For Crying Out Loud!

John Boehner – a crying shame?

Here’s an ironic synchronicity related to the new U.S. Congress. The same day that the constitution was read aloud for the first time in congress, two representatives violated the constitution.

Republicans, who now are in the majority in the house of representatives, staged the first ever reading on Thursday, Jan. 6, at the behest of their most conservative supporters, the Tea Party, who look upon the U.S. Constitution as a holy document, somewhat like the New Testament. It should be noted that most members of congress got bored and left the house floor during the reading.

Meanwhile, two Republicans managed to violate the constitution on the same day when they voted without being sworn-in. GOP Reps. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) and Mike Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.) chose to attend a fundraiser rather than show up for the swearing in ceremony. Later on, they cast their first votes of the 112th Congress-  despite the fact they were technically not members of Congress at the time. Hence, violating the constitution. Good going, guys. Thanks for the synchro!

Besides casting the votes on the house floor, Sessions even chaired the rules committee during a hearing on the health care repeal bill. According to sources, the situation came about when the speaker’s office discovered a photo of Sessions holding his hand up while watching a television showing his fellow colleagues taking the oath on the floor.

In other words, the two congressmen acted as if the ceremony was like a Wii computer game and they could be sworn-in via a TV monitor while collecting money from supporters. Strange stuff.

Also interesting was that certain parts of the constitution that were embarrassing weren’t read, hence making the document and founding fathers appear more infallible. Notably ignored was the original intent to allow slavery in the South by including the statement that black people were three-fifth citizens. Blacks were referred to as ‘other Persons’ to avoid using the word slaves.

Meanwhile, Thursday night, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow tried to correct the Republicans censorship by having Ted Williams, the now famous homeless man with an “amazing God-given voice,” to read the parts of the Constitution the GOP left out. What a hoot!

Regarding the photo above, maybe new House Speaker John Boehner just hit his fingers with his new oversized gavel. Who knows…. – R

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45 Responses to For Crying Out Loud!

  1. Ray says:

    She would make a good female Archie Bunker on a situation comedy. Too bad she isn't fiction.


  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    did you all see/hear palin's 8minute [or so] response today to the criticism about her cross-hairs? just when one thinks she can't outdo herself, she outdoes herself!

  3. d page says:

    I saw the original press release. I t was canceled in the morning before the incident.
    I am (sadly) skeptical that she'll even be held accountable for her rhetoric.

  4. Ray says:

    I bet it was done after the shooting. There is lots of violence in the show. I can see why it is cancelled. Last night's show was about gold and oil from what I heard. Also controversial.


  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    palin alaskan reality show cancelled for 2nd season – i think it was on cnn online i found that tidbit – gingrich now speaking out 'bout rhetoric –

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    nor had i heard those things ray mentions –

    it will be interesting to see palin's response to all this now – wonder what her PR people will have her saying – and the beckboy –

    really really am trying to stay focused on the families and loved ones of these innocents –

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Wow, Ray, hadn't heard either of these things. Obviously the pastor is a sicko. And you'd think that Arizona would scrub that legislation.

  8. Ray says:

    Also the Republican governor of Arizona signed a law making it legal for all adult citizens to carry a concealed weapon. Even Virginia with its similar law requires a permit. The Pima County Sheriff Is against so many people carrying guns. In the Arizona legislature now is to make it legal for students and teachers to carry guns in schools and colleges.

    For those of you talking about world events, just this past week a prominent Pakistani was assassinated by his own bodyguard for daring to say that people who make critical statements about Mohamed should not be killed. Some parts of the world have always been that way. It is sad to see it get so much worse in our own country.


  9. Ray says:

    In the aftermath of the shooting the "Rev" Phelps, the so called Christian pastor who demonstrates against military funerals stated that Congresswoman Giffords deserved what she got because she is a sinner and the person who shot her is a hero." Just think where that rhetoric is going.


  10. Sansego says:

    I appreciate the comments and the concern. Hate is probably too strong a word, but I really, honestly do not like the Republican Party and anything they stand for. I used to not feel that way. The whole Gingrich / GWB / Karl Rove / Sarah Palin / John Boehner agenda just makes me retch. I'd love to see the party return to the rationality of GHWB or Eisenhower. Or even Reagan.

    As for the girl who was killed, I think it is interesting what CJ wrote, because as I read an article about the girl, the first thought that came to mind was that she had died on 9/11 as one of those victims, but I thought the turn-around time of being born that day as well was too short. It does feel right that her soul chose the circumstances of her birth and death as a way to galvinize a stronger meaning towards this tragedy.

    I only read a brief statement by Sarah Palin, but a part of me is hoping that Palin will change her language in the aftermath of this event. The fact that she used a target symbol on Democrats she wanted her followers to defeat in 2010 and that she had told Dr. Laura "Don't retreat…reload!", perhaps seeing a young girl who was born on America's worst day and died in a violent shooting that was politically motivated (based on the shooters statements made on YouTube videos), perhaps this might shock her back towards rationality. I would have a great respect for Palin if she came out and apologized that her language had gotten extreme in the past two years and promise to be more civil in her speeches. I hope the tragedy of the young girl will change the hearts of those politicians who are engaged in demagoguery.

