Ecuador releases its UFO files

Ecuador has released all of its UFO files. There’s some amazing footage on this video, clear shots of UFOs over the cities of Quito and Guayaquil, as well as UFOs over erupting volcanoes in Ecuador. Disclosure seems to be happening more rapidly in other countries. When is the U.S. going to follow?

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21 Responses to Ecuador releases its UFO files

  1. Anonymous says:

    You are spot on, nancy. America's credibility has gone down the tubes. Can we ever recover it?
    I wonder….cj

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The rest of their credibility: key phrase, you're right, Nancy.

  3. Nancy says:

    The US is beginning to look really, really bad. If it doesn't come out of the closet soon, they are going to lose all credibility. Well … the rest of their credibility.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    cj – your comment:

    I seriously doubt any kind of American disclosure that would be worthwhile or informative besides TPTB saying, "yes, there are unidentified flying objects we can't explain in our airspace".
    There are far too many reppies (you call 'em 'lizzies') in high places in the gov't and full disclosure would ultimately bring them out. The public response would be hysterics, panic, and lord only knows what else. Also, it would demonstrate to the masses that our gov't and our military have been lying for decades (or centuries). I'm not expecting disclosure. As an aside, there have been several downright strange, mysterious deaths of highly credible people who knew the truth and put it out there. Dr. John Mack is a great example of such a death. What are the odds that the great man would be killed by a drunk driver while in Europe at a UFO convention where he was a key speaker? And there are so many, many more. Think the U.S. has the cajones to admit they've lied all these years? I'll have to see it in all its full glory before I believe they'll do it!

  5. 3322mathaddict says:

    WHOOPS! Something happened on my comment space! I did not intentionally put that email address there! It's never happened before. What the#*^??
    How do I delete this, T & R? Please? Thanks!

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    well, i've just been over to the other sites, as well, reading and re-reading and trying to absorb without being absorbed [some heavy stuff] – so grateful for all the info –

    in watching the video here, one of the most striking things to me personally was the object of quito – it's seen at about 10-11 minutes into the video – it is very very much like the object i saw from my home on the east coast back in the fall – except that i was more able to make out a definitive shape of the object i saw as it was lower – or seemed lower, anyway –

    in any event, much much to consider here –

    great post, macgregors! thank you!

    and cj – i know!

    wv – reddr – radar?

  7. says:

    After posting the above comment, I left to go read the Unknown Country latest journal entry. Complex material and must be read more than once to comprehend it in its fullest meanings. I do have questions about parts of it. It's been my experience that there are several species of ETs in our presence, some of which are disguised as humans. All of these visitors are not uplifting; all of them do not have the best and highest good of mankind as their purpose. I have absolute "proof", if such exists, that there are indeed ETs, or entities in crafts, who are so loving and so caring and so protective of us that we cannot imagine it because we're not sufficiently evolved. I have equal "proof", if such exists, that there are ETs, or entities in crafts, who are evil and vile. This doesn't seem to be a matter of interpretation, but a point of fact. And there is no way I can present the proof because it is subjective. But I KNOW, in my heart and soul and mind, that just as there are highly evolved loving, compassionate humans, there are evil and destructive humans, and that these are mirrored in the species of the ETs. I would use a different term for all of them. I would call them "Unknown Entities" or UEs, rather than ETs. So, disclosure: will it bring out ALL aspects of the issue and ALL aspects of the variance within the species who are interacting with the human species on this planet?
    We have two movies which probably come close to substantiating the realities of art imitating life: WAR OF THE WORLDS,(the original one), and CONTACT. Opposing ends of the nature of these entities, whatever they may be. If I told my story overtly, I would be encased in a white jacket and slammed into an insane asylum, or worse. And there are many like me. I am just so grateful to have the conviction, with proof that satisfies ME, that there are good guys as well as bad guys whose shadows reside among us. I hope if disclosure eventually comes, it will unveil the loving ones and not the nasties.

  8. 67 Not Out - MIke Perry says:

    Had a glimpse of the video but will come back to view it in full. So the drip, drip of information keeps coming. Makes you wonder what will come to light if / when the US releases their files. I presume they will 'in time'.

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Marcus Anthony, who lives part-time in China, says the video basically is repeating what has been reported (and denied) here about disclosure by the Obama administration. Considering Obama's fast-track to the middle-right, he probably wouldn't allow disclosure unless the Republicans gave the go-ahead…and Mitch McConnell and other top players probably don't want their Lizzie origins revealed.

    WV: undsead (understand)

  10. Shadow says:

    i think there's a lot of hidden stuff in most of our governments archives…

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Debra – when you get a chance, read whitley strieber's new journal entry at It's a sobering look @ what disclosure might bring about.

    Nat -good wv!

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    For what it's worth, the Chinese National Television news is reporting an impending extraterrestrial disclosure by the Obama administration.

  13. Natalie says:

    Australia has released Northern Territory files, but when I followed the link, it was no longer there.????

    New Zealand has declassified theirs last year, however.

    wv minamari
    That is funny because there are some weird 'lights' often sighted near the Northern territory called the Min Min lights.

  14. d page says:

    In December 1991, I was part of small group that presented a US-Soviet UFO symposium in Berkeley. Panelists included Col. Marina Popovich, Dr. Steven Greer, Colin Andrews. (Colin has some photos of the event posted here The Russian Consulate held a press conference to talk about the UFO photographed by satellite Phobos 2 before it went missing in 1998. So, Russia attempted disclosure at this point.

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Terri – your comment made me laugh! I can just see the U.S. spiffing up their files, polishing the images until they scream, See? See how much better our stuff is? And you're right. It's liberating to be able to tap into information without censorship.

  16. terripatrick says:

    Great video! The US will disclose their files when they can show theirs are better, more complete, than any other country. 😀

    It is great not to be restricted any more by what's broadcast through the US media.

  17. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Uh, debra, do tell!! Nat – has australia released its files?

  18. Natalie says:

    Awesome footage. Both excitement and trepidation going on here.


    hype he's in?

  19. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    it's long, but you can flip through it and you'll see the images. have a good night!

  20. d page says:

    I wonder when the US will do full disclosure??? Been wondering/waiting for 45 years.
    I was just looking through my files from working with Russian test pilot Marina Popovich this afternoon.

    Thanks for posting this.

  21. gypsywoman says:

    incredible video! just dropped over before shutting down and can't watch in its entirety tonight but can't wait to see it all tomorrow – thanks SO much for always having such incredible things to ponder over here!

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