Mass Events in Tucson

In 1981, Jane Roberts/Seth published a book called The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events. This book is one of the most intriguing and also one of the most baffling.
In the book, Seth talks a lot about epidemics and about Three Mile Island and the Jonestown Massacre, events that occurred while he and Jane were writing the book. In this era of instant communication and 24/7 news coverage, however, we can add some other mass events to this list: 9-11; O.J. Simpson’s flight in the white Bronco after the murder of his wife; the Columbine shootings in April 1999; the 2007 Virginia Tech shooting; the Oklahoma City bombing; Hurricane Katrina and the devastation to New Orleans in 2005; Hurricane Andrew in 1992; the Indonesian tsunami in 2004; the Haitian earthquake in 2010. Those are just the mass events that come immediately to mind. There are many more. But you get the idea. A mass event is one that thrusts itself into our consciousness and changes our private, personal realities in some significant way.
Yesterday shooting and deaths in Tucson, Arizona certainly counts as a mass event. On a synchronistic level, it’s disturbing.
First, the fact that the shooting occurred in Arizona is significant. The state has been in the news recently because of Governor Brewer’s controversial immigration laws (racial profiling) and her denial of health insurance through Medicaid to individuals who need certain types of transplants in order to stay alive. Brewer claims these cuts are necessary, even though they save just over a million bucks from the state’s annual budget. The death panels that Sara Palin and her ilk screamed about during the health care debate last year (they’re going to kill your grandmother!) are a reality now in Arizona–but not because of ‘Obama-care.’ Already, two of the hundred individuals who need these transplants have died.   
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was outside a SAFEway grocery store to meet with constituents when she was shot at point blank range. (That one smacks of the dark trickster). The bullet went through her brain. Even though she has survived the surgery,  only about five percent of individuals with this kind of injury survive. Yet, her surgeons are “cautiously optimistic.”
The federal judge who was killed – who simply dropped by as a show of support for Giffords after having gone to mass – was an immigration advocate.
The call for violence has entered the discourse of American politics in a way that is horrifying. On Palin’s Facebook page – since scrubbed – the face of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was depicted in the crosshairs of a gun. Glenn Beck called for the killing of filmmaker Michael Moore. Sharon Angle, the Tea Party candidate in Nevada in the 2010 elections, advocated that Americans exercise their “second amendment rights” against Obama’s “socialist agenda.” The second amendment to the Constitution was adopted in 1791 and protects the rights of the American people to “keep and bear arms.”
From  a Sethian perspective in the mass events book: “People die when they are ready to die, for reasons that are their own. No person dies without a reason. The mass world is formed as the result of individual impulses. They meet and merge, and form platforms for action.”
If we, as individuals, create our realities from the inside out, as Seth contends, then what does that tell us about the roles played in today’s events? Why did federal judge John Roll just happen to walk over to the gathering outside Safeway? Why was Congresswoman Giffords so gravely injured? Why was an innocent nine-year-old girl killed in these shootings? The little girl, by the way, was Christina Taylor Green, featured in the book, Faces of Hope: Babies Born on 9/11. A baby born on the day of a terrorist act dies at the age of 9 during a terrorist act. Why would anyone choose  such experiences, even at an unconscious, soul level?

Perhaps the individuals involved chose to be involved in these tragic dramas to bring collective attention to this culture of violent rhetoric that has grown even more vitriolic and excessive in the last several years. It’s not that human beings are flawed. “The quality of your lives is formed through the subjective realities of your feelings and mental constructions,” wrote Seth. “Beliefs that foster despair are biologically destructive. If mass action against appalling social or political conditions is not effective, then other means are taken, and they are often in the guise of epidemics or natural disasters.” Wakeup calls, in other words.
Perhaps Tucson – like 9-11, like Columbine, like all the other mass events through the decades –  is one of  America’s wakeup calls. Have we gotten the message – as individuals, a society, a culture, a planet?
Here’s Seth talking about the power of beliefs.

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44 Responses to Mass Events in Tucson

  1. Jana says:

    I love Seth…this blows me away..thank you!

