Forgiveness and synchonicity

I was walking our dog Noah around the neighborhood the other day when I turned the corner to find a neighbor heading my way with her little Jack Russell terrier that always barks and snaps at Noah.  I groaned silently because I knew she would stop me and carry on about whatever was on her mind today.

I don’t mind talking to neighbors, but this one is particularly annoying because she bad-mouths people and their children while interjecting comments about God or Jesus, who she says guides her life. Once, I asked her if she thought Jesus channeled God when he was alive and that stumped her, at first. Finally, she replied. “Well, I’m not sure what you mean by channeling, but Jesus is God. Everyone knows that.”

So, here she was again. I couldn’t help smiling because a moment before I’d been studying the sky as a skywriting pilot finished one word and started on a second word. That first word was Jesus. As expected, Gloria stopped and told me she was glad to see me, because she had to tell somebody about ‘our crazy court system.’ She had just been dismissed from jury duty after two days and she was relieved, but also upset. “God did not want me serving on that jury, and I’m glad. I couldn’t believe those other people on the jury. So many of them were willing to act neutral and there was a child involved.”

By this time, she had me hooked. So I asked what it was about. “It was a terrible murder case. This guy shot his wife and six-year-old daughter, then tried to run away. Just terrible. The judge asked me if I could be fair and I told him the truth. Not for something like that. He killed a child. I told him I had five kids and what that man did was unforgivable. They sent me home after I said that. Thank God.”

I nodded.  “But don’t you think he deserved a fair trial?”

“No. What if he got off? They should put him in jail and throw away the key.”

Whew. While she had been talking, I watched the skywriter  finish the second word. I interrupted as she carried on, and pointed skyward. “Can you read it?” She stared up and read the two-word sentence. If she saw any connection between her story and what was written in the sky, she didn’t show it. The skywriting read: JESUS FORGIVES.

Trish loved this story when I told it to her, because she knows this woman all too well. Then she kept asking me when I was going to write it for the blog. I’d hesitated for a number of days, not knowing quite why. But now, as I read over what I wrote, it’s all too obvious. I’m acting just like Gloria: gossiping and talking about Jesus!

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23 Responses to Forgiveness and synchonicity

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good one, Ray. We hadn't thought of that layer.

  2. Ray says:

    There was more than one synchro in your story. The Skywriter and Jesus not wanting her on jury duty for pre judging.


    WV: boredis (Arura Boredis a Harry Potter Fan Fiction story)
    When I first looked I thought it was borealis.

  3. Sansego says:

    Interesting. Loved this synchro!

    Of course fundies don't see the relevance behind synchros…for the same reason that scientific atheists / materialists don't. They are so certain in their chosen ideologies that they refuse to consider other alternatives.

    Whenever I encounter a mysterious event, I think of the phrase I learned from a cool supervisor I once worked for. Whenever he heard about some event he did not exactly believe, he would say: "Might could be." I loved that expression ("might" as in "possibility" not "power").

    I was just reading an article and comments online about why religion is failing to attract people in their 20s and 30s. Many people pointed out the hypocrisy of religionists and some asked why people were this way.

    My theory is that many people have not transcended their egoes or they haven't learned what a trickster the human ego is. Many seek validation for their behaviours in certain religions. Belonging to the right group means that they are better than those who aren't. Their minds are closed to any other ideas. I kind of feel sorry for people like this. They are missing out on the mysteries of life!

    Life is so much better when you are open to synchronicities!

  4. Anonymous says:

    You lost me there, Simple. Regarding the conversation with the neighbor and its amazing synchronicities….there seems to be no way to make true contact with the fundamentalist Christians. It's a shame that they rarely seem to practice what they preach. Eons ago when I was a child in the Baptist church, it always amazed me to sit and listen to the congregation members gossiping about who was wearing what, who was drinking what, who was running around, etc etc etc, while they waited for the Sunday sermon to begin. A lesson it was for a young child, hmmmm, yes…to quote Master Yoda. WV: "realica"

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    interesting your mention of that, lauren, as i've been talking constantly of that very thing for several weeks now – enough so that when i mention it again, i hear "moans" from my adult children –

  6. Lauren says:

    Wonderful story! I think Deity, by whatever name, has a great sense of humor! Phoenix again………how strange.

    I don't mean to be alarmist, but what free associates for me with "Phoenix" is that there is a lot of speculation right now in the scientific community (NASA) about sunspot activity, which is supposed to reach a peak in 2012. Some are worried it could drastically affect the world wide power grid. Here's a video from a new station: (

  7. simple says:

    cj,, your the one with the "FAN" tastic resume,, well "whoot" that other guy,, synchros LK other

  8. Nancy says:

    Great story. Amazing she didn't see the synchronicity between what she was saying and the writing in the sky.

