Quebec Encounter, part 8: Guns, Synchros & Angels

Drawing by Charles of what he saw near his willow tree- a UFO on its side

Part 8 completes Charles’ journal entries that cover the first month of events following the encounter.  He is still battling his fears, but gets some help. He also finds out the results of his colonoscopy,  and is left with more questions.

Monday April 11, 2011

The next morning in my office I start feeling a headache and the pressure again. I close the door. I am furious. I feel they are here, and I tell them to leave us alone. After that, I start feeling better.

Thursday April 14, 2011

I still don’t feel safe at night. I’m afraid the UFOs will come back. After work, I go to a gunsmith and buy a semi-automatic rifle. I feel more secure. Yet, I know it is of no use. If they come back, I cannot stop them.

Saturday April 16, 2011

André the pharmacist calls. He and Jules are coming to visit this afternoon. We talk about the encounter. Jules tells me that a lot of people that he knows have experienced UFO phenomenon,  but many of them refuse to talk openly about it. Like me, they don’t want to be pointed out as idiots by non-believers.

Jules suggests that I don’t look at any strange lights hanging in the sky from now on, and he says we should leave some night lights on inside our house. He adds that if they ever come again, turn on the radio, make noises and call the fire department and cops. The more people who witness their existence the better it will be for everyone. He also says that they can read our minds so tell them to bother someone else. He also says that we were probably abducted. We talk and talk for hours.

At some point during the conversation, I ask André: How did he know that I saw UFOs?

He  says that he had an experience himself, an enormous black helicopter that was soundless hovered above his vehicle. It looked like a helicopter, but it wasn’t one. He added cryptically that his brother in-law, Jules, teaches him many things related to UFOs.

I consider my contact with these two men as synchronicity. I was looking for help and found it through a pharmacist without asking for anything but over-the-counter sleeping pills. They came into my life at the right time. Maybe they were sent by real angels! The good ones!

Tuesday April 26, 2011

The colonoscopy results are negative. The doctor says he checked carefully, because he knows about all that blood a month ago. He’s puzzled, doesn’t know exactly what could have caused it. But he said that I must not worry. All is fine. “See you in five years for your next test,” he says as I leave.

So what caused that spillage of blood and did it have anything to do with the strange experience in the cemetery that preceded the encounter?


Our posts on the Quebec encounter would probably end here, except that in the summer of 2011, Charles had another encounter, this one while driving through a forest at night after attending his first UFO conference. That’s where we’ll pick up the story next time.

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12 Responses to Quebec Encounter, part 8: Guns, Synchros & Angels

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    There are so many ways that these encounters affect the manner in which we live our lives. Certain of these are quite innocuous, yet speak loudly. One example is that when driving alone, I will NOT drive at night down any dark, unlighted roads where there are no homes, even if not doing so means I must drive a few miles more to get to my destination, especially on nights when the sky is clear and bright with stars. This really is nonsensical, considering that my youngest son and I were taken IN OUR VEHICLE off of a busy interstate, I-75 near Macon, GA, and found ourselves standing beside the car on the tarmac close to hangars on Warner Robins AFB. Nonetheless, I am too uncomfortable driving on dark roads and streets without lights and houses, so I don’t do it. This is, as I said, a small shift, yet a significant one. Like Charles, I will not sleep in a completely dark room, nor do any of our adult sons. I have NEVER slept without a nightlight on, since I was old enough to remember. And, I must use “white noise”, such as a gently whirring fan, etc, or I lay wide awake, listening to silence that I don’t like. These preferences seem to be just ordinary idiosyncracies, but they are not, because underneath them is an un-nameable fear. I will admit that the light and white noise don’t always keep them away. But the little noise and the little light make me feel safer. (And Charles, even though I am a pacifist, I have a gun, a .32, of my own, and a permit for it. The gun was a gift to me for a very different reason, the reason being that as a Hospice RN I was frequently called out in the wee hours of the night to make house visits to patients in dangerous areas, and had come under seige by a group of thugs on one of these nocturmal visits….thugs who knew I carried controlled drugs. It ended OK and I wasn’t hurt, but the next day my husband’s business partner, a physician, gave me the .32 and I got the permit. How contradictory is THAT!! A pacifist with a handgun!) It’s small changes such as these, alongside the huge changes, that allow us to know something terrifying has happened to create the fear. One of the finest, most respected researchers in the field of UFO/ET investigations, who had hundreds and hundreds of interviews with abductees and contactees, stated with conviction that he did not find his patients and clients to be mentally unstable in terms of psychiatric issues. He remarked, “These are ordinary people having extraordinary experiences”. Yes.

  2. gypsy says:

    yes – it takes courage and conviction to speak up and speak out on these kinds of experiences and charles/helene are to be commended for doing so – such an intriguing story and one we all look forward to following –

  3. Momwithwings says:

    I have so many thoughts. I still wonder how the pharmacist knew?

    Charles, I don’t blame you at all for wanting to protect yourself. recently after weird dreams with animals grabbing me, being taken somewhere, waking up and feeling exhausted, nosebleeds etc. I, inexplicably, wanted to buy a gun. I was shocked that I even had that thought. I did not buy one yet I keep having the urge to get one. I now wonder if Bad Aliens are trying to “push” our buttons since reading your posts.

    I have had people tell me that I was taken, but until recent dreams and events any memories I had were good. Recently though , I don’t want to leave my home where I feel very safe and protected.

    Charles, thank you so much for sharing .

