Thrive, the Movie

Our post, Atlas Shrugged Turned on Its Head, brought comments from a couple of individuals who wanted to know what system we advocated if capitalism is so corrupt. Here’s the answer.

This documentary is stunning. It’s narrated and financed by a visionary named Foster Gamble, who rejected his path as a scion of the Proctor & Gamble fortune and chose to seek another more equitable path. Here you will learn about new energy and its connection with ancient wisdom, a hint about the meaning of crop circles, while the last half deals with the forces fighting to maintain the status quo and how they do it.

AsĀ Daz says, Thrive should be shown everywhere, and quickly. There’s a synchro in here for us, too, given the proposal we’re working on now. But more on that later. Here’s the movie, courtesy of You Tube.



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12 Responses to Thrive, the Movie

  1. Nancy says:

    The trailer was missing – You Tube wanted it back?
    I love Thrive – we first heard about it in a little gallery in Maui. It was making its rounds there last November. I don’t think Rand was wrong about everything – but certainly about most things.

  2. karen says:

    Thanks…I watched the movie and thought it was quite good. I did go to the website for thrive and was a little taken back when reading the section labeled Liberty….and seeing a quote by Ayn Rand. I’m not all that familiar with her books, but thought her influences were thought of as sinister. Yet here in this website was her influence. So I guess I’m confused. I loved the idea of free energy…but feel it just won’t happen…at least not in my lifetime. Although I will use the thrive website to find solutions. I’m glad to see that the movie was given freely rather than charging for the DVD….I sometimes feel that if someone is trying to make positive change then the information should be available to all and not just those that can afford to buy the DVD. So again, thanks for the link, and all the good information you share here….and now I’m off to learn more about Ayn Rand.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      An Ayn Rand quote? I missed that. Will have to go back and look. There was a point in the movie when he talked about the individual…and I remember thinking, this echoes Rand. Then I forgot about it. Thanks for the comment, Karen. Now I’m going to check out that quote!

      • karen says:

        It’s in the solution section under Liberty along with mention of Ron Paul….maybe I’m just reading this out of context.

        • Rob and Trish says:

          OK, I found it. GROSS! I like some of Ron Paul’s ideas about taxes, individual liberties, the banking system etc. But the guy is so socially conservative that women’s rights would be hurled back 50 years and the poor, elderly, and the vulnerable would be left to sink or swim. This part is disappointing. Then again, like with any messenger, maybe we should just take away the good parts! But yuck, Ron Paul.

  3. lauren raine says:

    An inspiring movie, and thanks for sharing it, and for your thoughts as always. Sorry you’ve had to deal with a hacker again, by the way! Strange……

    I’m not sure we have “capitalism” any more. There’s a big difference between free enterprise and local economies, and the kind of massive, impersonal corporate machine we now have.

    Must look at this movie again………….

  4. Yes, an excellent movie. At the moment money rules the world and lots of inventions, innovations are held back because of this. Nothing gets made or introduced if it affects or ‘harms’ the excessively wealthy. But times can and will change.

    • Rob MACGREGOR says:

      I was thinking that maybe Foster Gambles name and wealth is what is keeping him alive. The documentary goes into the dangers faced by innovators who threaten the money faucet of the top dogs of industry and commerce. I’ve talked to Canadian John Hutchison, who is interviewed, and I remember him telling me how the military had attacked his lab three times related to his new energy research. One time when I called, I remember he had a message on his phone that said something like: “If you’re with the U.S. military, get lost. If you’re from Hollywood with an offer, leave a message.” I was neither, but he returned my call. R

  5. I watched these days the series The Prisoner. The fifth episode is about synchronicity (mind reading, coincidences that aren’t coincidences) and the last episode is a masterpiece with many layers. The song Dem Bones can be heard during the last episode and the message seems to be about causes and effects (and how far they can reach), free will, society shaping individuals and vice versa. It seems that Patrick McGoohan, a brilliant man as he was, intuitively felt something (perception, chaos theory before chaos theory…) and the only way to express it was through singing, dancing and acting.

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