The 13th Sign, Part 1

On January 10, the Minneapolis Star Tribune carried an article about a 13th zodiac sign. The story apparently zipped around cyberspace at the speed of light and was picked up by CNN, ABC, and NBC. Network coverage on this topic struck me as weird: since when do they cover astrology?
I suspect it was covered because  an astronomer – not an astrologer – made the announcement about the 13th zodiac sign and also presented new dates for the signs.  Paul Kunkle, who teaches astronomy at a junior college in Minneapolis, pointed out that that the zodiac periods were set up by the Babylonians millennia ago. Since then, the moon’s gravitational pull has made the earth ‘wobble’ on its axis, which has created a one-month difference in the stars’ alignment. “When astrologers say the sun is in Pisces, it’s really not in Pisces,” said Kunkle. “Most horoscope readers who consider themselves Pisces are actually Aquarians.”
Here’s how the new dates line up:
Aries: April 18 – May 13
Taurus: May 13 – June 21
Gemini: June 21 – July 20
Cancer: July 20 – Aug. 10
Leo: Aug. 10 – Sept. 16
Virgo: Sept. 16 – Oct. 30
Libra: Oct. 30 – Nov. 23
Scorpio: Nov. 23 – Nov. 29
Ophiuchus: Nov. 29 – Dec. 17
Sagittarius: Dec. 17 – Jan. 20
Capricorn: Jan. 20 – Feb. 16
Aquarius: Feb. 16 – March 11
Pisces: March 11- April 18

Notice the sign for November 29 to December 17?  In Kunkle’s view, that the 13th sign,  Ophiuchus (OFF-ee-YOO-kuss), the Serpent Bearer.
However, Kunkle’s dates are irrelevant for western astrology; he’s actually referring to sidereal astrology, which is oriented to the constellations. Tropical astrology, the most common form in the Western world, is based on the seasons. It’s geocentric – related to life on  Earth. And in tropical astrology, if you were born between February 20 – March 20, you’re still a Pisces!
The irony is that the ancient Babylonians knew about Ophiuchus, but because they didn’t want a zodiac with thirteen signs, they tossed it out. It was one of the 48 constellations listed by the second century astronomer Ptolemy and is one of the 88 modern constellations. Perhaps in a larger context, its rediscovery signals the emergence of a new archetype and its importance is found in what it may be telling us about humanity and ourselves at this juncture in time.That’s where synchronicity enters the picture.
Planets are archetypes – Mars, for instance, is the mythological god of war; Venus is the mythological goddess of love. A planet’s discovery “coincides” with a shift in mass consciousness that comes about as a result of certain world events and situations unfold. So what kind of archetype might be emerging with the rediscovery of Ophiuchus?
We’ll cover that and the mythology of Ophiuchus in tomorrow’s post.
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19 Responses to The 13th Sign, Part 1

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    it only ALL the truth the WHOLE truth were really known about the 13th and the beloved: mary magdalene! love her story – the "real" story, that is!

  2. 3322mathaddict says:

    13 is such a magical number on this planet. And I'm with Sansego. Capricorn I am and Capricorn I shall remain, with heavy Cancer characteristics added to the mix! Here's an interesting number analogy, altho on a personal level: my full birth name number is 67/13. Every important physician in my life, and there are several, has a full birth name number of 67/13. The address (street # of his building) of my cardiologist is 67/13. There are 13 wise women is a Wiccan coven. There were not 12 disciples but rather 13: "the beloved", whose name was never given but who is now purported to have been Mary Magdalene. It goes on and on. 13 is not a dark number, but it IS a significantly magical one! This #
    13 planet is intriguing!

  3. tina says:

    Very neat on the irony of Babylonians not wanting 13 signs. And it took all this time to fix the mistake? I hate change=)

    Sapphire sent me over. So glad it was this post because I am confused by the zodiac change but you helped to clarify it.

  4. Natalie says:

    I don't mind either way. How Libran is that. 🙂

  5. Sansego says:

    I've never been convinced that astrology was real or makes any kind of sense, but I loved being a Capricorn and identified as such. I was even stunned by the description of the characteristics of people born not only under that sign, but also on the day of birth. Fits me to a T. So, I can't be a Saggitarius now. I'm a Capricorn in this lifetime and I'm sticking with it! 🙂

    wv: unbelow (ha…love this one!)

  6. Shadow says:

    i'm with you, i'm not changing my sign, it suits me, heee hee heee. but interesting post, i look forward to the rest.

  7. Nancy says:

    Hmmm it makes me Libra, which was mentioned as the sign in my vertex.

