Quebec Encounter, part 9: Making contact


Here is our final post on the Quebec encounter as Charles describes what happened as more time went by.


In the weeks following the encounter, I became more sensitive to people who were destitute. I could not stand seeing or hearing about the misery of people. Destitute people made me cry. In June, I even volunteered to help victims of flooding on the south shore of Montreal.

Usually, I would have commended the work of such volunteers, but would not participate personally. Before March 28, I wasn’t so sensitive towards people I didn’t know. That was the date my life changed.

However, after a few months, that very high sensitivity to the destitute and downtrodden has disappeared. Such dire circumstances still sadden me, but I don’t cry anymore

As always, I try to find meaning in what I lived through. Helene doesn’t have that same approach. For her, it happened and that is it. She wants to move ahead with life. But for me, I feel my life is on neutral. I’m without goals, waiting for an end.I need to know why it happened. I deeply feel something or someone is trying to tell me something.

I am continually frightened, but I have to know. Otherwise, I will get crazier. Even after months, I still constantly feel this presence beside me. Although I want help, I cannot bring myself to talk to a psychologist. He or she would have sent me for psychiatric consultation, and I might even be hospitalized in a psychiatric institution.

I can understand their point of view. I would have had a hard time believing my story, even if it came from someone else, even from someone in my family. So why would a psychologist believe my story?

But maybe there was someone else who would understand. I remembered seeing a man named Jean Casault, a ufologist from Quebec city, on television.  I made a Google search and contacted him through his blog.

I wrote him about my story. I felt I had to discuss it with someone aware of their existence. I needed help to live on. It was painful to write about it. I wanted to drive directly to his house. I had so much to tell, but he wanted me to write down all the details. I also sent him photos and drawings. My wife and I even had to fill a questionnaire individually.

One day he wrote to say that he was going to be the host of a private conference in an auberge in Valcourt, mid-way between our two locations. He proposed that we meet to discuss and make it part of the investigation. Our first meeting took place on  Saturday July 2, 2011.

This auberge (inn) is far away from the city in a lost place, deep in the woods, and I needed to use my GPS to find it. Part of the drive through the forest was on a narrow unpaved road and I knew it would be scary at night.

Upon arriving, I met with Jean Casault and we talked for hours. I began with my story from the graveyard, but he didn’t consider that  experience related in any way to the encounter at the house. I didn’t agree, but I decided not to argue.

As I accompanied Casault into the conference that evening, he told that if it got too scary I should leave. As people started arriving, Casault and I were both amazed by the attendees who looked as if they’d arrived from Woodstock. Casault joked that it had been years since he’d seen so many people with long hair. There were about 25 altogether, ranging in age from 35 to 70.

I was surprised that the attendees didn’t seem to know each other, and came from various parts of Quebec. Everyone was very Zen and very knowledgeable. As for myself, I was lost. I just listened. I was very much the amateur in the crowd. I could not even understand the meaning of most of their discussions.

One woman said it was possible to attract the aliens to the area, that they could hear us. She suggested that everyone go outside and call upon them. I did not like that idea and wished that I had left. Casault, though, refused to go along with the idea. He said that even if they did come, people would still say that they do not exist.

During the evening, I would watch someone and our gazes would meet. I would look at someone else and again our gazes would meet. It happened over and over. Many of them seemed to look at me at the same time. I had this strange feeling I couldn’t explain, but I felt as if I had seen many of them before. Somewhere, but I didn’t not know where.

The conference ended around midnight. People started standing up. I turned around to a man behind me who appeared to be in his early sixties. I asked him if most of the people in the audience had seen something. He looked around and said: “I would say about 75% of them are witnesses.”

“And you…have you seen something?” I asked.

His eyes grew damp, and he said, ”Twice, the first time I was 9 years old and the second time I was about 12. I never will forget. I love them so much.”

I was confused. Others had said the same. How could they love them. I was afraid of them and even bought a rifle. I told the man that I had this weird feeling that I had already seen many of them elsewhere, but I couldn’t figure out where.

