The 13th Sign, Part 2

 Okay, so who is this figure Ophiuchus?

 Well, it’s the only astrological sign based on a real person – Asclepius. To the ancient Greeks in 27 BC, he was regarded as a healer, and in the Roman pantheon, he was a son of Apollo. He supposedly learned the secrets of preventing death when he observed one serpent bringing another healing herbs. He raised the dead using this herb. In order to prevent the entire human race from becoming immortal under his care, Zeus supposedly killed him with a bolt of lightning, then later suffered a pang of conscience and placed his image in the heavens to honor his good works.

Ophiuchus is usually depicted as grasping a snake – thus his name as Serpent Bearer – and has one foot resting firmly against Scorpius (the scorpion).  In honor of Asclepius, snakes were often used in healing rituals and non-venomous snakes were allowed to crawl on the floor in dormitories where the sick and injured slept. Cults grew up around Asclepius and pilgrims supposedly flocked to his healing temples from 300 BC onward. Ritual purification would be followed by offerings or sacrifices to the god, and by spending the night in the holiest part of the sanctuary so that dreams would occur. Any dreams or visions were reported to a priest who would prescribe the appropriate therapy by interpreting what the dreams meant.

Just from the mythology, we can glimpse some of the components of the archetype: healer, alternative medicine, the power of groups (pilgrims flocking to the temples), magic (raising the dead), dream interpretation, cult mentality, violence and violent deaths, sudden unexpected events (thunderbolts), resisting and questioning authority, pushing against the status quo, a greater independence from authoritarian rule (sounds like what’s going on in Egypt) and greater dependence on the self and the local community. 
Other components of this archetype include what author and physician Dean Radin calls “the global mind.”  We posted about Princeton’s Global Consciousness Project, and it’s real time color coded “dot” that  shows the data analysis of these random number generators, so that anyone with a computer and an Internet connection can see changes in the global mind as they occur.

Magnetic fluctuation doesn’t just affect wildlife. It impacts human beings, too. And it may be creating a sensitivity in certain types of individuals that is part of this emerging paradigm. Planetary empaths are individuals who seem to be so intimately connected to fluctuations in the earth that they experience physical symptoms for days and sometimes weeks before a natural disaster occurs. Their “symptoms” are astonishingly similar and often coincide with the change in colors in the GCP Dot.

Then there’s the hoopla surrounding 2012 and the end of the Mayan calendar. This idea started with Jose Arguelles in The Mayan Factor. That calendar ends on  December 21, 2012. But the date simply  marks the end of a 26,000 year astrological cycle. As the date nears, the doomsayers are out in full force, predicting the end times – the end of the world through massive earth changes that might include a pole shift, and the deaths of millions. When you Google December 21, 2012, more than 7 million links come up. These websites and blogs cover the spectrum of speculation – from the ludicrous to the more sobering assessment of science to urban survivalists eager to sell you equipment and freeze-dried food to get you through this global Armageddon.
While the end of the world scenario is fodder for dramatic entertainment in movies, television and novels, a more likely outcome to all this is a paradigm shift, a shift in mass consciousness that  the rediscovery of Ophiuchus presages. 
That said, there are troubling facts emerging that suggest this paradigm shift may occur as a result of global warming, an increase in natural disasters, a widening disparity between rich and poor, increased political and religious strife worldwide. We’ve covered some of the facts in other posts – about the massive deaths of birds and other wildlife, for instance. Here are some additional facts:
In 2010, natural disasters killed more than a quarter of a million people and displaced millions. According to Swiss Re, the largest reinsurer in the world, the financial losses from these natural disasters exceeded  $222 billion.
Greenland’s ice sheet melted at a record rate in 2010.
2010 and 2005 tie for the warmest years on record. 
The last pole shift occurred nearly 800,000 years ago. Some scientists believe we’re overdue. Others believe a pole shift is already underway.

So, this rediscovery of Ophiuchus may be a warning, may be prompting us to really examine our collective beliefs and desires. What do we want not only for ourselves and our loved ones, but for the planet?

