Quebec Encounter, Part 5: Spot’s story

Two days after the encounter Charles is still not feeling well. The depression has spread to Helene, as well. Maybe even more depressed than either of them is their dog Spot. Before the evening is over, they are again subjected to something strange…and it involves Spot.


Wednesday March 30, 2011

Still feeling the same today. The experience is always in my thoughts. I’m always looking down at the floor with that constant pain in my head.

Later, at home, when we sat down for dinner, my wife said she was not feeling well. She felt pressure in her head, plus her eyes were itchy. She said the dog still refused to get off the bed, was not eating and had not even gone outside for two days.

Helene is exhausted and even suggests they should sell the house and have the dog euthanized. She is obviously feeling depressed and the weird experience is the only thing that we have talked about since it happened.

Spot suddenly lets out a yelp of pain from the bedroom. He is there, standing on the bed, his eyes dull and lifeless. He’s afraid to jump off the bed. So I pick him up in my arms. He seems ill, depressed and anxious. I take him outside in the backyard for a bit, then pick him up again and carry him back into the house. I give him some food and fresh water. He eats a little. I feel deeply responsible for his condition. It’s  my fault. I  forced him to go outside that morning.

I decide to take him for a walk. He always enjoys walking on the street. But now he can’t go very far. He stops, lifts his left paw, and starts whimpering. He can’t put pressure any longer on that paw. I pick him up in my arms and take him home. Even though it’s 6:30 p.m., I call the vet and explain my dog isn’t feeling well. I’m told to come right away and I arrive in half an hour.

The vet immediately sees that his eyes do not seem healthy and he continuously whimpers.. She wants to know when he started acting ill and I tell her. “Did something in particular happen that morning?” she asks.

“No, nothing in particular.” I can’t tell the vet the dog has seen UFOs outside our house and might have been abducted by aliens. No way. I turn the conversation to Spot’s left paw. She says it could indicate a problem underneath or alongside the paw. It could even be caused by a problem with the dog’s neck vertebrae. She prescribes a drug, which reduces swelling and inflammation.

Back home, I put the dog gently down in his pet bed in the basement. The phone rings and I answer. It’s Erica, our neighbor.

She says, “Charles, my cousin Henri just called me and asked me to give you a message right away. He said it was important and that you would understand. I hope so, because it’s odd.”

“What is it?”

“He said that his Beings of Light just sent him a message for you. They want you to  check your dog’s left paw carefully. It has something either underneath his left paw or along the side the paw. You should also check the dog’s neck for a very small cut. It’s where they inserted an implant. You might need a flashlight. Look closely. Henri also said you can call him if you want. He’s at home.”

I hang up the phone, throw it on the couch.   Helene asks, “What is it this time?”

I’m angry, nervous. I find the flashlight and sit down on the floor beside Spot and gently pick up his left paw and examine it carefully. I stop almost immediately. I’m shaking,  too afraid to find a cut. How could Henri know exactly at that precise moment about my dog and his left paw?

I call  him. I’m  starting to feel defensive and aggressive towards him. “Who are you? How could you know about my dog?”

“My Beings of Lights told me about your dog and they wanted me to communicate this to you.” He speaks quietly,  and I realize he’s going into trance. I’m frightened and angry. Why is this happening to me? I try not to listen. His words scare me. But I memorize some of them so I can look them up later on Google.

After a couple minutes, he finally asks me a question. “The light that you saw hanging in your backyard…Was it a pure bright white light perfectly round?”

“No, it wasn’t round at all, but rather like a vertical tube, a machine not from this world and it scared me like nothing ever scared me before.”

And then, he repeats what he’d already told me. There are two different types of Beings of Lights. Good and no good and that those who visited us, were associated with the good ones. I then told him that I was thinking seriously about consulting a hypnotist to help me discover the missing part of my experience.

“They didn’t want you to remember some of the details, but if you really want to be hypnotized, I suggest that your wife goes with you.”

Just before saying goodbye, Henri says, “Look at your dog.” I glance at Spot, who is resting in his pet bed. “They are telling me that they (the Beings of Light) are right beside him and comforting him at this precise moment. From now on, he will be resting.”

After the call, I start thinking that this guy could be connected with the wrong ones. I even tell  myself that maybe he opened up the wrong door and he let the bad ones in. I will see him in person, April 4. Maybe then I will know more.


Over the next several weeks, Charles experienced a series of synchroncities related to his neighbors – the ones who introduced him to Henri. It seemed that they  were linked in a way that he didn’t understand, and neither did they. He would notice them in places where it was very unlikely to see them. For example, he would be shopping or in a restaurant 20 miles from home, and he would encounter them.