Meanwhile, five or six others joined us, and talked about their experiences. None of them were afraid. They told me that I looked familiar. They had seen me before, maybe at another conference. But that was impossible. I’d never gone to anything like this until this evening.

I felt comfortable enough with these people to reveal my own experience. I was hoping they would tell me not to be afraid. I was awkward. I whispered. I wanted to tell them everything, but tried to compress it. I didn’t know where to start.

I told them about the investigation questionnaires my wife and I had filled out separately for Jean Casault. I learned for the first time from my wife that when she is home alone she sometimes perceives a strong disagreeable sulphur smell near her.

They all spoke up at the same time. “The Greys…no doubt it was the Greys. They are still there in your house.”

I didn’t like what I was hearing. This was difficult for me. I needed answers. I asked, what could I do? They said that you can talk to them, tell them not to scare you, to respect your privacy.

Even though it was late, I decided to leave for home. I left the auberge and moved into the night. It was so dark that I took out a small flashlight attached to my key ring so I could get to my car. I was scared something would come out of the darkness at me.

Once in my car, I locked all the doors and turn on the radio and searched for rock music. I wanted to concentrate on music instead of what I’d heard.

As I was leaving on the long narrow driveway from the auberge, I was reminded of what that woman said about the power of communication that we have to connect with them…and that they can sense our feelings. But I was trying not to think about UFOs.

Once I was on the deserted country road with no lights, I remembered that I’d told myself earlier on my way to the auberge that I should take a different on my way back. So I decided not to follow the instruction of the GPS, thinking that I would get out of the forest and into a more populated area. But I was soon lost. I didn’t know where I was and the GPS kept saying recalculation in progress.

I was so scared that I was starting talking to them, begging them not to appear before me. I was driving on a narrow unpaved road in the heart of a forest. I regretted leaving now.

Finally later on, I arrived at the highway and felt much safer. Now I could follow a car to the next town. I was half way between Valcourt and my hometown when I decided to slow down and let the car in front of me pull away until it almost disappear from sight. There were no cars behind me. I wanted to try and see if the woman was right about the possibility to communicate with them.

I turned off the radio. I start to talking to them, saying: “If it is true that you can read my mind or hear me, I would like you to send me a sign that you are still there. I am ready to see another proof of your existence, but only if you are not taking control of my mind and body and that you do not scare me.

And right then, on my left side less than 500 feet in front of me, a  huge round shape of pure white light hovered just behind leafless trees. It was very close to the highway. I reduced my speed and almost decided to stop my car completely.

This huge rounded very bright light had two blue lights on it that made a 90-degree turn counter clock wise for a moment, then made a 90-degree turn clock wise. The light itself did not illuminate the nearby trees or the highway. It was just pure energy. I felt safe…as my eyes started to get wet… and I whispered: Thank you!

I deeply felt that they were not the ones that came to my back yard earlier. They were more like what the medium had described to me—a globe of light. Beings of light.

I continued home without further incident.


With that positive experience, we will end the Quebec Encounter. There is more to the story, including some interesting twists and turns and synchronicities. But we don’t want to give it all away. You can read it in the book when it comes out. There’s nothing definite yet, but keep an eye out for the book tentatively entitled: Aliens in the Backyard: How UFO Encounters Alter Lives.





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30 Responses to Quebec Encounter, part 9: Making contact

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    I remember that one well! Somethin’ is definitely happenin’ here. In our tiny corner of the world, Death seems to have come to stay for awhile and it is difficult. Not only have we lost nine of our loved ones in the past twelve months, but three of our sons’ close friends, all young men they grew up with, have transitioned within the past two WEEKS. One died of a massive coronary, age 45.He was a healthy surfer. One died in a single car crash and burned up, age 45, no one knows why the car crashed into the tree and burned; and the third died today….sudden liver failure, age 46. He was a chef at a local high-end restaurant and owned it. Too many deaths, too soon, and too close together. So many people are leaving the planet. There must be reasons why their souls are electing to do this. The older ones are understandable. But the young ones? So hard….I know this has nothing to do with the subject under discussion, and yet, it might. How can we know? All these UFO sightings and encounters everywhere. Are they coinnected to the Afterlife? Question of the century, I suppose…..