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    nice response to sansego, rob – good call, trish! 😉

    neither have my symptoms abated – my left ear doing its thing as i type, actually – i'm glad you mentioned the brain injury, cj – i don't think i had known which side it was to her head and wondered of it – thanks for letting us know!

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Maybe Dennis Kucinich, Trish says. At least he's seen a UFO! lol

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sansego, With the Republicans, you know where they're coming from and going. It's basically about greed, the haves and the have-nots, maintaining and nurturing an elite, making life easier for corporations.

    With the Democrats, it's tougher. They voice support for equality, a strong middle-class, regulations to protect consumers, etc., but some of the actual actions are not so different from the Republican agenda. That can be very frustrating. But they at least offer opportunities for progressive change.

    Another point, it seems many elected to congress and elsewhere don't seem to have a clue about higher consciousness – it's either conservative Christian values or rational materialism.

    Can anyone name a New Age person in the U.S. Congress? – R

  14. d page says:

    My symptoms haven't decreased. I had a multitude of left ear ringing, ear pressure and vertigo incidents yesterday. The griefy feeling hasn't abated, usually it does when an event has occurred.

  15. Anonymous says:

    I can't help but wonder how much of this situation contributed to the planetary empath symptoms several of us have been simultaneously experiencing. My own continue; they have not abated. This unfortunately tells me that there is more to come. But…I do have a sense that the "left-sided ear" symptoms may have indicated the bullet that went through the left side of Gabrielle's brain, just above that left ear. I do, absolutely, feel that the three dreams I had this week of David Duchovny were relative to this horrific incident. He is a Jewish Democrat who graduated from both Princeton and Yale with high degrees. His wife starred in DEEP IMPACT, and this sudden massacre certainly fulfills that phrase in more than one way. When I researched the two actors, one of the first things to enter my mind was ELE….Extinction Level Event. There are several other correlations between Duchovny that apply to yesterday's massacre. It's just so frustrating that often we can't interpret the meaning of precognitive dreams until after the fact. cj

  16. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    first, in response to sansego – let me say gently that i totally agree with cj [who says it so well] in terms of our "hating" – we must all be very careful even in the use of words as words project our thoughts of hate into the world around us – and it's all a cyclic thing – again, i say this gently and from the perspective of knowing the impact of even allowing our lips to form such negative words – i hope you understand what i am trying to say

    – the bottom line is that we must work ever harder to put into office those who we believe will carry the banner of our own political/and other ideals into their positions of power – and we must work harder to create with our own thoughts the world we want
    [we know we create our own world with our thoughts]!

    about this little child in all this – yesterday when i first heard her name, the first thing i thought was just that too, cj – and the name of gabrielle – the symbolism of both – so grateful always for your extensive knowledge from the numerical arena – and your sharing it – it adds such a deeper dimension of understanding to acts such as this one – thanks, cj –

    and thanks, as always, macgregors, for this forum –

  17. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Those are good ones, Ray! Didn't realize she'd been chosen to read the first amendment.

  18. Ray says:

    There are a couple of synchros with this blog including the original intent of the blog. Congresswoman Giffords was the one chosen to read the First Amendment. I saw the reading several times on CNN. Also when the healthcare debate was going on her home district office had windows broken out. The shooting took place on the eve of a vote on the repeal of the healthcare bill originally scheduled for Wednesday.


  19. Anonymous says:

    Careful, Sansego, dear. Careful. Hatred is exactly what TPTB are attempting to create among the masses. Hatred is what caused the events mentioned by Trish and Rob in their post. Hatred is evil, and you are too good and gentle a soul to allow yourself to be immersed in such a negative emotion. Please know I'm not preaching to you. Not at all. I just know you are too high a soul to allow yourself to be sucked into their snare and transformed into precisely the kind of person TPTB are wanting us all to become.
    Regarding little Christine Taylor Green, the moment I connected with her, I sensed she was one of the persons who died on 9-11, and her
    Spirit was so evolved that it immediately entered a body that had been prepared and was waiting for her return. Generally souls don't reincarnate so quickly, we know that. But there are situations when it does occur so that the Spirit may take on the role of Teacher and sometimes as martyr, and that is exactly what this child's Spirit did, I'm perceiving. Her name, CHRISTina, synchronistically, resonates to the Master Frequency 11 which speaks volumes, including resurrection and sacrifice. Her entire name, Christina Taylor Green, resonates to 16/7, which is the frequency of both "massacre" and "murder". Her birthdate, 9-11-2001, resonates to chaos, among its more positive attributes and influences of change and diversity. She lived nine years, which is a cycle of life that is THE cycle of life. Every nine years we complete a circle. I honor her choices because I know, beyond any doubt, that her death on 9-11 and her immediate re-birth on the same date, her life, and her tragic death yesterday, demonstrate to us the depths to which our species is rapidly slipping. Regarding Ms. Giffords, I'm not sure survival would be a blessing under the circumstances of that kind of damage to the brain. Perhaps she may be a miracle and come back whole and intact. HOPE. But don't feed into the hate, as it only breeds more hate. Easier said than done, I know. I've hated to the point where once in my life I had a fleeting moment of knowing what it felt like to want another person dead. I never, ever want to experience that black feeling again. I learned from that single moment to try to channel hatred into positive affirmative thought and action. It's very, very hard, but we can do it. cj

  20. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    They're a party of hypocrites, Sansego. It's the only thing they do well.

