‘Sorry, I meant sari, not soiree!’

The dreaming mind sometimes plays word games. Here’s a good example of that from Stephanie Ryan, of Kintnersville, Pennsylvania. The dream was precognitive so the synchronicity came into the waking world three days later.

I had a dream, one of those dreams that resonate throughout the day. I always consider those dreams as significant. In it, I was sitting at a table talking to someone who gave me a photograph of an Indian woman wearing a blue sari. A woman walked behind the person I was talking to, and it was the same woman from the photo in the blue sari! Then, another woman came along right behind her, and she too was wearing a blue sari.

I thought it was a weird dream and told a few people about it. But every time I tried to explain that the women were wearing blue saris it came out that they were wearing blue soirees.

About three days later, I was talking on the phone to my business partner. We had just started up our own stationery company and she called to tell me that we got our first order. The order, she said, was for our blue bridal dress card. Blue dress, like in the dream. The store that placed the order was owned by two women… and the name of the store was Soiree.

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