Debra and Nita


This story comes from D Page, whose blog mythic musings is always a pleasure to read. It’s a wonderful example of spirit communication through dreams, but has a terrific twist!

When my husband Larry asked me to marry him, we had known each other for 4 years. We had met as co-workers for a car dealer. I had met his father already. I knew he had a younger brother, and that his mother had died of diabetes- related complications in 1982.
The day he asked me to marry him was 12/12/92. I was living in Colorado, near Denver. He was flying into Denver when a blizzard struck. It took the plane approximately 5 hours of circling before it landed, because the snowfall was so heavy. After a safe but tense landing, Larry got off the plane, kissed the ground, and handed me an engagement ring. We spent the night at an airport hotel. No one could leave because of the blizzard.

I did say “Yes!”, so Larry moved into an apartment with my daughter Desiree and I. I knew we would be facing allot of issues. The one that worried me the most was the fact that the marriage would be interracial. Larry is African American, I am white European. We had already had problems with our friendship being an issue because we worked at the same dealership.

A few weeks after Larry moved in I had a very vivid dream: I was on a bus in San Diego. Desiree (my 7-year old daughter) was sitting to my right. On my left was a stranger: an African American woman. She was beautiful, with a very dynamic presence. She had an afro – very ‘big hair’.  She said, “My name is Nita. This is going to be very hard for Larry. Please be patient. It will all work out.” I had a lot of questions swirling in my head as suddenly awoke.

 The next morning I shared the dream with Larry. I told him what Nita had said. He said: “Nita is my mother. Her name is Juanita, but everyone calls her Nita. Then I asked him about the afro. “Yes, that’s her,” he responded.

We moved back to San Diego in 1993. We stayed a few weeks at Larry’s family’s home. I was home alone, cleaning one afternoon, when I found a photograph of the woman in my dream: a beautiful black woman with “big hair”. It was Nita. Somehow, I knew she would always be looking out for us.

How many of us can say we met our mothers-in-law years after she had passed on?
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13 Responses to Debra and Nita

  1. Jen says:

    I LOVE love LOVE this story!! : )

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    neat postscript, d! 😉

  3. Lauren says:

    What a beautifulstory; thanks for sharing it.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Larry understands you, Debra!

  5. Natalie says:

    I love this one too! Awesome.

  6. d page says:

    I had asked Larry (my husband) if he felt odd or weird about my meeting his mother this way– after she died.

    He said "Nothing is weird being with you!"

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    beautiful story! loved it!

  8. 67 Not Out - Mike Perry says:

    Great story – never had anything like this happen in my dreams to date.

  9. Nancy says:

    I just realized this is two different stories – the one she directs you to on her website is also extremely interesting.

  10. Nancy says:

    I've been meaning to read this – wow, what a wonderful story!

  11. Anonymous says:

    Dont'cha just love it when a plan comes together! Beautiful, beautiful story. Mom-in-Law giving her blessings by letting her new daughter-in-law to be that she was with them. No price on that. cj

  12. Shadow says:

    gosh, certainly not me… this is quite an event. would have frightened me a bit. 'til i understood it..

  13. DJan says:

    I went over to mythic musings to check her out. Very interesting person! You sure do follow an eclectic bunch of sites, Trish!

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