Natalie and Vicki

This next synchronicity/spirit communication story came from Natalie. It appeared as a comment, buried in a list of comments. It’s a good one, so we brought it forward.

Natalie had a blogging friend,  Vicki, who passed away last November. She was Australian, like Natalie, but from another part of the country. They had never met physically, but knew they were connected on a soul level.


Two years ago, Vicki told me about Tony Stockwell, a famous English medium, who was coming to her state for a week-long retreat, and invited me to come along. I paid my deposit, but couldn’t make it due to family dramas. I was to meet her face to face for the first time, and was bitterly disappointed to miss both Tony and her.

Unfortunately, at the same time, Vicki’s cancer flared up again and she got really ill and couldn’t attend either. I once again paid my deposit to attend this year, hoping to meet Vicki before she passed over. The retreat was in March, and Vicki died in November 2011. I just missed her again.

I was devastated to lose her, the world seemed so dreary without her. I was in the shower one day soon after,  and felt her presence for the first time. I said to her, “Sweetheart, is that really you?”

I felt, Yes.

“If indeed it is really you, I would like to thank you for your beautiful friendship and also for getting me onto Tony.”

She replied : “You and I are from the same soul group, you are my Earth Angel, and I will now be working with you from here. Don’t you worry, I will be at the retreat with you.”
At this point, I thought I was having myself on.

She then said,  “Contact Patrick.”

Patrick is her husband, whom I had never met. “I can’t contact Patrick! I’ve never even spoken to him. What will I say?”

She replied: “Hi, Patrick, I was speaking to your dead wife in the shower this morning, and she says,  Hi Darling!”

“Nope, no can do. If you want me to speak to Patrick, then YOU get him to contact me.”
That was the end of the conversation.

Three hours later, Patrick sends me a private message on Facebook, introducing himself and to tell me thanks for being Vicki’s friend. He also said she was so looking forward to meeting me at Tony’s retreat. Not to worry, he wrote, she’ll be there with bells on!


Fast forward to March. I was packing for the retreat and wanted to take a keepsake of Vicki’s with me. I couldn’t find it anywhere and had to leave without it. I said to her: “You better make an appearance, Lovie, because I am missing you like crazy.”

I heard: “Trust. I will be there.”

On the first day, in the first tutorial, I received my first reading. Guess who?

“A lady comes through and says she is your soul sister, she is on retreat with you, and will be helping you from the other side from now on. She says you are going to have a ball!” She kept popping up, it was fabulous!

Now, I just talk to her like she is in the room, but I haven’t asked her any BIG questions yet. Not Earth shattering stuff, but real and completely external. She even used other people to prove to me that our conversation was indeed reality.


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11 Responses to Natalie and Vicki

  1. Natalie says:

    They come in the shower with me because it is the only place I get peace and quiet from the littlies. 😀
    Thanks Trish and Rob for putting it up, and thanks all for the nice comments.

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    Ahem…..There are occasions when I politely ASK, softly but out loud, for some privacy….because I do know they are always with us in one way or another, and I firmly believe that just as they come in droves when we need them, they will just as obligingly leave our space when we ask them to do so. (Like when we are showering and such and the idea of invisible eyes, however loving they may be, is a tad uncomfortable!) At least I like to BELIEVE they are not always watching!!! 😉

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Hm, are you suggesting that voyeurism is a leisure past-time on the other side? 😉 Hopefully, they know when to bow out and pursue something more attuned to the spirit world.

  3. gypsy says:

    true – we never are really alone –

  4. Nancy says:

    Fascinating stuff! How heartwarming to know we are never really alone.

  5. lauren raine says:

    What a wonderful, encouraging story! many thanks to Natalie for sharing it with us, and to you for sharing her sharing!

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    Nats, this is reminiscent of the “conversation” I had a couple of weeks ago with my recently transitioned dear friend Sherry, who lived just a few blocks down the beach. We had that “Yes and No” conversation that I described here on the blog. It was wonderful. She had tremendous energy here and obviously still has it. She comes and goes, but on that day she clicked the latch on my back storm door in response to questions and remarks from me. I’ve also had discussions with a spirit who tapped Morse Code seemingly in the air, and I had to go purchase a book on Morse Code to understand him. It was phenomenal. That was in GA. They do find ways to say hello and sometimes to carry on conversations. As a medium, most of these are mental for me, and often, too, in dreamwork, but there are these rare occasions when they use tangible means to make contact. I love it.

  7. Momwithwings says:

    I agre with Math, lovely.

  8. How great to have such intimate and ‘real’ contact with a loved one.

    I’ve only met one person who appeared to have such contact with a loved one – who she described as being ‘in spirit’. It was her male partner who had ‘died’ and she would talk to him even when in conversation with others – which was a little unsettling for some people. She also said later that she had ‘married’ him ‘in spirit’ in a ceremony.

  9. mathaddict2233 says:

    What a beautiful story, Nat! Thanks so much for sharing. I was just telling Trish and Rob that during these past twelve months, nine people in my life whom I’ve dearly loved have transitioned, and I feel very much alone without these soul sisters and brothers who were so essential to me. A synchro is that during my dreams last night I had overt contact with one of them, and it was such a confort, yet left me waking up yearning for that physical presence.What a blessing you and Vicki had in your connection, and it continues! You’ll have a glorious meeting and reunion with her someday, and meanwhile she intends to be with you as you move forward in this journey here. Lovely, simply lovely.

  10. DJan says:

    This was a wonderful, heartwarming story. I wish it were so easy for some of us to contact our departed loved ones. I rely on my dreams for that! 🙂

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