Hilary and the Earthquakes

Cj, who comments frequently on this blog, alerted us to this story about Hillary Clinton and earthquakes. It’s one of those global synchros that we talk about in 7 Secrets.
During her entire tenure as Secretary of State, Clinton has been pursued by quakes. In February 2009, during her first trip to Japan as America’s premiere diplomat,  she was shaken awake by a minor quake. Four months later in Honduras, she was treated to a 5.0 quake.In October 2009, Clinton was in Pakistan at the  same time that her husband was and experienced more quakes. Days before the 8.8. quake struck Chile, Clinton was supposed to visit, and that quake put her plans on hold. Yet, she still managed a brief stop in Chile to assess the relief effort.

The history of Hilary Clinton and quakes is detailed here, and prompts us to wonder if the dramatic events of the 2008 election are still playing out for her.  How this will translate beyond 2010 remains an intriguing enigma.

We should add that Hillary herself is an earthmover. According to the USA Today-Gallup poll released Monday, Hillary is the most-admired woman for the ninth straight year. Number 2 this year: Sarah Palin, followed by Oprah Winfrey.

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19 Responses to Hilary and the Earthquakes

  1. Ray says:

    I read this blog yesterday and found a synchro in yesterday's news. While I was still thinking about it having just archived it there was an announcement that there was a quake in Indiana. It was only a 3.0, but could be detected in New Jersey. The waves shown on the graphic just about covered the state of Indiana.

    Happy New Year. My personal fear has also had a synchro. I am afraid to go to sleep after getting out of bed on Dec 31 after a fire the last time I did at the age of twelve. I chose to put down a book I had started yesterday to begin reading Carla Neggers' COLD DAWN which begins with someone killed in a fire.


  2. Anonymous says:

    I just googled the phrase "Hillary Clinton resigning?", a it brought up pages of articles. Some of the articles are old. Some of them are as recent as the ones I saw a couple of days ago. Some of them have to do with her connection to WikiLeaks, etc. Check those out. cj

  3. Anonymous says:

    Ordinarily I don't watch TV much, but haven't felt at all well this past week, have had fever so have stayed inside and quiet, and did watch some TV. The issue of Hillary Clinton possibly resigning her post was on every national news channel as well as on the local channels over the weekend. It also appeared in a snippet of a political news column in the Sunday edition of the Jacksonville Times-Union newspaper. So, it should be SOMEWHERE on the news sections of the computers. It wasn't a big deal, and a big deal wasn't made of it. It was simply mentioned that Ms. Clinton has stated she is considering resigning from her post sometime this year,(2011) and that she did not offer a reason. When asked if she plans to run for the presidency in 2012, her reply was that this is her final political position. That was pretty much it. I paid close attention because it interests me. I agree with Gyps: Hillary looks more than haggard to my eyes. She actually looks sick and appears to conceivably be on some kind of steroid therapy (it causes a particular type of body swelling). Could be rheumatoid arthritis or something of that nature that is treated with cortisones, etc. Who knows. So she could be dealing with an illness of some sort and is waiting to see what happens before offering her resignation. However, she herself appeared in one of the newscasts and stated, when asked if she would run for president in 2012, that this is her last political post. I'll do some checking around on the computer and see if I can find reference to it. cj

  4. Natalie says:

    Come to Australia, Guys!!!!!!

    I'm with CJ of course! Mother Teresa for me everytime.

    wv = remis

    Hmm……I am remiss in saying that I found it weird about the quakes. Certainly something to look out for when she is around.
    Also, Happy New Year if I don't get back here. Wishing all of you the very,very best for 2011.
    See you all on the flipside.xx

  5. Sansego says:

    For me, the woman I admire the most is Aung San Suu Kyi of Burma.

    As for Clinton's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", it was an improvement over the military standard. When I enlisted in the Navy in 1990, the recruiter asked me a series of questions that he checked in the yes or no box for each answer. The questions included if I was a "practicing homosexual", if I was "bisexual", if I was ever a member of the communist or fascist party, and even if I was a bedwetter since the age of 12!

    What Clinton did was a "compromise" with the military brass. No longer could recruiters (or military investigators or superior officers) ask a recruit or military person if they were gay or bisexual, and if a military member was asked the question, they did not have to respond. It allowed people not to have to be questioned or forced to answer the question.

    It was a good transition period to get military members used to the idea of full equality / non-discrimination. Of course, it went on longer than it should have, but we can blame an eight year Republican administration in between Clinton and Obama for prolonging the unjust policies.

    The problems weren't DADT as much as people wanting to be open about their sexuality. That's why it became a bigger problem than originally intended.