“It was quite unusual, almost impossible, that I would see them so often. Certainly, they weren’t following me. They were just as surprised to see me. One day I was about 17 miles from home, sitting alone at a coffee shop, and thinking about all that had taken place, trying to understand it and find some solution. I was wondering who could help me.

“As I left the coffee shop, a vehicle arrived and parked next to my car. Even  though there were many other spaces available, guess who it was?   The neighbors. They were as surprised as I was. One of them said: ‘It’s so amazing. We live next to each other and rarely see each other. But isn’t it strange that everywhere we go now, you are there!’”



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25 Responses to Quebec Encounter, Part 5: Spot’s story

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    Yes. My sister can’t fit the experiences into her spiritual construct, yet they impacted her just as they have impacted me. The reluctance to talk about it all comes, for me, from occasions when I’ve discussed the encounters and negative repercusions have happened, as well as the usual sneers and personal attacks from skeptics and debunkers, which can be humiliating. Now, however, I’m tired of always keeping silent and have reached a point where i simply don’t give a hoot who believes me and who doesn’t. I have sufficient undeniable proof of my own that convinces me of the validity of my encounters, and I just don’t care anymore.

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    Sometimes it takes a long time to remember. Sometimes, though, the memories are immediately accessible. When I was four, and when I was seven, it was immediate. Several others, including one mentioned here. There was one where my youngest son and I were inside a circular craft….it was extremely vivid, and that one was an experience I will never be able to comprehend because it involved one of the NASA astronauts. It wasn’t a dream. It was as real as I’m sitting in this chair. The babies have been the worst. The absolute worst. My sister, who is a fundamental evangelical Christian in spite of being Mensa, remembers the Grays coming into our bedroom when we were children. Now, Christians are not supposed to believe in these events, you know? But my sister…..she remembers, and she will occasionally discuss it with me. I’m sure she never, ever says anything about it to her church pastor or even her husband. Only to me. We both remember the “little men” who came into our bedroom.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      >>> I’m sure she never, ever says anything about it to her church pastor or even her husband.

      Just as a mainstream anthropologist would never talk about the idea of ancient aliens influencing past cultures, A no-no, not part of the conversation.

  3. Momwithwings says:

    Thank you for sharing, I know that it is not fun for you to remember but it always helps me.
    I think they speak telepathically to us.
    When you mentioned the nose bleeds….it shook me.About a year ago for a few days I had nose bleeds. It was so strange, and since then my nose really hasn’t been right.
    We thought maybe it was from all of the Advil I was taking from a recent bad Fibro bought but now I wonder.
    recently I overdid on vacation and I am still recovering and it is at 3 weeks. I have needed a lot of pain meds but my nose hasn’t bled once. Also, since our vaca which was great, I have not slept well and the other night felt like I was dropped into bed.
    I keep having nightmares.

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    P.S. When the entity “told” me to look down, I didn’t HEAR it. I don’t know how it commanded me to look down. Maybe sent the thought from its mind to my mind. I don’t know. But it didn’t speak at all. They never did. But somehow it communicated to me to look down at the house, and I did.

    • D Page says:

      Math, my experiences correlate with yours, all of it. I believe you completely, because I have lived through similar.

      • D Page says:

        Sorry I broke up my reply… the nose bleeds (my parents had my nose cauterized when I was 9), the babies, waking up where I shouldn’t be…. them staring at me with those eyes, the sound of the craft. I am not comfortable writing about it, either.

        • Rob and Trish says:

          I can see how writing about/remember these events can be deeply uncomfortable. Thank you D and Math for being so honest and upfront about your experiences.

  5. mathaddict2233 says:

