A Telepathy Experiment with Rupert Sheldrake

Telepathy: mind to mind communication. In the larger Jungian picture, telepathy falls under the umbrella of synchronicity.  We’ve written about this phenomenon before, as in Jung and the Sympathy for All Things,  and have also written about British biologist Rupert Sheldrake.

Now this visionary biologist is conducting a telepathy experiment open to anyone who lives in the U.S. Basically, it goes like this: you need a cell or land line, people to whom you’re close who also have a land line or cell and live in the U.S. Further instructions are provided after you register and log in. Rob and I are game. Here’s the you tube video that explains telephone telepathy according to Sheldrake. Here’s the link for joining up.

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22 Responses to A Telepathy Experiment with Rupert Sheldrake

  1. 3322mathaddict says:

    Speaking of telepathy, yesterday I assigned something sinister or negative to the odd behavior of my dog and my son's cat. Actually,it turned out that a massive "rotating" storm system moved across the FL peninsula from west to east late yesterday, bringing with it torrential rains and flooding, thunder, lightning, hail, winds over 60mph, and several tornadoes. The air raid sirens went off downtown several times during the squalls as they passed over us because two tornadoes touched down nearby. The dog and cat were evidently sensing the ominous shifts in the barometric pressure and in the atmospheric conditions hours before the squalls arrived and probably smelled the peculiar odor that accompanies such storms. The cat didn't want to be outside, and my dog, being the service animal that she is, was trying to "herd" me into what she perceived as a "safe place". Even the right whale may have been driven off its normal course because it's innate sonar was thrown askew by the weather. I'm happy it wasn't something worse, although it was bad enough. Today there is typical FL sunshine, just cold and windy. The animals are back to normal.

  2. 3322mathaddict says:

    Empathy definitely makes sense in many cases of telepathy, especially regarding phone calls. I was walking to pick up the landline last Saturday to phone my sister in Missouri and the phone rang when as I lifted the receiver to tap the digits. It was my sister calling me. I had to laugh and told her she beat me to the punch. However, empathy doesn't always work in a similar fashion, because although I know when our youngest son is calling, always, I don't 'recognize the ring' with our two older sons, and there is certainly a profound connection between both of them and Mom, as there is between our youngest son and Mom. So there are other aspects at work as well.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The empathy element makes perfect sense.

  4. Marcus T. Anthony says:

    Yep, I love the telephone experiments. They met the criteria for telepathy events; there generally has to be some empathy with the person, and the event has to be meaningful in some way. When Sheldrake did these experiments with random people who did not know each other, the results were no greater than chance. However when the participants knew each other, the results were way beyond chance. Sheldrake is great for imaginative experiments which are easy to conduct.

  5. Natalie says:

    Yeah! So cool.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hey Nat, she can read for YOU.

  7. Natalie says:

    The young girl I work with is telepathic. She puts the kettle on just before I ask her, passes me tissues when I think of asking for one etc. She reads my mind so well, that she is picking up all my little sayings and is starting to intuit everything I say and do.
    Yesterday, I started to teach her how to 'read'. Give a week and she will outstrip me for sure. 🙂

  8. Anonymous says:

    Wow, that is some WV, Gyps! Maybe applicable to the story on this post about telepathy, or to the military planes flying around!!
    Look at this WV: "truccons" maybe something to do with reconnaisance? (spelling doubtful there!) Hhmmmmm. cj

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    same thing, me, as well, on the phone thing – very very frequently, i answer the phone saying the person's name as i answer – it's especially so between my son and me – if i had a nickle for every time i've picked up the phone to call someone only to have the phone ring and be them!!! neat experiment – think i'll sign up but am going to be on the road again soon for several days so am not sure it [trip] will impact whatever the guidelines are – but will check it out and see – thanks so much for posting about it –

    – really interesting about the animals too – your cat story, cj, is very much like the one my daughter told me this morning of the "adopted" cat at her house – fantastic story of the whales – such magnificent creatures – am so happy it was able to get back to the deep blue – and the thing of the planes here and on the east coast, would love to know what that was all about –

    love the phrase, too, that brain waves fly through brick walls – neat, ss!

    wv here is qualind – which means "a method of assessing the accuracy of automated tests" – weird or what!

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Our cats do exactly the same thing, Lauren!

  11. Lauren says:

    Certainly animals are telepathic! My cat Sweet Pea always seems to be waiting for me in the driveway when I come home. Even if I've been gone for several days. But impossible to find if I plan on taking her to the vet…….has an uncanny ability to disappear when there is anything unpleasant on the horizon.

  12. Anonymous says:

    I like it, too. Brain waves don't seem to be impeded by anything! Could have something to do with the manner in which remote viewing operates. Good call, Simple! Well, another odd WV: "stiohme"
    stay home?? cj

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    simple – I like that! Brain waves fly through brick walls.