    The original name of the compromise was: "Don't ask, don't tell, don't pursue." (as in military investigators pursuing military members they suspect might be homosexual or bisexual).

    I was in the Navy during the most paranoid time of sexual issues regarding DADT and sexual harassment of women. That's what the novel I wrote and am trying to find an agent for is all about: the complexity of sexuality in regards to male culture (the fear of homosexuality on one hand while viewing women in purely sexual terms on the other hand).

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Lauren, if Palin ran and WON, I'd be right behind you.

  7. Lauren says:

    I'm a great admirer of Hillary, and also Oprah. I really wish I hadn't read that about Sarah Palin, however. I don't like to think that the voting public is that crass, simplistic, or stupid. If she runs for president, I'm definately finally moving to New Zealand!

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Cj – where'd you hear this thing about Hilary resigning? I haven't seen it anywhere.

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    you're so right about her being a war hawk – for my tastes too – about her running in 2012 – i don't really see that happening although who knows! – but i have seen recent photos of her where she looks so physically/mentally worn and haggard that i could believe her remarks about how "physically grueling" her job is and that she wants more of a private life [uh, good luck on that] etc etc – course, maybe it was just one of those bad hair days and the photos made it out before the re-touching –

    hmmmm……wv here is "catwe" –

  10. Anonymous says:

    Ooorrrrr, Hilary may conceivably be a shape-shifter from elsewhere. OK. Lock me in the looney bin for that remark. But it may not be as ridiculous as it sounds at first glance. Look at Mr. Cheney, and a few others whose masks seem to be gradually disintegrating, expecially for those of us who have vision beyond the norm. Perhaps MS. Hilary is a genuine "earth mover". HHmmmmm.

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Bill Clinton also was responsible for don't ask don't tell. He made his share of big mistakes. Personally, Hilary is too much of a war hawk for my tastes. But perhaps the earthquakes are more about her personal life than her public life?

  12. Nancy says:

    I'm with Mike Perry – what is truly terrifying is that Palin is #2.

    I've lost my capacity to believe anyone in the White House will change anything – maybe the earthquakes are a sign that Hilary is not what she appears to be. (I would have voted for her in 2008.) Her husband was instrumental in the repeal of Glass-Steagall, which allowed banks to do whatever they wanted. We all know how that ended.

    Just saying…

  13. Anonymous says:

    Speaking of Hillary possibly taking a run at the presidency in 2012….perhaps a woman in the Oval Office might truly manifest the promised but as-yet unfulfilled changes. Not necessarily Hillary. Women are by their very nature notoriously efficient multi-taskers, and we desperately NEED someone who can effectively multitask with positive results. After all, look at all the different jobs we do simply as homemakers and mothers, not to mention carrying on in careers as well. The lists are endless. Just a thought….cj

  14. Anonymous says:

    At this point in time, I can't think of any living woman I would place at #one most admired. For me, that #one place may always be held by the deceased (surely ascended) Mother Therese whose days were spent in humble, undignified, completely selfless service to the most needy. She didn't cloister herself in a convent and spend her life in silent comtemplative prayer. She got down in the dirt often on her hands and knees and cared for people. She had no agenda except to serve, and so far, none has come close to that for me. And I'm not catholic, as everyone knows.

  15. 67 Not Out - Mike Perry says:

    I'll pass on Hilary the earthmover, interesting though that she is the most admired woman. But Sarah Palin second! Really?! That sounds a bit scary.

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gypsy – thanks for the heads up on that link. Guess the article has vanished! If the rumors are true, I wonder if she's planning to run against obama in 2012?!

  17. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    just fyi – i wasn't able to get through to the history/quake link at "here" –

    of the story, great one that i've followed in bits and pieces for a while – and yes, clinton certainly is a "shaker and mover" herself – interesting to see how the leaks about her prospective resignation will play out – just as an aside, for a number of years, right as she was leaving the rose law firm and for some time afterward, i was with a law firm here where communications from her and/or the rose group were a very common thing – every time one of her letters came across my desk, i would wonder of her future to come –

    can't even comment on the most admired women ranking………….

  18. Anonymous says:

    Yesterday's top news included a story about Hillary: that she may be resigning her current political post. The reasons aren't clear and weren't noted. While I do not admire Palin or Oprah, I have some respect for Ms. Clinton that is based on certain aspects of her life. For me, it's more a personal than a political kind of respect that isn't particularly impacted by the political picture. My respect is more woman-to-woman, for reasons of my own. The earthquake connection to her is quite compelling and telling and I continue to find it interesting. She's a complex woman with much depth, whether one agrees with her politics or not. IMO. cj

  19. Jupiter Family says:

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