    Momwithwings, when the Gray was in my face, (this is going to sound insane to non-believers), here’s the gist of that encounter: At 3am I suddenly found myself in my nightgown on a street not far from my house. I “felt” the rumble of the approaching crafts. There were always, always three crafts that came, and they made no noise at all, but I could “feel” them coming, altho that makes no sense, and always, one of the three would separate from the other two and I would find myself on board the craft. How I got there, I have no idea. (I do know that there were times when I went thru solid walls, doors, and windows, so am absolutely certain they have the ability to disassemble and reassemble the atoms and molecules of our bodies….I honestly think that’s a reason I’ve developed a particular medical issue I have.) On that night, I was crying and begging them not to take me. (Because once inside, I could feel the craft moving laterally across space while spinning at the same time, and it would make me violently sick.) Begging did no good. During that encounter, inside the craft which at that moment was obviously hovering, I was sitting in a kind of chair, and that Gray was right in my face. It said, “Look down”. I looked down, and the bottom of the craft slid open and a transparent floor was there that I could clearly see thru, to a house beneath the craft. There was infra-red light…..I could see each room in the house, and the people sleeping there; could see the furniture, everything. The Gray kept staring in my eyes, and I blew a fuse and screamed at it. “WHAT? WHAT? THESE PEOPLE ARE SLEEPING! IT’S 3 O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING! WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO SEE?” I remember being so angry. And that Gray thing with its huge black bug eyes just kept staring into mine. The next thing I knew, it was morning, I woke up in my bed, was extremely dizzy, tried to get up, couldn’t stand up, and the right side of my nose was gushing blood. Hubby took me to ER because I feared I’d had a stroke, but had not, and in a little while the symptoms went away. For any skeptics who may read this, it was NOT a nightmare. It was a real event OF SOME NATURE. I don’t sleepwalk. My nightgown had been clean when I went to bed. When I woke up, it was
    not clean anymore. (Grass stains. I’d sat on the grass when I heard the craft approaching, trying to make myself disappear somehow, I think.) Also for skeptics: I’ve suffered no “hidden abuse” from humans either as a child or as an adult, so these encounters are not so-called screen memories that my mind has created to cover abuse from parents, etc. The abuse I suffered has been from unidentified entities. Why was it staring into my eyes? I haven’t a clue. I just know that I no longer feared them. I was furious. Maybe they DO feed off of our emotions. Maybe it was attempting to goad me into some type of emotion it was seeking. What it got from me was pure fury. If it feeds off of that, it succeeded! By the way, speaking of smell, I recall from THEM the most noxious, most inhuman odor that always remained with me for several days after I had been taken to what seemed to be some type of baby nursery, where I was made to hold one of the babies, and the baby was sick. The pitiful thing had the most indescribable odor about it; sour sweet, warm, feverish, horrible. I’ve worked the burn floor in hospitals, and that’s the closest I can come to describing the odor of those children. Simply inhumanly awful and no way to put a word or name to it. I haven’t been taken there in a long while, but I always came back from that “baby place” overwhelmed with sadness and depression for days. They would put one of them in my arms and make me rock it and talk to it, etc. It was just so soul-wrenching. I’ll never, ever forget it. The babies looked like tiny wrinkled-up ancient old folks, and they cried but made no sounds. Just tears. It was horrific. OK. No more.

  6. Momwithwings says:

    Wow, Math and Deb your comments are fascinating.
    I had wondered, Math, when they got up in your face if they had done that on purpose to see anger.
    Deb, the idea that they can smell anger on us is like an animal.

  7. mathaddict2233 says:

    Debra, I also have become very angry at “them” on at least one occasion. It was a transtional time for me in their regard. I went from fear to anger. The Grays, in my experiences, do not seem organic. They seem to be a combination of organic/mechanical whatever. Almost robotic but with some organic texture to them in certain ways. In the encounter during which I got so angry, one of them had its eyes right up against my face, watching for God only knows what, and it made me mad. I mean really, truly furious, and I screamed at it. Didn’t do any good. It just kept staring at me from about three inches from my eyes. Next morning, tho, I was in the ER because I came awake horribly dizzy with a massive nosebleed and partial paralysis for a brief period and was afraid I’d had a stroke. I hadn’t had a stroke, and the effects disappeared. I despise them. Anybody who thinks they’re our “nice space brothers”needs a good NCIS “Gibbs” whack up against the side of the head. The texture of my encounters changed after I left my child-bearing years behind. It’s been one helluva ride….and I would certainly rather not have gone to that carnival. But assuming we have free will, I suppose somewhere along the way I agreed to the interactions. Only my Soul knows why, and it ain’t talkin’.

    • D Page says:

      I agree with you about their mechanical mentality. It seemed hive-like to me.
      I also yelled at them. One said “Humans stink when they are angry”. I guess they don’t like our chemical changes and how we smell when we are angry.
      I also wish I hadn’t taken the ride.

  8. Momwithwings says:

    This story just keeps getting more interesting as each installment is revealed.
    I hate the idea of the dog being hurt, thank you for telling us that he is ok.

    A strange thing, since this story has been unfolding my family and I have been talking about aliens and UFOs. I’ve seen some shadow people on the road more, and we’ve had some strange occurrences in our house.

    Any one else noticing anything like this?

    They are so brave and I appreciate them sharing their experience. It is interesting that Helene is now not feeling well. There is something about this story that has a grip on me.

