are obviously Catholic. Catholicism is as ceremonial and as ritualistic as is Wicca. For this reason, may I suggest something that could alter the energies that are impacting them? If they own a CD player or even a tape player, they might consider getting a lovely rendition of The Ave Maria and one of The Lord’s Prayer, not just with the music but with the words, and play those holy songs in their house. Such music emits some of the highest frequencies available to us when we are incarnate, and low and negative entities and energies simply cannot exist simultaneously within those frequencies. Also, and I’m sure the couple prays, may I suggest that before they go to sleep each night, they recite The 23rd Psalm out loud, with conviction, believing every word of that most holy of prose? I am Wiccan, yes, but there are certain frequencies that are universally applicable regardless of a person’s religious or spiritual affiliation and belief construct, and these certainly fall into that category. For myself, I use crystal bowls and drumming and chants, but also use what I’ve just mentioned. Ceremonies and rituals, in and of themselves, have healing powers. It’s just a thought for Charles and Helene, as for me these practices have been most assertive and helpful in permanently dismissing negative entities from my body and from my physical and etheric spaces. Regarding the UFOs, however… experiencer must find his or her own means of adapting to the extreme shift in consciousness that such encounters never fail to bring. They are real. They are Here. Some of the entities bring a sense of safety and security and peace; some of them bring fear and chaos. But either/or, an initial encounter ALWAYS brings that enormous shift in consciousness for which the experiencer is unprepared and with which he or she must endeavor to cope. It is difficult and challenging. We know, and we understand.

  8. Using something like Holy Water reinforces or strengthens belief. Most of us seem to need props to work ‘magic’ for protection or creation.

    Thought the Priests attitude about the request for holy water was poor – he should have at the very least sensed someone who needed help. But such is life (as we now it).

    Hopefully part 8 will have some good news to report.

  9. Jen says:

    Wow. I relate to a lot of what Charles said about being more receptive and hearing things, seeing things…. once you open yourself up (or are forced open, in his case) all kinds of things can make themselves known that couldn’t before.

    I also agree with what Math wrote above about certain objects having certain energies. I have found it helpful to keep quartz and obsidian next to my bed and near the entry of my home. These items have power because I give them power… otherwise they are just pretty rocks.

  10. Momwithwings says:

    please don’t make us wait another week!!

    In regards to Holy Water, I sometimes find that people “need” something tangible to help with their faith. When I tell people to “put up shields” etc. they look confused, but when I suggest holding a rosary and “waving” it slowly as they envision protection it seems to help.
    Is it a placebo effect? I don’t think so. you are taking back control, you stop feeding them fear energy.
    Also, there have been books written on how “feelings” can change water, so Holy Water that has been blessed with positive thoughts of love is very powerful. I always think our first cups of coffee or tea in the morning are so good because we tend to “coo” over them, thus changing the structure with love that we then drink!
    This has been so fascinating , and I believe that it is NO coincidence that this is being shared with all of us here. Please thank them.
    We are an interesting group of souls here! Thank goodness we found each other.

  11. mathaddict2233 says:

    This is a very heavy, complex, complicated series of events. Our individual belief constructs impact us on every level….mind, body, spirit connection. My own experiences certainly have taught me that even though we may not NEED external objects or items as a means of clearing our bodies or our space, using them definitely does assist, and it doesn’t matter if the assistance comes from our BELIEF that they are helping, or whether they are in fact helping. As a practicing Wiccan for all my adult life, I use candles, incense, herbs, oils, all kinds of animate items when performing specific spiritual workings. I use sea salt, iron nails, other things…..however, I want to clarify here that tangible things such as holy water and all the items I use myself as mentioned above DO have energies and DO have properties that can create desired results in particular situations. This, again, is a complicated and complex set of circumstances. I personally think that Helene and Charles should do WHATEVER makes them feel safe and feel less vulnerable. Yes, we each have sufficient power within ourselves to accomplish banishing, but the “tools” for such banishing emit energies and frequencies and I would absolutely suggest their use if this couple is more comfortable when doing so. Further, I have a sense that there are two sets of circumstances here that are probably not related but occurred within the same time frame: the visit to the cemetery, and the encounter with the Others. I doubt that the circumstances are related, but who knows? They could be. And Charles and Helene must follow whatever inner intuition makes them better able to cope with invisible and apparently negative entities that may not be in any manner connected to the also (potentially and most probably) negative ETs or EDs. light or no light in those cones. The Good Guys don’t leave us sick or suicidal. The bad guys can do that. I could comment more, but will stop here. My heart goes out to them…..

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