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    P.S. When I commented that I’ve not admitted the word “abductee” out loud except to a few trusted friends and to researchers, it’s because, as I told both Budd Hopkins and David Jacobs, the very word “abductee” indicates “victim”, and I refuse to consider myself a victim. Also, the derision and debunking and scoffing, etc, that attack us when we come out of the closet, is unpleasant at best and extremely painful at worst….to be thought of as crazy when we KNOW…..we KNOW….the experience is and was real. Your courage in stepping forward helped me. I just wanted you to be aware of that. It’s been a long hard journey on this end.

  5. mathaddict2233 says:

    Charles, your reactions and actions are completely understandable. And yes, you are right. it does seem that apparently no human weapons or such have any effects on them. But, these items DO make us feel more safe. For myself, I’ve learned to look at it more or less like this: They SEEM to be in our dimension. They SEEM to have corporal reality in this third dimension, but they are, instead, in their own dimension and in their own reality which interects and intertwines with ours. But because their reality isn’t ours, our TANGIBLE things have no impact on them. Contrarily, they DO seem to be impacted by our thought processes, and DO seem to be telepathic. Sometimes they will respond when, with powerful conviction, we COMMAND them to go away. They don’t seem to comprehend human emotions such as fear, etc, yet when we take control and order them “away”, often…not always, but often….they will obey and leave. This is just one aspect of a lifetime of dealing with these things, and I’m 70 years old and believe myself generally speaking to be at least partially sane.
    I admit that although I’ve alluded to many “encounters” and to having been “taken” since I was four years old, yesterday on this blog was the very first time in my life that I have actually come out of the closet PUBLICLY and said “I’m an abductee”. I’ve admitted it to close personal friends, and to several researchers, but not publicly. I thank YOU for assisting me to do that. My book closet contains two entire shelves from virtually every author of every text out there on this subject, yet still… resonating answers. Keep on keeping on. I repeat, you and Helene and Spot are NOT alone.

  6. Charles says:


    I am Charles….
    I did not know just what could be handy to protect all of us here…. The UFO had controlled us against our will….the invisible Beings of light taking part of the play… people aware of it all and getting to our lives without credible explanation…. I cried and asked for help….took every possible tools to protect us…

    So for me the gun is like the extinguisher that you have home… it makes you feel safer but you also hope that you will neverv have to use it… but honestly, no guns or rocket launcher could work on them… I took every things possible to protect us… night lights, Holy water, guns…

    • It was far from being a criticism that a gun was purchased. In a similar situation I too would have done anything to try and protect my wife and myself.

      My comment was in fact really off subject. My point being that you were able to buy a semi-automatic rifle. Living in England, where gun laws are very tight, this just isn’t possible. The idea that anyone can go and buy a gun I find very scary.

      I’d like to say ‘thank you’ for making your story known. In the great scheme of things it will help towards the understanding of UFOs for many readers, including myself.

  7. mathaddict2233 says:

    Mike, don’t know where you live, but here in FL gun shows are often held in one or another of the huge conference centers in Jacksonville, and anyone….I mean ANYONE…can purchase a gun there. They exhibit literally thousands of types of guns at these shows. There are also pawn shops and gun shops all over the place where anyone can purchase a gun. Permits are required to carry a gun; there are laws addressing visible and hidden firewarms; but yes, here in our state, pretty much anyone can purchase a gun. It’s pretty scary, when we think about it. It’s REALLY easy for hunters to purchase hunting rifles. That’s even scarier, and it’s become easy to buy assault rifles. Who needs assault rifles except perhaps law enforcement?

  8. The story has had me hooked and looking forward to the next part. I know I should comment about UFOs and so on but the phrase that stayed in my mind after reading the post was “After work, I go to a gunsmith and buy a semi-automatic rifle.” I just found this mind boggling that someone (anyone?) can simply go out and buy a semi-automatic rifle.

  9. mathaddict2233 says:

    This is crazy. Before I woke up this morning, so obviously before I read this post, I had a terrifying nightmare. In the nightmare, two men….one very short, one very very tall…broke into the house and were chasing me, trying to kill me. The really tall one was wearing something that looked like a one-piece, pale green medical scrubs jumpsuit. The odd thing is that my Dad, (who is deceased in reality), was asleep behind a closed bedroom door. I managed to get into that bedroom, knowing there were two guns in there, and I went running in there, locked the door behind me, and shook Dad, trying to wake him up, telling him two men were in the house trying to kill me. He woke up but didn’t get out of bed; he was sick. I ran to the chest of drawers and grabbed the two guns out of it, then ran to an outside door and went outside. It was middle of night, but for some reason the outside was lit up really bright. I heard the two men coming, and crawled underneath the high deck, laying flat on the ground, praying they couldn’t see me. But the light was shining through the slats in the deck and they DID see me, and came running to get me. I was absolutely paralyzed with fear; came awake screaming with my heart thundering a mile a minute, so much I thought I was in AFib but wasn’t. Just hard fast taching from fear.
    When hubby left early this a.m. to take his car to the shop, (in reality) I asked him to please be sure to lock the doors. I was still in bed, told him I’d had a terrible nightmare where two men had come into the house and were trying to kill me. He didn’t laugh at me, and promised to lock the doors. I went back to sleep. Just woke up and turned on computer; found the post…..saw the lighted UFO, the word “gun”, and read about the two men visiting Charles, altho those men were apparently “good”. How weird is this. I can’t shake off my nightmare and my heart is still flipping now and then. But re Charles and encounters, am anxious for next installment. Need to shake this off, somehow. Am feeling “out of alignment”. Doesn’t make sense, but nightmares can leave a person feeling this way. My dream was definitely in sync with this post, before I read it. Odd.

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