Girl With the Red Hair

Here’s another one from Ray Getzinger, who contributed the synchronicity entitled Volcanos. It certainly illustrates how synchronicities occur in dreams. Author Fred Alan Wolf discusses this topic extensively in The Dreaming Universe.


When I was twelve years old I used to dream about a red headed woman from Georgia with her hair up in ringlets. Ten year later, in 1966, I married a woman with red hair. She lived in Virginia, but was born in Georgia where her father was in the same Army Air Force squadron as Gene Autry during WW II. Before we had been married a year she styled her hair exactly as I had dreamed.

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2 Responses to Girl With the Red Hair

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Maybe redheads are archetypal. Have to do some research on that one!

  2. JBanholzer says:

    A few years ago, a friend of mine had a dream about a little mischievous redheaded boy pulling all types of pranks. When he woke up, he told his girlfriend about the dream and the next night she dreamed about the same impish redheaded character, down to a tee.

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