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    bizarre is right!

    ok, so i look down at this wv and it is "gumbu" = m'gumbu [to me] – familiar? check out this link:

    no more looking at wv's for me today – [i promise!]

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gypsy – that wv is bizarre!

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    well, i think in palin's case, her rifle-hunting actions certainly do speak louder than her caustic words – uh, well, almost….almost….gee, just too close to call!!!

    oh, get this wv = inefo – well, it sounded weird so i googled it – and it is – yes, it really is – a high- threat-level database "infection" referred to as "trojan.inefo" which registers itself as a spyware service but once installed it activates and installs more malicious files –
    does this fit, or what???

  5. Ray says:

    She is definitely not an intellectual giant. On the show where she took Kate and her kids out in the woods she made fun of her because she hated being in the woods. I don't know why Kate didn't go, but when you advertise for two or three weeks that she would be on she should have been treated with respect.


  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I saw a brief clip from Palin's show – where she actually shot a moose. For fun! For TV! What sort of message does that send? What's it say about HER?!

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Strify: strife!

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    interesting stuff from the borowitz report – hadn't heard it –

    cj – yeah, what a comment –

    mine is "strify"

  9. Anonymous says:

    No comment. Just an interesting WV showing up here: "truer"

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Here's something interesting…

    NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report) – Calls for a reduction in violent political rhetoric have plunged the Fox News Channel into chaos, with a Fox spokesperson warning today that such a move “would leave us with 24 hours to fill.”

    “Let’s not underestimate the giant hole this would create,” said spokesperson Carol Foyler. “Fox without viole…nt rhetoric would be like The Weather Channel without maps.”

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    cj, you're not missing much. It's just nasty, hateful stuff. Trish and I were also wondering if Robin is a fan of that right-wing nut Malkin or the opposite. It wasn't clear. Hope she favors us another visit.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Robin Neudorfer: I couldn't pull up the site you referenced, but did read a couple of bios on Ms. Malkin. Could you please explain your comment re: "those who live in glass houses", etc? Thank you. WV: microff (microphone off?) cj

  13. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i felt that same 60's peace calling just seeing your wonderful images, lauren – "the heart center" – hmmmmmm……speaks volumes here, doesn't it!

    hadn't seen the latest ap stuff, cj – it goes on and on –

  14. Lauren says:

    I went to the vigil last night for Gabrielle, and took pictures of the growing altar, which I posted on my blog. I found myself feeling like I felt in the 60's…….the call to Peace was everywhere in the altar, a kind of universal prayer that was the backdrop to the grief for the individuals killed and hurt. I do think it's a synchronicity that next door to Gifford's office, and where the vigil was held, there is a medical center called "The Heart Center of Southern Arizona".

    Thanks again to all who send their kind thoughts and good wishes.

  15. Anonymous says:

    According to the AP and UP news media, this young killer has an "altar" in his back yard devoted to satan, with sacrifial fruit and other weird stuff around it. They are reporting, (and who knows what is truth anymore), that he was addicted to the occult. That does tend to be an insult to those of us who are LightWorkers in many fields of the Occult Arts and Sciences, none of which has anything to do with satanic rituals or devil worship. The skewed minds of the masses, including traditional fundamental Christianity, lay the blame often for such despicable acts on occultism. I completely unserstand there are hundreds of thousands of "satanists" in this world who worship the Dark Side. But I take deep offense when the media uses "the Occult" in a broad definition for this kind of behavior and insanity. What a sad world we have, and those of us who bear witness to the Light somehow must raise our voices and torches so that more are able to SEE beyond the blinders. I'm going to use a little literary license with this WV: "weatsha" swastika For me, this speaks volumes. cj

  16. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    last night i saw replays of the palin stance of "don't retreat – reload" – and then actually a blurp of congresswoman giffords responding on camera to the crosshairs posting of her own district – it was so uncanny to see and hear again now! it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that there are, in fact, consequences of inflammatory words – it's a matter of history – repeated over and over and over – sadly so!

    a minute ago i left a comment over at lauren's post with the images of the "alters" created there in tucson and, poignantly, the wv was "roses" –

  17. Ray says:

    I am curious to see what the Fox Noise Network characters and Right Wing talk radio have to say about this situation. So far most have not had a chance to stir up the pot one more time since the shooting.

