Twitter Hack

If you follow us on Twitter, we apologize for any direct message that reputedly came from us about how you are the subject of a nasty rumor. Do NOT click that link. Our twitter account was hacked after our synchro books editor’s twitter account was hacked and we responded to her. Sigh.  The hack was actually clever: nasty rumors about you. Really?? Rumors? Who did I piss off?

These idiots apparently have a lot of time on their hands and enjoy stirring up mischief. At any rate, we corrected the problem and apologize to anyone who was affected.

If you were hacked, you should:

1. Report it to twitter. We couldn’t find a link for that.

2. Disable all associated accounts – and change the passwords on those accounts and on your twitter account.

3. Test your new passwords.

4. Tell the hackers to get a life.



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9 Responses to Twitter Hack

  1. Kieran says:

    What the hackers get out of it is spam zombie accounts. Quite quickly after taking control, they start posting spam tweets. Fortunately it doesn’t seem like they change the password, so if you change it, you should regain control. Irritating though.

  2. simon says:

    like no other,,, only wish!!!!!!!!!

  3. Jen says:

    I got hacked too… ugh!

  4. Thanks for letting everyone know about this. I don’t understand though what these hackers get out of it. Some sick pleasure of control I suppose.

  5. Darren B says:

    I don’t have a Twitter account luckily enough.
    Twitter was something that I could never get into,just like Facebook.
    Blogger is enough for me…and sometimes I wonder if it’s not just a waste of time,too.
    But at least Blogger is therapeutic in a way,I suppose.

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