  2. Rob MACGREGOR says:

    Another song:

    There’s something happening here
    What it is ain’t exactly clear.
    Buffalo Springfield

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    Thanks to momwithwings and cousinJ for responding to the auditory question. As it is with your son, J, I cannot tolerate the chaos in loud restaurants and stores. It very lieterally disorients me to the point where I must leave. Now I just don’t go. My primary phsycician thinks the hyper-auditory ability is relative to my being clairaudient, which makes sense. Daz, there are all kinds of titles available that haven’t been used in songs. Sometimes I sit in my sanctuary and titles for poems and prose and stories will flow through my mind….titles that have never been used, to my awareness, so there are some out there. Trish, I really like that word “impact”. It speaks so clearly to the experiences. J, those quakes in The Ring of Fire and Mexico were significant. My ears drove me off the wall, as did the other symptoms including our cardiac ones. I have no doubt even though you weren’t focused in world events during that timeline due to the pressing personal events going on all around you, your body felt the events and reacted accordingly. Charles, “does anyone know what we are looking for?” Whew. I just emailed R about my own current search for answers in this regard. The answers have eluded me for all my life, and I’d surely like to find at least a few while I’m still here. I have some good clues, but no definitive explanations….just ideas that plague me and tease me and some that make me furious and some that make me fearful and some that make me weep with joy….all connected to the encounters. Enigmas….I don’t think ANYONE has all the answers or even a portion of them. Just opinions and thoughts and ideas. Even the most respected researchers and authors are playing guessing games based on their own research and work. Having nothing to do with any of this, one of my sons just phoned to tell me that Dick Clark has passed away…….those of us old enough to remember that figure who was, in our teen years, larger than life. May he rest in peace and may music follow him Home. Thanks for the memories, Mr. Clark!

  4. Momwithwings says:

    I’m glad that Charles and Helene seem to have found some peace with all of this.

    I believe that there are kind aliens. when I was a child I would get visited by 2 very loving aliens. I also have wondered if one or more of my guides is actually an alien but in another dimension that I cannot see yet.

    No matter what title you choose I look forward to reading all of the details and background of this story.

    This is off subject, but has anyone noticed all of the large earthquakes recently in the ring of fire area? I have never seen so many!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Math was experiencing planetary empaths before the biggie in Mexico.

      • gypsy says:

        i’m so lost to the whole world concept lately that i’m afraid i’m not up on what’s happened when to whom or where – trish, do you happen to know if there was actually an EQ near the time of the incident when i felt the earth trembling? this is so embarrassing to admit – loss of what’s going on outside in the world – but given my personal issues right now, that’s what’s happened – the other thing i’ve been experiencing is the ear throbbings which i always have during times of EQs – anyway – just curious –

        • Rob and Trish says:

          I think it was right around the time of the quake in Mexico. I’ll have to check my email and the date/time of the quake.

          • Momwithwings says:

            My ears are ringing, no blaring right now.

            CJ; When I was a child I could hear dog whistles and the sound the traffic lights made ( it was different for each color). Now I have lost some hearing in my left ear due to Menieres, but I can often still hear the hum from street lights.

            I am not a big fan of crowded places. I often go to bathrooms to escape the noise and energies and to compose myself.

  5. mathaddict2233 says:

    But if it’s already the title of a song, that might diminish the impact of the book title? Just a thought….

  6. Darren B says:

    That sounds great then,and that working title,
    “Aliens in the Backyard: How UFO Encounters Alter Lives” reminds me of one of my favourite John Fogerty songs called “Lookin’ Out My Back Door”,which for some reason he didn’t sing at Bluesfest on the Easter Monday.

    “Lookin’ Out My Back Door”
    (J. Fogerty)
    Just got home from Illinois, lock the front door, oh boy!
    Got to sit down, take a rest on the porch.
    Imagination sets in, pretty soon I’m singin’,
    Doo, doo, doo, Lookin’ out my back door.