  14. Anonymous says:

    For anyone interested, here's one of the news stories about our right whale:
    https://www.firstcoastnews.com/news/mostpopular/news-article.aspx?storyid-188289 – –

  15. Anonymous says:

    Our son and daughter-in-law live directly next door to us, in a separate structure, of course. They left their mama cat outside today, which isn't unusual. What's unusual is that Pagan (mama cat) came to our door for the very first time and was meowing to come inside, even with our hulk of a dog in here. I opened our door and let her in, picked her up, (this in itself is unusual because she's aloof and generally snooty), and she snuggled against me. I put her on the LR floor; she and Sunshine went nose-to-nose….no fear in the cat at all, and Sunshine's tail was going ninety to nothing. Pagan is now laying right by the door but refuses to go back outside. Her eyes are dilated, the way cats' eyes get when they're not happy, and she's watching the yard (or whatever) thru the glass. Sunshine is ignoring her and still following me around, not wanting me out of her sight. The cat stays outside in the daytime, so this is highly unusual, and she has never been inside our house. Have to wonder what's traveling around in the atmosphere that these animals are perceiving. To Simple, yes, all this is "on the up and up". No exaggerations. Something's brewing or ready to manifest. BTW, a "right whale" somehow got off-track yesterday and found her way into the St. Johns River. There are only 400+ right whales left on the planet. All the shipping lanes were shut down while the Coast Guard boats got on each side of the whale and guided her back towards the ocean. It took all day and was a mess with the shipping lanes closed. This will be in the news, if it isn't already. The wildlife folks said she wasn't sick or injured; that her "radar" somehow got off kilter. (Wonder why??) Anyway she's now back in the big deep ocean where she belongs. Imagine: major marine and military shipping lanes closed because a single whale had to be guided back into her normal habitat! Such a heart-warming event! Can't help but feel proud! oooow look at this WV, guys: "lizes" lizzies, as Trish and Rob call them? Maybe they're hanging around! cj

  16. simple says:

    now dot's cool, specially (only) if on the up and up,, much like the DNA check swab thing….. brain waves fly guess through brick walls

  17. Vicki D. says:

    Good Morning!
    Interesting about your dog, my one very social cat, Anna, was acting very strange yesterday. Followed me everywhere including into the bathroom. Today she seems more normal.
    My other two cats have insisted on sleeping not with me but on me the last two nights.
    Anyone else notice their animals acting differently?

  18. Anonymous says:

    Morning, Vicki! The dot has gone from red to orange to yellow so far during the past several hours. Likewise, would really like to know about the military planes. Also likewise, my PE (planetary empathy) is not as bad today, either, but is still bothersome and feels "different", somehow. However, left ear is driving me crazy with constant knocks and bumps, and my canine is staying very close. Last night, for the first time in ages, she tried to dig a hole in the carpet behind my chair, then went behind hubby's much bigger recliner and actually tried to crawl under it! She isn't a "wuss dog" at all. She was picking something up that was really bothering her. No hiding today. We fussed at her about trying to dig the hole in the carpet, so today she's just hanging onto me like a frightened kid…..all 75 pounds of furry baby! Her senses are on alert. Last time she tried to dig a hole in the carpet and hide was just prior to the Indonesian catastrophe. Interesting WV:
    "preryol" pre royal? Or pre riot?Or even prairie oil? cj

  19. Vicki D. says:

    I always know when my husband calls me and do the same by answering "Hi Hon". I also have this with my daughters, I have actually been with one of my daughters and the phone rings and we are both saying "someone grab the phone it's Danielle" etc.
    I have this with just about everybody. I often wonder if I'm picking up on them or they are picking up on me thinking about calling them.
    My best friend is always calling me first and so I finally said "the next time you think of calling me wait about a half hour so that I can call you first!" It worked.

    CJ, when I checked out this site this morning the dot was red, which didn't surprise me because again I am sore all over but not as bad as yesterday.

    I wonder what all of those flights were about?
    Oh and in regards to UFO stuff, again I was in a book store recently and was drawn to books and mags. about them. I really feel something big is brewing. In fact as I write this I feel it even stronger.

  20. Anonymous says:

    One more P.S. Don't want to hog the blog! I see the dot is orange this morning. Wonder if it has something to do with all the unusual military air traffic Gyps and I are seeing. Look at this WV: "beatic" cj

  21. Anonymous says:

    P.S. My sis is fine and is a 20-year breast cancer survivor. cj

  22. Anonymous says:

    It doesn't matter what time of the day or night it is, when my youngest son dials my number, whether on the cell or whether on the landline, I can "hear" him dialing and always answer with "Hey Carey!" Never fails. Never. Doesn't happen with our two other sons, just with Carey. It also happens with my sister, who is my only sibling and who lives in Missouri, far away from Florida. She doesn't call at specific times, just as Carey doesn't, yet I know when the phone rings that it's her. Strange indeed, but not really, all things considered. Beyond the phone telepathy….years ago my left breast began to ache and hurt. I never, ever had breast pain. Not during pregnancies or that "time of the month". Just never had breast pain. So when it began to hurt, I grew concerned but didn't go to the doctor. A week after the pain began, my sister phoned me from the hospital and told me she'd had her left breast removed due to cancer. I had a fit because she hadn't let me know. She said she'd not wanted to worry me! The next year, my right breast began to ache and hurt. This time I knew and I phoned my sister. Surely enough, she'd had the right breast removed due to cancer! I think these types of telepathic communications are more common than folks realize. They certainly exist in my life! cj

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