The Mysterious Connection with Christy Luna

In 7 Secrets of Synchronicity, we wrote about an empath and friend, Renie Wiley, who sometimes worked with police on various cases, using her empathic abilities to provide information that the police couldn’t obtain any other way.  One night in later 1984, we accompanied Renie to a police station to observe her working on a missing child case, which we also wrote about in the book. But there were parts of the story that we didn’t include in the book because the section was on empaths and synchros and not on spirit contact. So here’s the full story:
On May 24, 1984, eight-year-old Christy Luna had walked to a store near her her home in Green Acres, Florida, to buy some cat food and never returned. The police suspected foul play and Renie confirmed as much when she used Christy’s stuffed toys to tune in on the girl. In the book, we describe this in some detail. As an empath, she felt what Christy felt when her mother’s boyfriend used to beat up on her and reported the girl was deaf in one ear because of the beatings. Christy’s mother later confirmed this fact.   
Later that night, we left the station with Renie and one of the police officers and drove around, following Renie’s directions until we arrived at a wooden area surrounded by a high barbed wire fence. Renie felt that Christy’s body was buried somewhere in the woods and that the mother’s boyfriend has killed her.
Skip ahead twenty-four years, to 2008. Los Angeles psychic Dennie Gooding called to tell us she would be visiting South Florida in March,  that she would be working on a missing person case and was there any chance we could all get together? It turned out she would be town over the same weekend that other friends involved in the MU (mystical underground) would be visiting from around the country, so everyone agreed to meet at our place.
The day before the festivities, we were going through some old books, weeding out what we no longer needed. A check fell out of one of the books. It was dated 1986, made out to us for $50, repayment on a loan, and was signed Renie Wiley. We exclaimed about how strange it was, that the check had been inside the book all these years, and we wondered if Renie was trying to contact us and we just hadn’t been aware of it. In all the years since she had passed away, we’d never experienced any contact with her.
The night of the festivities (as we gathered with psychics, mediums, a past life therapist, a writer for the Simpsons), Dennie told us she’d been hired by  a police officer at the Palm Beach County sheriff’s department who worked in the cold cases division. When she began describing the case, Trish suddenly interrupted her.
“Is this the Christy Luna case?”
Dennie’s eyes widened with shock. “Yes.”
“You’re not going to believe this,” Rob said, and walked over to the drawer where we’d put Renie’s check, and brought it out. “Here’s how we know.”
It was as if Renie had reached out from the afterlife through the unsolved disappearance of Christy Luna and the psychic who had been hired to delve into it nearly a quarter of a century later. The synchronicities were remarkably layered and the contact occurred in an unusual way. Here are the facts:
Renie and Dennie didn’t know each other. Renie had long since passed away by the time we met Dennie through a Canadian astrologer who touted her psychic ability and gave us her contact information. If Trish hadn’t left a comment on his blog about his post on Mercury’s retrograde during the 2000 presidential election, they probably wouldn’t have communicated at all and we never would have met Dennie.
Rob had a reading with Dennie around 2002 or so. We gave her name to another friend, Nancy, who recommended Dennie to the wife of the police officer who eventually hired her to delve into the Christy Luna case.
Neither of us remember sticking Renie’s check inside a book. In fact, in 1986,  we were just starting out as writers, money was tight, and it’s likely we would have cashed the check as soon as we’d gotten it.
The cluster in this instance revolved around the unsolved disappearance of Christy Luna and the two psychics who, separated by nearly twenty-five years, worked on the case. 
At any point in the past, different decisions might have been made and none of the events described here would have happened. So who was orchestrating all this, anyway? And that’s always the bottom line, isn’t it?
This entry was posted in christie luna, clusters, dennie, psychics, renie, spirit contact. Bookmark the permalink.

19 Responses to The Mysterious Connection with Christy Luna

  1. Ray says:

    There must be something to the name similarity. It struck me as the kind of similarity in the names parents name twins.

    Christy Luna made me think of Eva Luna, the story teller in one or two of the novels by Isabel Allende.


  2. Anonymous says:

    Bummer, Gyps! Ole Mercury Retro is really keeping all the mechanical and electrical techs busy! Interesting WV: "allat"
    All at WHAT? cj

  3. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    What a great story with possibly be more orchestration to follow.