    There’s a giant doing cartwheels, a statue wearin’ high heels.
    Look at all the happy creatures dancing on the lawn.
    A dinosaur Victrola list’ning to Buck Owens.
    Tambourines and elephants are playing in the band.
    Won’t you take a ride on the flyin’ spoon?
    Doo, doo doo.
    Wond’rous apparition provided by magician.
    Tambourines and elephants are playing in the band.
    Won’t you take a ride on the flyin’ spoon?
    Doo, doo doo.
    Bother me tomorrow, today, I’ll buy no sorrows.
    Forward troubles Illinois, lock the front door, oh boy!
    Look at all the happy creatures dancing on the lawn.
    Bother me tomorrow, today, I’ll buy no sorrows.

    I particularly like the line “Look at all the happy creatures dancing on the lawn”
    because one of my blogging buddies Alan Abbadessa Green,who is the editor of
    “The SYNC Book” has a blog and a book called “Look at All the Happy Creatures”

    Maybe “Lookin’ Out My Back Door: How UFO Encounters Alter Lives”
    might make a more ominous sounding title?
    Just a thought.

  7. Darren B says:

    Are you guys co-authoring the book,or is Charles getting someone else to write it?

  8. mathaddict2233 says:

    Certain of my own profound experiences lead me to agree with Whitley. When I had my tonsils removed at a very early age, I hemorrhaged. (Heavy bleeding has caused several NDEs with me.) When I was finally conscious again, I told my Mom and Dad that I’d been carried up a glowing beam of light into a “floating thing”. I didn’t have a word for it. (I was barely six years old.) I also told them what the thing that carried me looked like, and about the intense ceaseless humming (now I recognize as high frequency) sound. The physicians called it an “ether dream” and dismissed it. It wasn’t an ether dream. I’ve been meaning to asked other bloggers….besides DPage and myself, have any of you ever been professionally diagnosed as being “hyper-auditory”?
    Debra and I both have, by clinical ENT audiologists. Mine told me I hear frequencies that none of the thousands of patients she’s tested can hear. My hearing is TOO sensitive, and it drives my husband and family crazy because I’m unable to tolerate even nearly-normal noise levels from TVs. etc. Anyone else? I am convinced this is relative to the encounters, but have no way of proving it, unless it’s connected maybe to the implanted devices. Jenean? Nats? Charles? Helene? Whitley?

    • gypsy says:

      hey cj – can’t say that i’ve been told that professionally – however, my son, who was so critically ill for such a long time – remember the whole at death’s door story with him – upon regaining consciousness, had become extremely sensitive to the slightest sound and even sounds no one else hears [ie higher frequency] – there are many times that he has to leave the room if several people are speaking – he doesn’t go into large department stores because of this – just exactly as you describe – now, he was with me – and actually was the one who first noticed the ufo as we were traveling when he was a child but has not had any direct contact of which he is aware – his hearing issue seems to be somehow related to his NDE – the most dramatic change about him after the NDE was a complete total personality change – including his new-found knowledge of things about which he had not even heard prior to his illness – anyway – anyway, enough of that, another story for another time – just wanted to respond to the hearing issue while it was on my mind –

      • Natalie says:

        Connie, I have not been professionally diagnosed, but my ears drive me BONKERS. We are about to move house because of my ears. I am very clairaudient, Asperger’s runs through my genes,…..and well anyway, I am super sensitive to noise. My ears do the strangest things! Now I am super dizzy as well. I drive my hubby nuts with all my sensitivities. I have long held similar views about the e.t’s. I just KNOW there are good and bad, just like any other race. Personally, I have had contact with blue ones who were very loving, but they still freaked me out. Anything E.T related just triggers a fear, but also a knowing, a familiarity within me that I cannot explain logically.
        Interestingly, the blue ones were twins. I first saw them last year in a trance development group. They appeared to another medium in our newly formed ,trance development group just two weeks ago.
        I just always feel that we humans are just part of some social experiment for them.