    I especially want to hear Limbaugh pontificate. I won't listen directly,but if he steps in it I hope he is exposed once and for all.

    I never heard anyone try to blame left or right for the shooting since it happened as the shooter's views are so convoluted no one knows for sure what his politics are. Yet when interviewed Neil Boortz went on a rant saying the media is blaming conservatives. The interviewer tried to pin him down by saying no one tried to pin the rhetoric on either side.

    I paid a lot of attention to what was going on during and after the election and it mostly the worst of the tea baggers and their cheerleaders such as Palin spreading hatred.

    Pat Buchannon and Mike Barnacle on Morning Joe said their first thoughts were here we go again. When JFK was assassinated it did not end. We went from there into killing after killing with a few years later RFK, MLK, Malcolm X and never let up.

    I had a friend in the Navy who was shot at in the Sixties because he had long hair in the days of My Country Love it or Leave it.


    WV: gurutic: when counsel is given that is so profound it seems to come from a guru.

  18. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Healing – I didn't know this about the uranus/pluto square in Capricorn. But it certainly makes sense! I think the paying off of karma makes sense, too, on that deeper level.

  19. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, Marcus. Well put. It's definitely a learning experience, although the far right in the U.S. is saying the tragedy had nothing to do with their often violent-tinged rhetoric. One blogger went so far as to say that these comments by the left and the media might provoke attacks against the Tea Party and allies. Talk about turning the tables!

    Also, about kids on the Internet for up to eight hours: that means they're watching less TV. Social scientists used to express concern about kids sitting passively in front of a TV for hours every day. At least, now they can interact. However, no telling where they're going on the net.

  20. Marcus T. Anthony says:

    I was just thinking about this tragic event today here in HK, and thinking of writing something about it myself on my blog. The coincidence of the little girls birthday may well be a synchronicity. While we think of synchronicity as being uplifting, they may also be tragic. I have also felt that these can teach us something. As pointed out, it's hard to imagine any soul volunteering for such "work". Then again, Christ was nailed to a cross, not exactly a pleasant reward for all his hard work and teaching. As for the hate factor, the internet does indeed seem to be a channel via which people can project their issues and beat up on others and the world. There are many great things about the net – this blog for example – but it can also bring out the very worst in people. Young people are particularly vulnerable, as studies show that some kids are spending up to 8 hours a day on the net.

  21. Healing Mudras says:

    I ponder about your quote and known synchronicity approach " nothing happen by chance" and yes then how would people decide the die in such horrific cirucmstances" . I think it is more a matter of synchro "wrong time, wrong place" type of synchro here. However if we really want to dig into a reason the purpose of "chosing" such a horrific death, maybe one explanation is ' for a rise of consciousness to happen in other's mind..' for the karma of their liberation of past life karma is also something we carry in this present day life…. It is said that when Pluto squares Uranus while transiting in Capricorn it brings back past lifes and basically checks where the counter is at in terms of past life/present life/future life….

    Your writing skills are at peak here!! faboulous way to report such a terrible event.

  22. Shadow says:

    these things will keep happening, until we take note, really take note, and make changes.

  23. Brownie says:

    Young Christina just recently had her First Holy Communion (a major event in the life of Roman Catholic – I'm not RC, but am aware of its importance) and was often telling her Mom how "blessed" they were.

    She was very aware (for such a young age) of injustices in the world. She seemed like a 'old soul', which may seem cliche, but the more I read of this precious girl, born on 9.11.01, the more I think how truly remarkable she was compared to other girls her age that are into superficiality like the color pink, makeup and dressing like 20 yr. olds.

    R.I.P. to Christina and all the victims!