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    You're a synchro magnet, Daz!
    Once again, we are getting dozens of hits today from people searching Google Images for the word Phoenix.

    Please, if you came here via that route, tell us why and what it's about. Thanks. R&T

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    You're a synchro magnet, Daz!
    Once again, we are getting dozens of hits today from people searching Google Images for the word Phoenix.

    Please, if you came here via that route, tell us why and what it's about. Thanks. R&T

  11. terripatrick says:

    Great story and thanks for sharing!

    You aren't bad mouthing the neighbor or others, instead you're showing the simplicity of synchronicity. For this story there are many layers and agendas taking place, in time and with different souls, that suddenly converge for one brilliant and totally obvious point.

  12. Brizdaz says:

    I was watching "Down the Rabbit Hole" a few days ago and was fascinated by the Japanese guy talking about water crystals and the power of intention while you meditate on the water.I started to Google words like intention,water,manifesting,etc and got this page in one of the searches:

    How to Become a Magnificent Manifester.By Amara Rose.
    It talked about synchronicity and Carl Jung,but I was too tied to start reading it,so I bookmarked it to come back to later.
    As "chance" would have it,I started reading it this morning after reading this post about Noah and jury duty last night,and what do you know?
    She starts off with a quote from Rumi;"Start a huge foolish project, like Noah."
    Then talks about receiving a summons for jury duty ???
    Saying she had been imploring the universe, "I want to serve, show me how to serve!"

    Spooky !!!

  13. Natalie says:

    No wonder Trish was excited, I can almost see her now. 🙂 It was a great example of what you are presenting here on the blog.

    We are all like ants, but we have to try to think and act like birds and see the bigger picture. Lucky God loves pains in the butt too. 🙂

    my wv = rewasiti
    re: was it he?

  14. Jen says:

    Haha! I love this one! I never cease to be amazed by those hypocritical religious types.

  15. Anonymous says:

    OK, Whoot….no dissing on the Jags! They've had a pretty fair season so far. Garrard had an off-day yesterday. He seems to run in cycles…great days, awful days! MoJo is our #1 player, though. Historically our Big Cats don't play well in cold weather. We ARE flat-landers at sea level, after all! Next week we play the Titans. Should be a good game and hopefully Garrard will be back in his great space or it'll be a disaster. Don't know how this fits in with the subject of the post, guys, but had to jump in and take up for our Jaguars! WV: "bowar" cj

  16. "whoot" says:

    yeah and God didn't want the Bills recieiver making the catch,, but I knew when they sent the QB (who went to school at the Cats ) off to the Jags.. and broght in the on from Harvard,, thought I saw he was pretty good from right away…

  17. d page says:

    Too bad it didn't register for the neighbor!
    Exquisite timing with this synchro.

  18. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    like cole, i loved this story which, sadly, is far too common in theme – at least, i have found it so – a fabulous synchro nonetheless! and from the heavens, to boot! love it!

  19. Anonymous says:

    P.S. Am sure everyone knows that "Faust" sold his soul to the devil! The WV on the above comments seemed so synchronistic and appropriate to the subject, that once again methinks a trickster hides in the blogspace and makes mischief with us! 🙂 cj

  20. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    I wonder why so many Jesus people don't actually follow what he taught, foregiveness being a good example. Another being 'Judge not that you be judged', or words to that effect.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Great, great story! Our justice system doesn't always get it right, as has been proven by the many cases where someone has been condemned to death, only to discover after the execution, (or somtimes prior to it), that the person was innocent of the crime. Of course we don't condone murder. Contrarily, without meticulous investigation, we can't know if the perpetrator is genuinely insane and needs to be hospitalized with intense medical treatment rather than incarcerated in a prison. That occasionally occurs. That's why we have trials, and juries of peers, to try to determine guilt or innocence and/or contributing factors. In circumstances like this neighbor woman, I always think, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone". Few of us follow those words of admonition and wisdom. On the highest soul levels, I believe that forgiveness becomes a moot point, because we choose our experiences for purposes of learning, and must encounter anathemas as we go along if we are to learn the lessons. Therefore forgiveness is an intrinsic part of each lesson, especially those that are the most difficult. (Including forgiving ourselves) IMO, of course. Goodness, look at this WV: "fouste" cj

  22. Brizdaz says:

    I have to laugh.We have two Jack Russell/Maltese cross dogs (Jack and Spike) and my wife has just been called up for jury duty,but she has sent back the letter asking to be excused,and praying to be let off,because she never ever wants to be on a jury.
    I,on the other hand are praying to be called up for jury duty,because I find it interesting and it is two weeks off a boring day job,with full pay .-)

    WV= prece (Chinese for please??)

  23. Cole says:

    I loved the story, beginning, middle and end! Thanks for sharing, I hope she went home and secretly thought about the skywriting and its timely appearance. But I would bet she didn't.

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