  21. Natalie says:

    Shocking stuff.

  22. Sansego says:

    Don't mean to get overly political, but the older I live, the more I HATE, HATE, HATE the Republican party and everything it stands for!!!

    The latest schtick about reading the Constitution and leaving out critical parts only feeds my cynicism about this party. I know so many good Christian people who still really believe that Republican Party represents the values that Jesus possessed. I fail to see what they see. How can people be so willfully ignorant and blind to the cynicism and lies of the GOP? The Democratic party is not perfect, but at least they don't pretend to be religious and their policies are generally better for those who aren't rich. The economic facts indicate this.

    The tragedy of the girl born on 9/11/2001 dying in another act of violence is just too bizarrely coincidental to ignore. Perhaps her soul chose these circumstances to be a wake up call to people that our nation's obsession with violence is destroying us if we don't change? She sounds like an incredible young lady, who likely would have accomplished great things that we'll now never know about.

    The next two years is going to be depressing regarding politics. I suspect the Republican Congress will do what Gingrich did: investigate the president over every little thing and making the "scandal" seem outrageous enough to tear down his credibility and ability to lead. If Americans fall for this trap, then we are doomed as a country. No president deserved impeachment and removal from office more than George W. Bush. It shows the difference between the two parties. One party will impeach over lying about a personal affair while another party will take impeachment for lying about war off the table.

    I find it strange that Republicans are now praising crybabies Boehner and Glenn Beck. At the 2004 RNC, Republicans mocked Kerry as being a "pansy-assed flip flopper who looks French" and John Edwards as a "Breck Girl" and Schwarzenegger mocked Democrats as "economic girly men." How did they go from extreme macho posturing to now praising crybabies as their leaders?

    As I said, I truly HATE the Republican Party with every fiber of my being. I want to see this party become extinct like the Whigs.

    wv: mixtraye (Mix tray?)

  23. d page says:

    All of this is "beyond" strange.

  24. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Raksha/Linda – thanks for the info. This is really dark trickster stuff. Damn.

  25. Raksha says:

    Sadly, I have to report a terrible dark trickster synchronicity: The nine-year-old girl who was killed in the attack on Rep. Giffords was born on 9/11/01.

    Her name is Christina Taylor Green and she was one of the babies featured in the book [i]Faces of Hope: Babies Born On 9/11.[/i] Terrorism comes full circle.


  26. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I COULDN'T AGREE MORE, Nancy. Clowns, a pathetic group of clowns that are the legislators for the U.S.

  27. Nancy says:

    What a bunch of clowns – playing at being leaders.

  28. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i just checked the anagram possibilities for jared lee loughner – too many to mention even a few but very interesting plays of words result –

  29. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    yes, cj, that's what i see now, as well, at least on CNN – alleged shooter's name jared lee loughner i think –

    interesting about her name, isn't it – gabrielle – as nat says

    wv – dicar – die car?

  30. Anonymous says:

    Latest reports at 7pm EST….she had surgery and the surgeon is "optimistic" altho her conidition is critical. Bullet went thru her brain from one side ond out the other. A judge and a 9year-old boy were among the dead and twenty were wounded, some seriously. What a world we live in. cj

  31. Natalie says:


    Maybe another dark trickster,too?
    Gabrielle was the messenger angel, right?
    They shot the messenger.

    wv = skysaff

    safe in the sky?


  32. Anonymous says:

    Conflicting reports from various media. Some say she died. Some say she is in surgery. Does anyone know? cj

  33. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    killed outside a safeway, no less. SAFE way. Weird and tragic and smells like the dark trickster.

  34. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    such tragic news of rep gabrielle giffords and her staff in tuscon!

  35. d page says:

    Things just took a t very bad turn.

    Gabrielle Giffords Shot Dead: Congresswoman Killed In Arizona

  36. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    tell it like it is, rob!!!

    so true, trish, so true – confusing is a kind word, at that!

    cj – always always love your numbers perspective! thank you!

    wv – materma – material girl! uh, well, that's what i saw!!!

  37. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Mike – american politics is confusing to most americans, too!

  38. 67 Not Out - Mike Perry says:

    Interesting but confusing to an outsider.

  39. Dennis says:

    Fools that we suffer. Literally. Dennis

  40. Ja says:

    You know he's the weeping Madonna of the unenlightened.

  41. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I figure not much is going to get done in Congress for the next 2 years. – T

  42. Lauren says:

    Great comment about the constitution being regarded by conservatives like the Tea Party as a "holy document".

  43. Anonymous says:

    P.S. Swearing-in day, January 6, 2011, = 11. Another 11. cj

  44. Anonymous says:

    2011.112th congress. Numbers tell the tale. cj

  45. DJan says:

    It's going to be interesting to see how the Tea Party candidates work together with the others. Or not.

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