    ~ Susan

  24. Lauren says:

    Thanks to you, Rob and Trish, and to all the comments here; it's helping to read this, as I'm feeling shocked still. Love your comments above, Natalie – I just posted pics of the vigil altar made near Gabrielle's headquarters, and one big sign someone left says "just pray". And thanks for comments by others about hateful, inflamatory language – you are right. It's important to me that people know about, or remember, the ugly rhetoric and propaganda of the recent campaign, so that we can counter it with reason, and with compassion.

  25. Natalie says:

    Suggested reading for Mike: Testimony of Light by Helen Greaves.
    It's an account of the afterlife written by a former nun who 'comes through' to her friend, Helen.
    In it Frances (the nun) makes reference to people who thought they weren't ready to go, only to find that once they had acclimatised to the Other Side, that they remembered their Soul's Blueprint.

    There are no accidents.

    I think we are being called to trust in the grand plan, for if we don't develop this trust, we cannot raise the vibrations here on the Earth plane. It is EXTREMELY difficult to trust in a plan that we can't see or remember easily, but if we all turn inward, it will reveal itself to each of us when we are ready.
    Hold steady, pray, spread love and compassion as much as possible, and pray some more. This is where our power lies. Choose love as much as possible in each decision and crossroad.
    I feel for the American people who are caught up in the energy of a vile ruling sector. The feeling here in Aus. is disgust atm, but that is not helping either.

    Remember the meek shall inherit the earth, not gun wielding crazies.

    wv= coplea

  26. rosaria says:

    It's a horrible event, too ugly to take in, to make sense of.

  27. Ya no "whoot" says:

    yeah 9/11, virginia tech,, columbine,, etc, etc, etc,,…… see ya didn't mention the synchro….. quit the pandoras box we open,, gotta wonder if……………..

  28. Sansego says:

    Yeah, I agree. After this tragedy, I simply don't see the media promoting Palin as a viable candidate any more. Her statement in defense of Dr. Laura's "N-word" rant was "Don't retreat…reload." Sarah should be reminded of her inflammatory rhetoric all the time. What if it had been her daughter Piper who was killed by the shooter? Would her heart change?

    People need to understand, the inflammatory language gave rise to the Nazi Party in Germany and Krystallnacht, and to the genocide in Rwanda. There are demagogues who use their voice as a call for evil, yet they do nothing but dare others to commit ghastly deeds then when it happens, they back off and say that they are just entertainers and shocked that anyone would take their words serioiusly. I wish the Becks, Limbaughs, Hannitys, and Palins of this world would be transformed by this tragedy and vow to change their rhetoric and language.

    I also think it should be against the law to post billboards and flyers that blatantly lie. A person should be able to reference whatever claims they make (such as "Congresswoman Giffords loves the Taliban." Prove it! If you can't, that will not allowed to be displayed).

  29. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Lauren – would love to see the photos. Let us know when you post them.

    new soul – I know what you mean!

  30. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Palin is now political toast. I would love to Fox News lose all its advertisers. That network has done nothing except foster hatred.

  31. Nancy says:

    My first thoughts once I heard this was that these people were incredibly brave. I totally agree with this post. The old ways are in a death struggle to survive. Sarah Palin will never be viewed the same after having Giffords in the crosshairs on her Facebook page, and then having this happen. At some point the energy will turn, and good people will recognize the evil in this kind of discourse. Until then, we will be bombarded with game-changing horror.

    There is a mass energy exposing these people. Just hang on to your seat, there will be more.

  32. A New Soul says:

    Powerful posting. I just finished reading Zen and the Art of Happiness today. That book suggests that there are no 'bad' events but I am having trouble not putting a value judgement on events such as this. Perhaps in 20 years we will look back and find the meaning. Right now it just seems so tragic.

  33. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    ooops – meant to mention earlier, to lauren – yes, thanks for that insight – very interesting – more dimension to this sad story!

  34. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, geeeee, trish – your wv comment gave me chills! literally!!! literally!

    and it is – chilling!

    this wv is "ingoesse" – in goes easy? goes in easy?

