2 Dark Trickster Tales

Kind of an imposing-looking guy, isn’t he? This is Robert Todd Lincoln, oldest son of Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln. About a year before his father was assassinated, Robert was nearly killed on a railroad platform in Jersey City, New Jersey.

An impatient crowd on the platform shoved Robert toward the path of a departing train. An alert bystander saw what was happening, dropped his luggage  and, with his ticket clenched between his teeth, grabbed Robert by the collar of his overcoat and yanked him to safety.

When Robert turned around to thank the man who had rescued him, he recognized him. He was one of the era’s most famous actors – Edwin Booth, the brother of John Wilkes Booth, who would assassinate Abraham Lincoln, Robert’s dad, on April 14, 1865.

Okay, so what are the odds on THAT one? It’s almost as if the the hand of destiny tapped the two families on the shoulders that day, linking them together forever.

Here’s another bizarro tale.

Recognize this young man? He’s British blue rock star Keith Relf, the lead signer and harmonica player for the Yardbirds, a group famous in the sixties.His fellow Yardbirds were more famous than he was – Jeff Beck, for instance, was voted by Rolling Stone  as the 14th most influential guitarists of all time out of a list of one hundred;  Jimmy Page went on to found Led Zeppelin and was ranked as the ninth most influential guitarist of all time; and Eric Clapton came in fourth in Rolling Stone’s  list.

In 1976, long after the Yardbirds broke up, Relf and his sister planned to tour together during the summer. Relf spent the spring practicing. But on May 14, his eight-year-old son found him motionless in his London home, guitar still in his hand. His cause of death? Electrocution by his own guitar.
Dark trickster tales, for sure. 
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25 Responses to 2 Dark Trickster Tales

  1. Anonymous says:

    I have always been a Keith Relf fan, since the "Yardbirds". One of my favorite songs by Relf (with Armageddon in 1975) is "Silver Tightrope" which is about an Out-Of-Body experience. "Silver tightrope" in reference to the silver cord tethering the "astral body" to the "physical body". Haunting melody and words. https://www.lyricsvip.com/Armageddon/Silver-Tightrope-Lyrics.html

  2. Kimberly says:

    Wow. The Lincoln story kind of blows my mind. Good post.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Gyps, sometimes I believe the locked closet might be the very best place to be! cj

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    cj – so glad someone else heard/saw same thing – had it not been so cold and i not already in my nightie i would have gone outside to look too – haven't seen or heard "news" in such a long time the whole planet might have disappeared but for my little nook here and i would be unaware – and i've not even yet looked online for the little boy in my dream the other night – i live in a closet with the door locked it seems!!!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Please don't remove the dot! Gypsy, there was a very unusual number of military planes flying EAST right over us and out over the ocean. We are south of the military base in Jax, and not in the normal flight path because they have to fly south and then east in order to cross over us, and generally if they're going east they simply go up and east, when they leave the base there. Our weather last night was clear and not windy, so the change in flight pattern wasn't due to weather. We first heard them last night, and because hubby is a plane nut, he went out front to look into the sky to see. He can indentify virtually everything with wings just by listening to them. These, he said, were big military giants of some kind, definitely not commercial, and were not flying high or at least hadn't reached their cruising altitudes yet. Like yours, our houses and windows shook, probably because they were flying so low. Can't help but wonder where all these military aircraft are going, and why. The story about Relf is high weirdness. WV" asingis Makes me think of Assange. cj

  6. Natalie says:

    Robert Lincoln was coincidentally either present or nearby when three presidential assassinations occurred.


  7. Natalie says:

    Very dark, very strange.
    Makes me go WTF? On so many levels. Obviously, as you said their souls were entwined,but I want to know the whys and the wherefores.

  8. Nancy says:

    Wow, these are amazing. You can feel something karmic with the first one, and the second is just astonishing! I have never heard of such a thing as electrocution by guitar. I loved the Yardbirds, btw.

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    funny thing is, since my blurp above, there have been multiple multiple take-offs – this is not at all a regular time of day/night that there is this kind of traffic from the base – no landings – just take-offs – i live about one mile from the main gate so i am familiar with their flight patterns etc – just weird –

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    OK, duly recorded on barksdale!

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, no, don't remove the dot, please – i think you're right that it does serve a purpose –

    have no idea of the significance of this – except that it is – but a few minutes ago a plane left barksdale afb [a SAC base] and in its wake leaving, had windows and doors shaking – it was extremely extremely low in its take-off and did not seem to be on a regular flight pattern – from the sound and vibrations of it, it had to be a huge plane – much larger than the usual ones flying in and out here – anyway – that's just a "for what it's worth" thing – not sure why i mentioned it except that it was so out of the ordinary – and barksdale is always one of the first ones to respond to anything unusual –

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The dot IS spooky. Maybe I should take it off! Thing is, in a sense it seems to function like an oracle – not as chatty as the I Ching, now as visual as the tarot – but nonetheless interesting.

  13. DJan says:

    The odds of the Lincoln/Booth story happening are astronomical, wouldn't you say? That strange dot thing is pretty spooky. Maybe I should put one on my website so I can scare myself more often. Coming over here, you almost always have something that makes me shiver!

  14. Anonymous says:

    Same here, Vicki. Took Tylenol twice and am not very functional today. It's almost impossible to explain to people who don't feel these symptoms what they feel like.
    We sound like we are hypochondraics, yet we know we are not. Something pretty big is brewing; more than the Russian airport bombing this morning. Just wish we could know at least some semblance of WHAT or WHERE. That might make the symptoms worth experiencing. Hmmmm. WV:
    "truckpi" Something to do with a truck, maybe?? cj

  15. Vicki D. says:

    Wow, the Lincoln story made my jaw drop.

    CJ, My dot isn't burning but the rest of me feels like I got hit by a truck. This morning was really bad, had to take 4 Advil. I did wonder if something was up.
    I was very much out of breath too. It is better now, but I
    Won't be getting much done this afternoon.

  16. 67 Not Out - Mike Perry says:

    Hadn't heard the Lincoln tale before, that's quite a bizarre story.

  17. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Shadow – year, I know what you mean. it had the same effect on me when I ran across it.

  18. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    cj – i commented earlier in the previous post about the GCP –

    even more interesting the thing of felf and not playing the guitar with the group – and then, being electrocuted!

  19. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Also interesting that Felf did not play guitar with the Yardbirds, just sang. So when he turned to guitar, it didn't work out as he'd hoped. He died at age 33, ouliving Janice Joplin, Jimmy Hendrix, and Jim Morrison by five years.

  20. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Also interesting that Felf did not play guitar with the Yardbirds, just sang. So when he turned to guitar, it didn't work out as he'd hoped. He died at age 33, ouliving Janice Joplin, Jimmy Hendrix, and Jim Morrison by five years.

  21. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The dot represents the now.

  22. Anonymous says:

    P.S. The dot shows green but the graph shows a spike just "now" well into the deep orange-red. Something brewing besides what has already happened today. Geez…..

  23. Anonymous says:

    Guys, momentarily off-subject: are any other Moog-Dotheads having their red dots engaged and on fire this morning? Mine is raging. Terrorists attack in Russian airport a couple of hours ago and a bomb threat caused a London jet to make an unplanned landing a few minutes ago. More to come. I feel it in every atom and molecule.
    Do I have company? Am sure I must.

  24. Shadow says:

    the lincoln tale knocked me sideways, such total opposites…

  25. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    so right about the tap on the "family shoulder" with the lincoln/booth story – how incredible that one! and then, relf to be taken literally by that which had given him life – musical life, in the least – both fascinating tales!!!

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