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24 Responses to The 13th Sign, Part 2

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    SS – well, i've always lived outside the box, too – and never ever colored within the lines of my color books as i was "taught" to do – way too oppressive for my own tastes, even as a child, so i, too, spent a lot of time INSIDE, thinking my own thoughts, and then, acting them out! 😉

    vicki – that is what i see, too – and that is where i'm trying to focus, on being prepared for the solar/electrical interruptions – which, of course, impact every facet of our lives today – including major things such as fuel, banking – all commerce, really – but there are some definitive/positive ways in which one can be prepared for such an event – like in the event of a winter ice storm – i have not felt the massive geographic disruptions nearly as much as the solar ones – and hope it remains that way –

    however, nancy has mentioned several times having heard that retired military personnel are relocating now to arkansas in light of prospective geographic impacts – and the thing of napolitano quietly telling her family and friends to stock 4-6 months of supplies – so –

    and i'm holding onto visions of seeing my great grandchildren with their children!!! 😉

    syceesse – wv
    sees???? she sees???

  2. Vicki D. says:

    I have had visions of my daughters pregnant and I have seen my grandchildren playing in my yard.
    When I have unbidden visions like that they have never been wrong, so I'm sure we will be around after 2012.
    I have felt one thing that would affect the entire world would be an electrical blackout. No electricity, no internet, no cell phones etc. for a period of time would definitely change all of us.
    Sun spots have wreaked havoc like that before what if they were even bigger sun spots or sun flares?

  3. 3322mathaddict says:

    I calls 'em as I see 'em, Simple!

  4. simple simon says:

    VERY kind of you CJ,,, have spent my life living outside the box,, so maybe not so much intelligence (maybe JUST a fraction smarter the the average bear, but like I put on record once just don't want to be like a bore),, just the amount of time I've spent with my mind in reflection… thanks again CJ

  5. 3322mathaddict says:

    Simple, you are smarter than I think you want us to think you are!
    Very astute observations from you.

  6. simple says:

    that's the point these are questions that cannot be answered ,, that's the characteristic of the other realm "S"… there is a reason why nobody has come back from the other side (other then apparently him,, cause for sure it is possible),, it would take much of the MYSTERY out of life, course guessing some do return from short minute periods over the veil,,, but speculation (scientific experimentation not with standing "BLUE BOOK") as to the mechanics is like peeling an onion,, when every time (even with experimentation) you peel a layer the onion grows 2 layers bigger,,,

  7. Shadow says:

    you're asking some great questions here. pause for thought.

  8. Natalie says:

    Peace and love. That is want I want.

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    lauren and debra – thanks so much for completing the whole picture for us –

    nancy – went to the link – amazing look at the real deal in terms of our planet –

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nancy – thanks for that link! Your new website is going to be VERY timely. Can't wait!

  11. d page says:

    I was going to post this same story!

    According to the article the poles are shifting right now. There are lots verifying & scientific links to this story.

    (For me, this verifies my experiences w/ the "reindeer woman" image, which began as a premonition for the Sumatra quake, when the poles did shift. She represents magnetic north. This visionary experience was also when I started hearing the left ear ringing before quakes & volcano eruptions- an electro-magnectic phenomenon.)

  12. Nancy says:

    Very good question. One that we need to answer soon. If you are on the fence about energy and consciousness, now is the time to decide what it is that you believe in, and how you want to see the future. I do believe there will be a future, but I think it is going to be very different from what we have now.

    Maybe this is why we are seeing so many UFOs?

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Love your take, debra!

  14. d page says:

    this is such an intriguing subject.
    Since we used to have a 13 sign system—Asian astrology still has– perhaps the re-emergence of a 13 sign system is a remembering what we have forgotten?
    Incidentally, if this is the new system, I am an Ophiucus and not a Sagg.
    I first came across 13 sign Ophiucus idea when researching the buzz around Holy Blood Holy Grail (which later became the Da Vinci Code). One of the mysterious documents deposited in the Bibliotheque Nationale by the Priory of Sion was "Le Serpent Rouge". This document is about the 13 signs. Even if this whole story was a fraud, it has struck a deep archetypal chord.. especially about the sacred aspect of the feminine (through Mary Magdalene).

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Lauren – I think you hit on another aspect of this! Love it. So the 13th sign becomes not only a healing archetype, as Mike pointed out, but a feminine archetype.