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i'm sure that they are, too, trish – out there commiserating –

    thanks for suggestion, cj, but she tried that first – and last – then called computer tech! 😉

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It sure looks that way, Lauren. But I like to think that Renie and Christy are out there somewhere, comiserrating.

  6. Lauren says:

    I feel so sad to think that this child never had justice, her family perhaps never had closure; will it remain a cold case?

  7. Natalie says:

    Something to do with the way the Amygdala stores memories…like smells/events.
    I had a massive life event happen to me a few years back, and all I remember was where I was sitting,and that it was a Tuesday, not the actual words spoken.

    wv =mingl

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Someone would have to hypnotize me in order to recover the name of that book and the page number. All I remember is where I was standing in the kitchen when I opened the book and found the check. I wonder why I remember that? – R

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Natalie – you may be right. It's the kind of thing Renie would do. She was pretty much my astrology mentor, so it makes sense that it would come through an post on astrology. And maybe there is some sort of connection between Renie and Christy.

  10. Natalie says:

    I was struck by their names… Renie and Dennie, so similar. Maybe Renie was guiding events all along, and actually prompted Trish to comment on that site initially, in order for you to meet Dennie. There must be some Karmic tie between Renie and Christy, for her to be still orchestrating from the other side.

    In regard to you guys, If I was a spirit, and I needed an Earth contact, I would choose people like you also, because you are so aware. You reach in and really notice and absorb a situation and that is perfect for this work.

    wv = jayne

  11. Anonymous says:

    Gypsy, this may not work for your sister but is worth a try:have her turn the computer off, yhen completely unplug the entire computer system from all electrical sources, leave it unplugged for a couple of minutes, plug it back in, then turn the computer back on. It may bring up a self-recover mode page that she will need to allow to run for as long as it takes. It worked on mine. Good luck! cj

  12. Anonymous says:

    I would love to know the book pages and any relevant passages, too! WV: "flutic" hhhmmmmm.

  13. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, i meant to comment also on mike's comment – would so love to know the book/page content, as he mentioned –

  14. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    incredible layer upon layer story – how fantastic to read!! the first thing i thought when hearing the name was its symbolism – and what a beautiful name it is – such a special name and one which reaches out to touch us all this time later – beautiful post! thanks so much!

    on the merc retro – got a call from my sister this morn, cj, her computer crashed as soon as she turned it on today – sounds familiar, huh? 😉

    wv = loremb – which when i first saw it, reminded me of the word "remember" – which is what we are doing for little christie luna, isn't it? 😉

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    @ 11:11: too funny!

    Interesting insight, Debra – sun plus moon seems to fit!

  16. d page says:

    This is such a fascinating case! Even her name "Christie Luna" is interesting. Symbolically, it's the Sun + Moon. I you keep us posted on this story.

    wv = sundesh

  17. Anonymous says:

    Nothing to add to this story except it's enthralling and familiar! Want to jump backwards to the Mercury Retro story and situation. First our Durango water pump quit, permanently. Not yet replaced due to cold weather. Then the pump on the central AC/heating system in the house quit. Now repaired. Then, worst of all for ME, my computer totally crashed. No matter where I tried to navigate, it flashed a "disabled" window. The entire machine had been disabled, somehow, on and offline. I had made an appt for a computer company to come repair it today at 11 oc'clock, then my youngest son, who is a computer whiz, came on his lunch hour from the rehab center where he works and somehow managed to fix it in a matter of minutes, just as the computer company man rang the doorbell! Clock time was, you guessed it, 11:11. No lie. So, I'm baccckkkkk, and have 35 emails to answer. Just wanted to let all my MU friends know the system is up and running and old Mercury Retro is for real, at least around here!!
    WV is funny: "fiddlge" Makes me want to say fiddle dee dee! cj

  18. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I don't know, Mike. I'll have to ask rob if he remembers. I was just so shocked @ finding the check that I didn't think to look at the pages or the title of the book. How dumb of me.

  19. Mike Clelland! says:

    What was the book?

    What did it say on the pages where the check was hidden?

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