  9. D Page says:

    This tale is so intriguing, and familiar in many ways.
    In one of my dark experiences, my cat was taken by “those beings” and was sick for 2 days afterwards. He slept for 2 whole days. I couldn’t get him to wake up. He finally did, but it was like he was recovering from surgery. I didn’t find any marks on him. At this point, I was very angry at “them”.
    Even with all the years of experiences, I have no answers. I don’t enjoy the memories.
    Charles and Helene are brave to share their story.

  10. Mike Clelland says:

    Hello Trish & Rob,

    Question: How many more posts are in this series?

    I am absolutely fascinated by this story!

    Mike C

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Mike, there will be a few more entries. I don’t know how many. I’m condensing, but not cutting out any relevant material. More things happen. He will meet a pharmacist who seems to know too much, and later a microbiologist, and a French Canadian ufologist,. He will go to a UFO convention, and then it happens again….More to come.

  11. mathaddict2233 says:

    I totally agree, Rob, that the visitors who visited Charles and Helene are potentially NOT the group that is extremely highly evolved. However, even the Good Guys from Wherever (other dimensions or another star or planet) sometimes have a negative impact on our minds and bodies and emotions because we simply aren’t equipped to handle the energies and our minds and bodies and emotions react accordingly. About the implants, yes. Our dogs have the microchip put in by the vet. About humans having “devices” implanted by ETs/aliens…you know my story in that regard. About the medium Giles….what he is psychically “seeing” may appear to HIM to be columns of light, whereas in reality when they appeared to Charles, they seemed to be cone-like. Sometimes, as you are well aware, psychics can get very close to, for example, a name, but not get it quite on the nose every time. It’s been my personal experience that there are some very evil dudes outside our planet and/or dimension, and that they are definitely HERE interacting among us. (Pervading the earthly politicians, for sure.) Contrarily, while I have absolutely no belief in those New Agers who call them “space brothers”, I also am aware that there are Good Guys here as well, and occasionally they intervene in the actions of the black ones. I don’t refer to these Good Guys as “angelic”; merely as positive and helpful rather than negative and destructive, Having had encounters with both, this is simply the conclusion I’ve drawn. The evil ones can and do scar us for life. The Good Guys help relieve those scars to some degree. IMHO.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Math, maybe the good ones are our ‘creators,’ or manipulators of genetic material to create what became ‘us,’ human beings. But now the bad ones are pushing them aside, taking over, making use of us. A friend recently sent me the first three seasons of Ancient Aliens, and that’s the theme of the series, as I understand it. Haven’t watched it yet.

  12. It’s certainly a weird story. As has been said, seems odd that the dog may have had an implant. If he has, then possibly the humans have had one as well. Interesting too see how it all develops.

  13. mathaddict2233 says:

    OK. What did the Beings of Light mean when they tlod Charles that “from now on, Spot will be resting”??? Did they mean the little dog was going to die? Did they mean he would be fine and have no more problems? What did they mean? I’m not ignoring Charles and Helene, but I’m worried about Spot…..just need to know if he recovered and is normal again, or what? I do know, and have mentioned once or twice on the blog, that a particular group of these entities apparently are powerful healers, although they are terrifying because they aren’t human in appearance, generally speaking. Spot? Is he all right by now? One other thing….in all my voracious reading for the last four decades by virtually every researcher out there in this genre, (UFOs/ETS) including those texts by Hopkins, Mack, Jacobs, et al, although I’ve read that pets seem unusually reactive to the presence of the strangers (including my own dogs) I’ve never once heard an experiencer speak of his or her cat or dog receiving an implant. I’m not saying it isn’t true, only that I’ve not run across this, ever. Doesn’t mean it didn’t or couldn’t happen, but does seem to be an anomaly, different from thousands of other documented cases. Wonder why…….

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Spot is doing well a year later, Charles says. I had the same thoughts about the implant. The irony is that many, if not most pets, now do have implants–of human origin, of course. They’re implanted ID tags, which can never be lost. Why other-worldly beings would want their own implant in Spot is hard to figure. Henri might be wrong about that. Mediums can be remarkably accurate, as in Henri’s call to his cousin about Spot’s paw just as the issue was materializing. But that doesn’t mean everything he says is accurate. I’m with Charles about his take on the unwanted visitors. They don’t seem too angelic, and Charles confronts Henri about that in the next post.

      Butting in myself, I’ve contacted Gilles through e-mail for a first-hand account. He has yet to respond. Charles says it might be a language barrier that’s keeping him from replying. R

  14. gypsy says:

    really curiouser and curiouser…

  15. Natalie says:

    It’s getting weirder and weirder. I really feel for the poor people having to keep sane through it all.

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