  8. maggie's garden says:

    Yeah…what's up with this? There's no way I'm a Virgo…Libra all the way…no doubt. 😉

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    ditto, trish – well, on all but for being a gemini – i'll remain a leo, as i have always been in this life – and probably in several others! 😉

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Well, since we live on earth, I'm sticking with geocentric astrology and will remain a gemini.
    – Trish

  11. Jen says:

    This Ophiuchus sign applies to both my son and my husband. I, however, am an Aquarius NOT a Pisces and I have a tattoo on my wrist to prove it! haha

    wv: exesist (I like it!)

  12. terripatrick says:

    I had a few people ask my advice on this during the first flurry. I told them sidereal astrology is the view of the solar system, from some place in our Milky Way Galaxy. In this view the sun is at the center of the measurements but it would be really hard to get a GPS reading.

    I'm not sure if that's the best description but my friends were happy to dismiss this new hysteria and remain true to their earth-sun signs. It actually made many refresh their understanding of themselves in relation to their astrological aspects. So I viewed that article as a "trickster". 😀

    wv: didis

  13. "simple" I would think says:

    back earlier this year,, right after Jan. 1 ole Simon here through out a riddle,, seems nobody wanted to play,, it was the ???question??? what did New years day and Good Friday have in common,,, ( one hint think "alpha and the omega"). Well the boy often wonders as he does as to how or to how not interesting (since his meathead friends call his stuff "QUACK") his esoteric obliviousness is… but as for the riddle,,, hints with yesterdays Super Bowl (fist "SB1" being last "SB???" and last being the first and hopefuly some more),,, G. B.'s 3rd round NFL draft pick "s" couple of interesting names,, coulpe of particular schools at the time,,, and where bozo's butt sits…. but how does yesterdays super bowl answer the riddle…. Packs now 4-1 the steelers 6-2 at total of 13 decisions covering 12 different games,, just to stay on topic….. but guess bozos sign would change….

  14. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    well, how absolutely riveting this post – and cannot wait for the 2nd part!! love the whole story, especially the part that the ancient babylonians knew of ophiuchus but tossed it – and what, pray tell, are the traits of one born under this serpent bearer? part 2, coming up –

    however, i need no new anything to tell me i am [still] a leo through and through – but part of me does breathe a small sigh of relief nevertheless! 😉

    great post! thanks so much!

    wv – aungull

  15. Dave King says:

    My dad spent 65 years thinking his birthday was January 12. When he applied for his state pension, the authorities – who always know better – changed it to January 1. I, on the other hand, have spent 78 years thinking myself a Libran. Now I find out that I'm actually born under Virgo. Funny old life, aint it?

  16. 67 Not Out - Mike Perry says:

    I was just reading an article about this in a newspaper some 15 minutes ago. For the altered dates they all started one day after what you have shown, but nothing unusual there. Scorpio seems now to be a rather exclusive club.

    In what I had been reading a spokesperson from the Astrological Association (whatever that is) said, "The zodiac is a frame of 12 equal divisions, projected on the heavens for measurement purposes. You don't have to live in Greenwich to be subject to Greenwich Mean Time!" And that confused me, I guess this refers to Kunkle's comment about the Earth's shifting axis.

  17. 3322mathaddict says:

    Please pardon my typos! Thanks.

  18. Anonymous says:

    My observations since I was a young teenager have been that the people whose astrolical programs I know, definitively meet the criteria and descriptions determined for their sun sign, moon sign, and rising sign of their natal charts! I'm a Capricorn with Cancer rising and Cancer moon with Venus in Aquarius, and the characteristics of those signs in the houses where they were loctaed at the moment of my birth describe me to a tee. Most telling in my own chart is Mars in Aries in my tenth house, combined with the Capricorn Sun characteristics. When I was
    young, AMBITION was uppermost and was the driving force pushing me relentlessly into the professional spheres I chose to follow. None of this is going to change if someone inserts a dozen other planets and signs out there in the heavens! I'm surrounded by Scorpios, have constructed their natal charts, and each one of them is dead on spot. Same with my friends. Both my physicians are Pisces, and having done their natal charts, it's easy to see that they are absolutely Pisces and everything else is also correct. I don't think we can color-in changes on a well-established ancient mathematical science. It's my opinion that a portion of this "new planet" business has been put forth to debunk astrology. It can't be done.

  19. DJan says:

    Don't wanna be a Ophiuchus person! I have always loved being a Sagittarian. I hope to learn more about this strange serpent from you. I should have realized it's a rich archetype. Thanks for covering this, I've been wondering what the meaning of it all is.

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