Category Archives: quebec ufo encounter

Alligator Synchros & the Quebec Encounters

Yesterday, Rob and I headed north with our dog, Noah, to the town of Juno, where there’s a dog beach – unleashed dogs are  welcome to romp and frolic in the waves. We didn’t realize until we neared the town … Continue reading

Posted in aliens, quebec ufo encounter, synchronicity | 18 Comments

More on the Quebec Encounter

If you been following our blog for awhile, you know about the Quebec encounter series we posted here. There were nine entries altogether describing the UFO encounter by a rural Quebec couple–Charles and Helene–who spotted cones of light in the … Continue reading

Posted in quebec ufo encounter, synchronicity | 15 Comments

The Psychometrist and the Holy Water

One of the unexpected perks of our daughter living in Orlando is that we usually end up detouring for a night in Cassadaga, a Spiritualist community half an hour north of Disney World. The last several times we’ve gone there, … Continue reading

Posted in psychometry, quebec ufo encounter, synchronicity | 15 Comments

Update from Quebec

This spring, as regular readers here will recall, we featured a 9-part series of posts about a UFO encounter in rural Quebec (start here) and the dramatic and emotional aftermath. Recently, I received an e-mail from Charles about a strange … Continue reading

Posted in quebec ufo encounter, synchronicity | 10 Comments

Quebec Encounter, part 8: Guns, Synchros & Angels

Drawing by Charles of what he saw near his willow tree- a UFO on its side Part 8 completes Charles’ journal entries that cover the first month of events following the encounter.  He is still battling his fears, but gets … Continue reading

Posted in quebec ufo encounter, synchronicity | 12 Comments

Quebec Encounter, part 7: Seeking holy water…

In part 7 of the Quebec encounter, an eerie, melancholy pervades. An invisible presence stalks Charles. He feels that his house has been infested with something evil, that it must be cleansed. He’s literally living in The Castle of Otranto.  Has something … Continue reading

Posted in quebec ufo encounter, synchronicity | 14 Comments

Quebec Encounter, part 6: ‘A Week in the Life of….’

We begin part 6 in the Quebec encounter series with a synchronicity. Charles cries a lot about his experience, over and over. For days following the event, he is inconsolable. The experience metaphorically has cracked open his head and broken his … Continue reading

Posted in quebec ufo encounter, synchronicity | 13 Comments

The Quebec encounter – Helene’s story

  The weeping willow tree near where one of the cones of light appeared. Here is part 3 of the encounter story from Quebec that began here. On the same day of the extraordinary experience described in the last post, … Continue reading

Posted in quebec ufo encounter, synchronicity | 18 Comments

The Quebec UFO encounter – part 2

Photo/illustration copyright by Jean Lavergne This is part 2 of the Quebec encounter.  We received comments, e-mails and Facebook messages telling us not to wait with the story, so we decided to put it up today. Now we get right into … Continue reading

Posted in quebec ufo encounter, synchronicity, UFOs | 31 Comments

The Quebec UFO encounter

This is the first of several posts related to a dramatic UFO encounter that occurred one year ago. It was experienced by a French-Canadian couple who live in a rural area of Quebec. The incident has had psychic reverberations, including … Continue reading

Posted in quebec ufo encounter, synchronicity, UFOs | 13 Comments