Charlie, Rumi, and Judgment Reversed

This synchronicity came from Trevor Simpson, an author and spiritual coach. Trevor recently lost a good friend, Charlie, and as with any major passage in our lives, there were some synchros involved.

This week I received the shocking news that my dear friend Charlie Richardson has passed away unexpectedly in Mexico from a heart attack. At first it seemed incomprehensible that vibrant, ever cheerful, good-hearted Charlie could have “shuffled off this mortal coil.” Yet gradually as I conversed with friends and we shared our stories it began to slowly register, Charlie became passive tense rather than present, as reality sank in.

The night before I heard the news I had an experience that in hindsight seemed particularly meaningful. A friend and I were meeting for our weekly meditation; at the close of the evening we draw a Tarot card which usually throws uncanny insight on some pertinent issue; I had purchased a new Tarot based on the poems and teachings of Rumi that I was anxious to test out. She went first and initially expressed some discomfort at working with this new deck. Finally she drew a card; it was No 20, Judgment reversed. As I read the interpretation I could sense that she was not finding it particularly significant. Somewhat disappointed I shuffled the 74 cards and drew…. the same card. What were the odds of that?

I put it down to new shiny cards and discarded the experience as meaningless, dismissing her suggestion to read it again. The next day after hearing the news of Charlie’s death, I felt drawn to look at the cards again. The poem on the front of the card by Rumi read, “By love, the dead are made living.” Spooky – I think Charlie made one last appearance! A couple of days later I reflected on this synchronicity and decided that one of the ways I could show this kind of love was by reflecting on positive memories of Charlie. In this way he would indeed be brought alive.

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8 Responses to Charlie, Rumi, and Judgment Reversed

  1. Brownie says:

    I'm sorry for the sudden loss of your dear friend Charlie. Sudden deaths are never easy to cope with.

    And yet what a wonderful message about love being beyond the bonds of death, which you received through the Tarot.

    ~ Susan

  2. terripatrick says:

    “By love, the dead are made living.”

    Wonderful sentiment as we have just lost a friend, an aunt, and another aunt is waiting in the wings, on this stage called life, for her final curtain call. It's really appropriate we pause to applaud when those we know take their final bow.

  3. "whot" says:

    sounds like somebody besides S.
    S. is doing some drinking, course he thinks he's got an excuse………..

  4. Natalie says:

    Yeah, me too! I love these ones.

    Also loving Santa Clausene, Gypsy! When I first read it, I thought you wrote big Gypsy Ass!Ho,Ho,Ho.
    Send her over here for a visit, when you are done with her. I would like some books.

  5. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    A lovely post – it's so good to read such stories and confirmation that the 'dead' are still with us.

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    what a beautiful story – i think my late late late wish list to "santaclausene" [i can't do the great white father figure thing so i do business with the female giver of goodies, santaclausene!] HAS to include tarot cards and i-ching! now, if she can just get her big gypsy horse here in time!!! 🙂

    wonderful post! i always love reading these stories of spirit contact!

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I've used the I Ching off and on for years, too. Sometimes, though, I still find the ching confusing!

  8. DJan says:

    I have never used Tarot cards but they have often seemed prescient in the experience of other close friends. For years I used the I Ching to chart my course through life, and often the same kind of synchronicity would surface. It does make me wonder about our concept of time being linear.

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