Category Archives: merc retro

That Trickster: Merc Retro in Sagittarius

Archetypes are funny things. They often work themselves into conversations where you don’t normally find them. Years ago when I first started studying astrology,  I rarely ran across any reference to the planet Mercury as a trickster. But as a … Continue reading

Posted in astrology, merc retro, synchronicity | 14 Comments

Mercury Retro and the Debt Ceiling

    It’s that time of year again. Mercury, the planet of communication, is due to turn retrograde on August 2. Unfortunately, this is the same day that the deadline looms for raising the debt ceiling of the U.S. For … Continue reading

Posted in merc retro, mercury retro, politics, synchronicity | 38 Comments

The First Mercury Retro in 2011

Mercury moving in front of the sun On March 30, at 4:48 PM EDT, Mercury turns retrograde for the first time in 2011. This retrograde occurs in fire sign Aries and it lasts until April 23. Mercury is the planet … Continue reading

Posted in merc retro, Uncategorized | 16 Comments

The Key to the Keys

Everyone misplaces their keys once in a while. But how about losing three sets at the same time? The other morning I asked Trish if I could borrow her keys because I couldn’t find either set of my keys to … Continue reading

Posted in lost keys, merc retro | 18 Comments