The Travel Groove

Travel and synchronicity are two peas in a pod. Regardless of the method of travel, you’re removed from your normal routine, your senses are sharper, and the environment is ripe for  synchronicity. This travel synchro comes from Gypsy, during her recent car trip from Louisiana to Delaware.
I managed to leave Louisiana without a single CD to listen to on my trip. I always keep my multi-CD track full of my faves. But my grandson and his little groupies had been using my car so much  I had taken all my CDs out of my car to keep them from being damaged, then forgot to grab them before I left.
So I get on the road – and have NO music. OK, so there was the radio, but I’m not into it, I like music of my own choosing. Then I arrive in Delaware and I’m lamenting to my daughter that I have to go out and pick up a some CDs before I leave so I’ll have music on my return trip. She says, “Oh, by the way, you have some mail here that just came.”
It was a large envelope from someone I haven’t heard from in over a year – and hadn’t expected to be hearing from at all. I’d never even discussed music with this person. But inside the envelope is a CD and a note from this woman saying she thought I might like the music!
It was just one of those moments, you know? I can’t tell you the last time anyone sent me a CD gift –  years!
This kind of experience means you’re in the travel groove!
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15 Responses to The Travel Groove

  1. 3322mathaddict says:

    As you well know, gyps, I'm right there with you on the words of the song. Tears of the heart.

  2. DJan says:

    How wonderful! I hope it was music you wanted to listen to as well. But it was a definite synchronicity!

  3. Marguerite says:

    Very cool synchro and how that song on the CD held a special meaning for Gypsy. And I'd like to hear more about the sightings on that trip, too.

  4. Nancy says:

    Great story! You were meant to pay attention to that cd, with no distractions.

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    and cj, the other thing is that had i had my music going, in all likelihood i would not have been glancing upward at the skies – i would have been singing along with van the man and totally absorbed in that "groove" – and would, thus, have missed the broad daylight sightings in blue skies – so perhaps that was also part and parcel of my having forgotten to grab my music – something bigger was waiting –

    a combination of things waiting, it seems –

    as to mike's comment, driving/traveling, to me, has always meant a time of feeling freer – happier – open – even as a child i remember no happier time than our long road trips here and there – always a magical time for me –

    thanks so much to all for your kind comments! 😉

    interesting wv – romphash – hmmmmm…..

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    1st – i had to be out of the house all day on business and just now got online so i've missed participating earlier – actually, when my daughter came in while ago with the laptop i'm using, she asked me if i was in withdrawal since i'd not had it all day – uh, the answer was obvious as my fingers were trembling at the sight of the keyboard!!!

    ok – now back to the post –
    there IS just a little something that i omitted in my story – it was really personal and i just didn't put it in because i wasn't sure how to word it at that moment – however, miss maggie in the garden hit it right on the head and i am compelled to relate it in part – the most significant thing [to me] was that the cd did, in fact, contain a particular song which my friend remarked about in her note to me – her note said "song #7 is particularly great" – the message of the song so powerfully impacted me that i sobbed upon hearing it – it was written and sung by a young man who had experienced a life altering event very early on in his life and the song was to the person who had caused that impact – a song to say "it's alright" – there are times in our lives when we make decisions which impact others in so many ways known and unknown and we live always wondering if it was the right decision – the message of the song truly was/is such a blessing as to be indescribable and hence my inability to convey that part of the experience in the beginning – it was just to overwhelming to condense to writing about even briefly – you were reading my mind, it seems, maggie!

    and cousin cj! you always know the real deal with me and i think you are right, too – i realized that it was a good thing that i'd left my music behind because i was able to visit with "me" along the way – you know those times when it's just you and your thoughts uninterrupted – this trip was one of those times – but it was not a creative time en route as it turned out – in terms of my poetry, that is – but i did scribble a little new thing on a bank deposit slip the other day as i drove to get alejandro from daycare – one i've already posted at words unspoken if i remember correctly –

  7. Natalie says:

    Gypsy must have a magnet planted squarely on her Synchronicity Receptor.

    Maybe the Spooks had to have 'chat' to you, on the way there, J? That done, they gave you some nice music for the drive home?

    Such a cool synchro. 🙂

  8. Butternut Squash says:

    Perfect timing, what an excellent summary of synchronicity. Great story.

  9. Mike Perry says:

    Agree with what you say about travel and synchronicity. I think it's because we tend to 'wake up' and get away from any routine. Great story.

  10. ~JarieLyn~ says:

    Great story and perfect timing.

  11. 3322mathaddict says:

    P.S. I'm waiting with great expectations for T & R to post your amazing sightings! What an experience that was!

  12. 3322mathaddict says:

    Great story, Gyps! However, maybe you subconsciously left your CDs at home so your mind would be free to roam and to create some of those glorious poems and prose that you pen on your blog! Music is such a gift, but if you'd had it with you, would you have been humming along with it or would it have helped you to be creative? And did you create some new prose for us along the way? Hope so, dear cousin of mine!

  13. maggie's garden says:

    Gypsy's always in the groove! That's really funny how that happened…I'd be curious to know what she thought of the CD and if it held anything significant for her. A message perhaps.
    Have a great day.

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