  16. simply says:

    just not much into mans astrology,, petty certain there is something to it with the stars and the planets,, just thinking man goofs up much up what he tries to corrall… so very much "bull" out there,, just trying to figure my own,, but not exactly along those lines noticing comments by Gypsy W.,, mentioning Einstien,, and I have made point of this in A forum a bit more public then this,, just wonderng if anyone else notices how "coincidental" it seesm to be that newtonian physics has K = 1/2 m v squared,, electricla theory has power P= I (current) squared x R (resistance) and how Einstiens formula of E= m c squared is just an extrapulation,, thinking it a common pattern in universal science,,, but it is true he had to work out the math,, course I guess thats one of the things his second wife good for… not to take 2 much away from the man, whose one of many quotes,,,, was cause he stood on the shoulders of Giants…. but as for much of astrology,,, me thinkieth much marketing and MYTH,,

  17. Lauren says:


    I find the significance of the number 13, and the presence of the snake, quite interesting……here's another take from the point of view of women's spirituality. Many people have been talking for decades about the "Return of the Goddess", which doesn't mean a matriarchy, but a return to earth centered and feminine values – nature, nurture, children, etc.

    13 might have become an "unlucky" number because in earlier traditions, it was a number sacred to the Goddess or Goddesses. There are actually 13 lunations in a year, 13 menstral cycles.

    Throughout the earlier pre-Christian world, from the world of Egypt and Sumaria to the interwoven snakes of Celtic art, snakes were important symbols of the Goddess/Earth Mother. In ancient Egypt the word for Goddess and Cobra were the same (and ceremonial headresses always had a cobra on them). Snakes were magical creatures identified with the death/rebirth cycle because they shed their skins in cycles (as did the Earth/Goddess) and also because they resembled in their movement the serpentine movements of nature (wind, water, rivers, etc.) So I might suggest, in playing with these ideas from my long involvement with women's spirituality, that this could also be metaphorical about the "return of the Goddess"…Mother Earth.

  18. 67 Not Out - Mike Perry says:

    Great post and interesting that Asclepius is a healer, which seems very appropriate for our time. Just read that Hippocrates was a descendant of Asclepius.

  19. 3322mathaddict says:

    Great post, guys. Like DJan, my initial thought went to the caduceus pendant on its chain around my neck. As a gift, my husband had the caduceus from my nurse's cap welded onto the Seal Of Solomon. Many, many people ask me what my necklace signifies, and my response is that its dual symbols combine the healing spirit with the wisdom of Solomon. I cherish it. Also, wanted to comment as well on the whirling globe. Love it! I find it compelling that now when my planetary syjmptoms become severe, I will go and look at THE DOT, and will always find its color corresponding with the level of the symptoms. I don't look at The Dot first, so it isn't being pre-programmed, etc. Synchronistic. Go figure.

  20. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oops – meant to add this little einstein quote i came across earlier as i was drafting my post in travel journey – it so reminded me of you all, macgregors:

    great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds

    as i have said before, your spirits are far kinder and far more patient than my own – tolerance but one one of the many lessons i am learning here in your world of synchronicity –

  21. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    well, like djan above, i see the physician's staff/healing sign when i look at ophiuchus here – and i particularly like that this sign is based upon a real person – a healer – it seems to fit perfectly into the now of things – what we need – what the planet needs – a healing – and if it is a prompt, what better one to have – than would have us examine our collective beliefs and to collectively create the life/planet we want –

    love the story – and all its layers – so much food for thought here –

    wv – kotota

  22. maggie's garden says:

    Do you know I actually have this image on cardstock! When I took an art class last fall…I chose this for a collage piece out of a box filled with many other images that I could have chosen…but I really felt gravitated to this one. I had no idea who it was…just knew I needed to have it, and since have been hanging on to it unable to part with it. Thank you for this explanation…and feeling that everything fits in with what you are describing. Funny…Asclepius is also a bight orange flower that attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.
    Those facts are staggering.

    WV: princ (Princeton, Global Consciousness indeed)

  23. Adele Aldridge says:

    I didn't see yesterday's post until just now. I'm with Gypsy Woman – still a Leo and always was -past lives too. Guess I have a lot to work out there.

    What I want to comment on, is I LOVE that whirling globe. Way cool.

  24. DJan says:

    This also reminds me of the caduceus, the physician's healing sign, with two intertwined serpents. I feel much more at peace with the sign, now that you've explained it to me. And you're right: perhaps the emergence at this time is related to our need to heal our ailing planet. Very interesting post, thank you!

    I am usually reading my blogs at this time of the morning, and when a new one pops up in Reader, I can be assured it's you hard at work! That's why I often get to be the first to comment.

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