What IS this?

We ran across this video on Whitley Strieber’s site.  These images are from cameras at a volcano in Sakurajima, Japan. The squares to watch are the upper left square and the lower right.Anyone have any ideas what this might be? The narrator gives us his opinion.

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20 Responses to What IS this?

  1. Anonymous says:

    Well, in that case (of condensed time lapse) the 'flashes' could also be lesser explosions of lava from various side vents on the volcano, or, from vents that are in places where the camera doesn't 'see'. Interesting phenomenon, whatever any of it is. cj

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Peter also commented on the 'flashes' of light: It would be interesting to see those flashes in real time rather than time lapse. What seems like a flash when five hours are collapsed into eight minutes might not be a flash. It could be a slowly growing light source which reaches a peak and then slowly recedes. Aircraft maybe. Dunno.

  3. Anonymous says:

    The only thing that concerns me about Levenda's possible explanation is….what are the very bright explosions in the right hand corner that come and go?
    Meteor shower wouldn't explain those, nor would lava flow, would it? Weird. Any thoughts? Peculiar WV: "alantenu" Almost spells 'atlantean' cj

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good explanation from Peter. I'm going to have to watch this again!

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    well, i had looked again at the video and was about to leave a comment that i could have sworn that i recognized the big dipper in the video [did anyone else notice it?], only to see the levanda assessment of it all – very intriguing to read his analysis regardless of bottom line –

  6. Anonymous says:

    Interesting analysis, and not without merit, from P. Levanda.
    Thanks! cj

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Here's a response from Peter Levenda regarding this video.
    I looked at this carefully and there are a few clues.

    The lights to the right hand side of the lower right frame — the lights that zoom down from the upper right corner of the frame to the volcano — appear to be meteors. The date these frames were recorded (if we are to believe the time stamp) was in the midst of the Geminid meteor shower which takes place in the second week of December. The fact that they all come from the same direction and move in the same direction would seem to support this idea.

    The other lights in the sky — again, paying close attention to the frame in the lower right — also appear to be moving in a single direction, but opposite to that of the meteors. These may simply be stars, whose motion has been speeded up due to the time-lapsed photography. I am not saying this definitively until I can ascertain the longitude and latitude of the volcano and the direction of the sky in which the camera is pointing. The fact that some of the lights seem to appear and disappear may be due to clouds.

    The time clock running in the frame also needs clarification, because the clip is eight minutes long but the time stamp goes from 1900 hours to 2400 hours which indicates time lapse. In that case, what appears to be fast motion is not, of course. And the lights in the sky seem to have a fixed relationship to each other which would indicate that they are probably constellations.

    I am looking for the simple explanation here, and I may be completely wrong! (I kinda hope I am!)


  8. Vicki D. says:

    Me 4! This is very interesting and came to my attention at a very interesting time.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Me, three! cj

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Haven't found any updates. It bugs me, this one.

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    just dropping by to check for updates/comments again, too – kept thinking about this video all day –

  12. Anonymous says:

    Don't have a comment but just clicked on to read the other comments and when I scrolled down to the blank space, here's the WV that is showing: "widenes"
    WITNESS???? Is that wild or is that wild! cj

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I keep checking back with Strieber's site to see if there's anything new. If there is, we'll post it!

  14. maggie's garden says:

    That's some unbelievable footage…what the heck is going on? I wanna know!! Thanks for posting this. We should all be aware of what's going on and asking…no demanding explanation!

  15. "guess whoot" says:

    time lapse photogo….. the thing be actuallly moving kind of slow,,, as for the sightings in Naples and maybe homestead recently,,,,, lights in the sky maybe well within the realm of available technology,, but what's the diff.. it is all out there,, must likely many different species watching,,,, I would guess much like a zoo in vietman,,, you still gonna get your Europeans ,,, Africanias,, locals,,,, Hawians,, all droppping to watch the animals interact with each other,,, thinking it B a No Brainer,,,, given it all away…

    wv.. brobn

  16. Anonymous says:

    Does anyone know if this video was being filmed at twilight or in the daytime in Japan? And these objects appear very much like the UFOs depicted in Spielberg's CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND, except in this video, we seem to be at war with them. Why in hell are we shooting them out of the sky??? Is it any wonder they, whoever they may be, choose to cloak and hide rather than to allow us to have true disclosure of thir presence? Do they represent a threat to our lives, or do they represent a threat to everything TPTB have taught us to believe and therefore disclosure would reveal the decades of deceptions by the governments and TPTB in their regard?? Amazing. And they ARE appearing in unprecedented numbers around the world, being viewed by undeniably credible people. Just WOW. cj

  17. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    ok – i don't even know what to say! is there anything new from any other sources on this? amazing video!!!

  18. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Don't think I've got any answers but the mind boggles at the possibilities.

  19. ~JarieLyn~ says:

    Wow, that is an intersting video. I have no clue as to what it is, but it sure does allow lots of room for imagination.

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