  35. Lauren says:

    I just went to put some more flowers on the shrine people have been making at Gabrielle's office (I'll try to post some pic's on my blog)…. I wish the media would show that, because it reflects the other side of this – there is a peace sign made with candles, many images of the Virgin of Guadaloupe, a butterfly, and signs denouncing violence and hate; even the police who have to surround the area are leaving flowers.

    Their has been a horrific right wing hate campaign against Gifford, real propaganda; people who live here are aware of it,and wonder how much this had to do with this violence. I think many feel the necessity to bring images of peace and reconciliation.

  36. Jen says:

    I have to agree with Gypsy- I also feel that this is a blatant verification of the fact that the masses as of yet are still "Not getting it." The media coverage only spreads the virus, in my opinion.

    Sadly, the very first thing I thought when I saw the breaking news was "This is only the beginning."

    Very scary.

  37. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gypsy – that word verification you got? In Spanish, it means "They kill." Matar is the verb, matan is the present tense plural.


  38. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    it seems to me that as these kinds of events continue to propel themselves into our collective attention, that we are NOT learning – we do NOT yet get the message – this shooting bears witness to our not "getting it" – the palin/beck/angle mentality is alive and well and seems to be growing – at least, from my perspective – all of which makes it even more incumbent upon each of us individually – and collectively – to diligently focus on creating the change that is not just needed, but which is mandatory if this world of chaos and horrific acts is to be overcome –

    we are all grateful to you and your blog for the dissemination of information, and for a forum in which to gather and individually/collectively make a difference in our world –

    the wv here is "matan" and when i first saw it, the word i saw was "madhatter" –

  39. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Lauren – thanks for the additional info!

  40. 67 Not Out - Mike Perry says:

    The Gabrielle Giffords shooting is also the main news story here in the UK. Horrific event and I find the Palin link worrying – from this side of the Atlantic she appears to be trouble.

    The quote: "People die when they are ready to die, for reasons that are their own." This doesn't feel right to me. A higher power may perhaps have an influence but people I have known haven't been 'ready to die' when they left this world – well, as far as I could see or understand.

    An interesting post that's for sure.

  41. DJan says:

    It was a horrible and tragic event that was fomented, in my opinion, by all the hatemongering that is everywhere these days, especially on the radio and certain TV programs. You have managed to articulate my feelings of foreboding for what is to come. I listened to the Seth interview and don't know what to think of it. However, I am a believer that there are forces of which we know little to nothing. I just hope that our guardian angels are willing to put in some overtime…

  42. Lauren says:

    Gabrielle's office is 3 blocks from where I live, and last night I placed a candle and flowers at a vigil held there for her (there were others, including at UMC hospital.) Last night the intersection near her office was blocked off before the vigil, because a bomb was reportedly found and defused. I heard this after I arrived, and don't know all the details…..but if so, this gunman was not alone in his hate tactics.

    I can't help but reflect on the post on this blog (which I commented on) about "reading the constitution in Congress as if it was holy book"….this young man who shot these people apparently made exactly such comments on the internet not long before this horrific act of terrorism.

    Giffords is a much loved liberal democrat, and Tucson, with the University of Arizona, is well known as a liberal oasis in an otherwise conservative state with a lot of "cowboy" ethics still abounding. In Arizona you can legally carry a handgun (in a holster), for instance, and the cult of guns, with it's John Wayne mentality, is alive and well here.

    The last election was the ugliest, most irrational election I have ever seen, with the concerted propaganda against Giffords, and Raul Grijalva, the worst kind of propaganda. One of the ways this was done was by cardboard placards placed at intersections all over town with blurbs like "Giffords supports the Taliban". Just a few days ago, even though the election is well over, I noticed a placard near her headquarters that said: "Giffords took away my medicare".

    I feel, like so many here, profoundly saddened. I hope, as you suggest, there can be some learning, some waking up from this, but I fear that the need to hate, and to blame, and to justify with violence……will continue. But each of us can bear witness to peace and reason. Thank you, once again, for your thoughts and eloquence.

  43. Liza Ursu says:

    Thanks for this post.

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