Boomerang returns…after long trip

This synchro story appeared on the web site of the St. Paul Pioneer Press. Thanks to Gabe Carlson for alerting us to it.

MARYSVILLE, Wash.—Eleven-year-old Brenden Hale was playing with a boomerang along the Skagit River in Mount Vernon last June when it landed in the water and floated away. He thought it was gone forever, until he went duck hunting with his grandfather last month on family property at Skagit Bay. 

Brenden was taking a break on the beach when he saw a crusty-looking piece of wood that looked familiar. It was a boomerang. It was his boomerang —identified by a notch on the back. The Daily Herald of Everett reported it had floated 10 miles down the river and wound up on a beach at his family’s property. Brenden told his mom, “Boomerangs really do come back!” 

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18 Responses to Boomerang returns…after long trip

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Love you take, Sansego. Karma. yes, that feels right.

    Luna – thanks for the links. Off to check it out.

  2. Luna says:

    You guys are going to love this. 🙂
    I follow and an article entitled "Boomerang-shaped galaxy reveals clues to colossal clusters" appeared on the site a few minutes ago:


  3. Luna says:

    Trish, Rob, thanks for the heads up. I was having some problems with my gadgets. Hopefully it's sorted out now. Seems fine when I go to it. If it happens again, please let me know. Thanks so much 🙂

  4. Sansego says:

    Wow…I've been to Marysville and have a good friend who is from there. I'll have to ask him if he heard about this story.

    I think the Boomerang would make a great visual symbol for karma. I also think it is awesome that the boy found his boomerang months later. He must have "obsessed" about finding it again and the universe delivered it back to him. Perhaps this incident will be the one that sets him on a new path for his future, or change the way he views the world. I hope he never becomes an atheist or dismisser of unexplained phenomenon.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Daz – thanks for the links!

    Luna – went to your blog, but after a few seconds of showing today's post, a color spills across the whole thing, blocking the post.

    Gypsy – of course! The double B. I hadn't even noticed that. Oh duh…still recovering from food fest called thanksgiving.

    Gemel – his wee soul. Love that phrase.

  6. Gemel says:

    Bless his wee soul ♥

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    what a neat double B synchro with brenden and his boomerang! and the message couldn't be clearer! love this one!

  8. Brizdaz says:

    You might even like to go to this psychedelic arts and trance music gathering called "BOOMERANG" New Year’s Eve Festival 2011 in Cape Town,South Africa

    where the blurb is;

    The word ‘Boomerang’ refers to the effect that it has. The festival is intended to simulate life in a more timeless environment, taking you from the current year up into the very fabric of time and space, keeping you there a while longer and then finally submitting you back safely into your world, the familiar world, only this time, it’s a whole new year!

    Cheers and a Happy New Year for you all in 2011 / Daz

  9. Brizdaz says:

    Here's an article called
    "The Boomerang Effect: It's bound to come back and hit you!"
    By Barry Bittman,MD,that's worth a read.

    "Dishonesty is like a boomerang. About the time you think all is well, it hits you in the back of the head."
    was a quote I found on this site

    about synchronicity,Yoga classes ,books,celebrity birthdays (see the Bruce Springteen post and comments below) and
    …coincidence ??!

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Luna – that's a GOOD ONE!

  11. Luna says:

    Ok, two very strange coincidences as I was typing my last comment. I'm currently watching The Last Airbender: Book 2 (Earth), Episode 5. In this episode, one of the main characters, Sokka, has lost his boomerang. Just as I was thinking about this concidence as I was reading your post at the same time, I looked up the name of the episode and it's Avatar Day. Another coincidence as I posted an entry on my blog today and titled it Avatar Day! 🙂

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    There're been a number of instances like this this where personal objects are lost and then return to us somehow.

    Nevine – good luck with the copyright infringement hassle. It's infuriating when it happens.

  13. Luna says:

    Very cool! 🙂 Things that mean a lot to us have a knack for finding their way back to us.

  14. Nevine says:

    Now that's a heartwarming piece of synchronicity! Thank you for sharing it. And I also wanted to thank you for your support. I really appreciate it!


  15. DJan says:

    That's a great story! I also like Mike's interpretation of the Returning Boomerang.

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Weird, yes. But I like Mike's take!!

  17. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Nice one – a message perhaps: What we send out comes back to us.

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