  9. mathaddict2233 says:

    I need to get this straight in my mind. Is Charles saying that the attendees at that group were calling Greys “good”? Were referring to Greys as “loving”? I’m not arguing. Just a question.
    Cousin J, due to the interference of my deceased dad in my own much more recent encounters….he comes as part of the “cavalry”, as I have named them, and he is of course beyond any shadow of a doubt one of the two finest humans I’ve ever known.
    He left his deathbed at Emory is a “big ship”. I have the conviction it was a spacecraft. This tends to make me consider that the higher relams of the Afterlife may in certain situations be connected to these “Good” aliens. Maybe they are the ones who seeded the human species and we went far astray, and now the bad guys for a long long time have been attempting to win the Light/Dark war on this little planet. Sounds too sci-fi, but hard to get away from ideas that are born of experiences, however weird the experiences. Missin you, btw. Sending love out to you, dear cousin.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Whitley Striber speculates that there may be a powerful connection between the visitors and spirits in the afterlife.

    • Rob MACGREGOR says:

      Math, I don’t think the people at the conference were referring to Greys. But I wasn’t there.

      I happened to pick up a book recently called The Ra Material, supposedly channeled material from a spirit/alien (Ra) representing a ‘Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator.’ I opened to a page that describes the confederation coming to Earth 11,000 years ago to two cultures – one in Egypt, the other in South America. They provided teachings and technology, but abandoned direct contact after their offering were abused by the power structure. Some stayed with the South American culture much longer before leaving. Interesting concepts that go along with the ancient alien scenario.

      • gypsy says:

        oh, geee – while i’ve not read that book – nor even heard of it [but now will have to grab], that theory is one that i have held for some time – since i began many many moons ago reading von daniken – i mean, it seems to me the thing that makes the most sense in terms of these two geographical locations and what is known/empirically proven about them both –

    • gypsy says:

      hey cousin – yes, i certainly remember the intriguing story of your father and understand what you are saying about the thing of experiences – and you’ve more than had your share – thanks for the thoughts – now if someone would light a fire under the health care system here – it takes months literally to get into some of these specialists!

  10. gypsy says:

    well – what can one say to all that, except WOW – and that i do hope that both charles and helene have found some degree of peace in this incredible experience[s] – i love that the proposed title of the book defines the “space” – i.e. backyard – it has multiple meanings in this case – literal and figurative meanings – and it was only upon reading the title that i realized how several of my own such experiences had, in fact, stemmed at or near my home – interesting –

    for me, i have to give great thought to the issue of there being more than one group of aliens – although, realistically, why not? as there are of us – but one thing that i thought of in the reading of this particular story anyway is that these “good” ones might perhaps be spirit messengers rather than actual aliens – rather than the good and the bad aliens – although i do not at all discount there being more than one group of aliens with the capability of contacting this planet – but i’m mostly just thinking out loud as i type this so it is more stream of consciousness rather than hard thought – anyway – mesmerizing possibilities and probabilities –

    now, for the book – then the movie, boys and girls…

  11. I felt there was a book here all along! It’s a fascinating story.

    It’s strange though how we can talk to or sense those who have ‘died’ as well as ‘aliens’ (for want of a better word). What we can’t necessarily see is full of life, perhaps on different levels. I feel it may well be all interlinked. But it’s a mighty big subject to discuss in a few words.

  12. mathaddict2233 says:

    Heavens. I honestly don’t know what to say. I just went back to the blog in 2010 and read a lengthy post there on this subject. Do any of you guys remember my commenting recently that “we have to ASK” for the Good Guys to come assist us? (That wasn’t in the 2010 post. It was recent.) And that for some time now, whenever the Bad Guys come, the “cavalry” will appear and a disembodied voice will say “we’ve come for Connie”, and the bad ones will vanish? This sounds outlandish and sci-fi, but it’s gospel truth. I believe with all my heart that when Charles sent out the “call”, the Good Guys came in response to that Call and his fears were banished. It doesn’t answer questions, except for one HUGE one, and that is this: Is there more than one
    group of ETs interacting with us? My reply? a resounding YES. Call the Good Guys. They come. They did for me. They did for Charles. I KNOW this.

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