What’s REALLY Going On?

 Labrador is a northerly region within the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, the  largest and most northern geographical region on the Atlantic Ocean in Canada. It’s about the size of Colorado.

 According to this article, hundreds of dead seals have washed ashore since early December between Hopedale and Makkovick this winter. “Usually at this time of year, the seals are on sea ice south of Hpedale, but there’s very little ice there now,” says Ian Winters, a Nunatsiavut conservation officer.
The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) is testing carcasses. The DFO received several reports of seals giving birth on the coast of Labrador in December – two to three months ahead of schedule for nomadic sea mammals. These early births are happening on land rather than on ice floes, which means the pups probably won’t survive.

Now let’s backtrack to the thousands of dead birds that fell out of the sky over Arkansas on New Year’s Eve. We now know they supposedly died of blunt force trauma, but here’s an addition piece of information. According to this article (be sure to play the video to see what’s mentioned here),  the national Weather Service radar in North Little Rock picked up a speck on the radar that showed up at about the same time the birds started falling.

The spot is estimated to be about 1,300 to 1,400 feet in the air. As Science and Operations Officer Chris Buonanno at the National Weather Service said, the speck is NOT precipitation. It doesn’t move like a cloud or rainstorm cloud. So: what is it?

A theory about what’s actually going on, comes from natural news.com, which speculates that a pole shift is already underway. Russia’s Ministry for Extraordinary Situations (MCHS) – and no, that’s not Wolf Blitzer’s CNN Situation Room! –  apparently issued a warning last week that the weakening in the planet’s magnetosphere “was allowing poisonous space clouds to enter deep into Earth’s atmosphere where it is coming into contact with birds.”  So if these dead space clouds are reaching into the lower atmosphere and killed the birds while in flight, what’s in these clouds?
Well, nothing good, that’s for sure. Hydrogen cyanide. We all know about cyanide from movies, right? It’s the pill the spies pop when they’re caught and as soon as they bite down on it, the poisonous gas kills them. It’s recognized as a chemical weapon. It’s used on the tips of harpoons to kill whales. Here’s what Wikipedia says about it:
A hydrogen cyanide concentration of 300 mg/m3 in air will kill a human within about 10 minutes. It is estimated that hydrogen cyanide at a concentration of 3500 ppm (about 3200 mg/m3) will kill a human in about 1 minute. The toxicity is caused by the cyanide ion, which halts cellular respiration by inhibiting an enzyme in mitochondria called cytochrome c oxidase.

So, the next question: is this the result of a weapons test or attack? Or are the poles actually shifting?
The geomagnetic reversals happen over thousands of years. But in between the flips, “the magnetic field can become quite weak and chaotic, causing turbulence  in the field, which can effectively cause weaker gaps in the magnetosphere. These magnetic gaps or weaknesses can allow outside influences that normally would not penetrate the magnetosphere to reach deep into that magnetosphere, theoretically all the way down to where birds fly at very low altitude.”
The media keeps marching out doctors and researchers who give perfectly plausible explanations for the deaths, but not for mass deaths. If the pole shift is underway, we wouldn’t be told about it until after the fact.
Years ago when I first read about the pole shift, I barely slept for days. Back then, I used to fret a lot about stuff that might happen – what if, oh my god, where would we go, what would we do, what would we eat…It’s that primitive part of the brain that borrows trouble and spins fantastic fictions.

Since then, I’ve realized that when I worry about what might happen, it robs my capacity for feeling joy about what is happening in the moment, this instant. Just the same, it behooves us to stay informed. Information is power. And with Google at our fingertips, our personal fetch expert for anything in the known universe that we can imagine, our personal detective and researcher, answers are rarely farther than a few keystrokes away. We just need to connect the dots.

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29 Responses to What’s REALLY Going On?

  1. Mike Perry says:

    I missed this story – thanks for the info and links.

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, yes, i so know about THE FIVE as i did, too, natalie! one boy among all those girls – and, like cj, ours was always the house where all the kids came – mainly because i was the least uptight parent of all of them i think – and the kids all wanted to hang at our house – aside from the thing of my repainting our house all the time – it was always a bet as to what color the walls would be when the kids got in from school each day – they were never sure what to expect – and i was a single parent which i think added to the thing of all the kids – only one parent to try to buck and most times, i was in on whatever shenanigans they were up to with them – plus i had an old beat up van [yeah, the 70's vw van re-done with camping stuff inside] and it would hold the most kids to haul around to the mall and skating rinks – that was way back then when it was safe for kids to hit the malls on saturday night and see a movie – in any event, been there, done that, natalie! and loved every minute! now, about the food……….

  3. 3322mathaddict says:

    Nats, I only live with one other human, a tall and skinny forever-hungry husband who eats from the moment he wakes up until the moment he falls asleep, often with crumbs on the blanket on the bed! And I can't keep food in the house either! I remember when our three boys and all their hundreds of surfing guys and their girlfriends hung out at our house because we live on the beach, I'd get ready to prepare supper and lo and behold, the ingredients for said supper had vanished….into the mouths of all those young'uns! You are so funny! Raising three boys so close in age they are almost triplets was pretty fantastic. We were "foster Mom and Dad" to virtually every other kid in this town! It was fun! But I can't imagine having FIVE of my own as you do. WOW! You have to be 'mama of the year'! 😉

  4. Sansego says:

    Its weird…on Wednesday, I woke up from a nightmare dream where birds kept dropping their excrement on me. Its never happened in real life, but in the dream, I was assaulted with it! I have NO IDEA what that dream means, but maybe it was my subconscious trying to wake me up because I had slept through three alarm clocks and was about to miss my bus to get to work.

    As for food storage, I know that Mormons are big on it. Not sure how they got into it, but their church leadership promotes it. Its hard to have food storage, when I can't afford to buy groceries for more than two weeks worth at a time per pay day. Plus, I live with housemates and had a problem with one of them eating my food. My current housemates are respectful, though. But I'm definitely of the positive vibe school. I think focusing on doomsday scenarios is a waste of time. I prefer to envision a positive future. In 1999, I never believed that Y2K would wreck havoc on our planet. I thought it was hype, just like I think 2012 is hype. I have complete faith in God that this world will be around for thousands upon thousands of years. If the domed cities scenario comes true, I don't want to live on such a planet. Ever. I'll choose to be a spirit guide or just work on my soul development in the spiritual realm. I like our world as it is now…challenges, sure, but so much inspiration, such as the Tunisian and Egyptian Revolutions in which a social networking site like Facebook and Wikileaks revelations helped to rouse people with longstanding grievances against their government. There's no mistake: we live in interesting times!!!

    wv: honnuc

  5. Natalie says:

    Imagine five of them! Argh!

    wv = skerce

    Scarce! lololol 😀

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nat – when megan lived at home – along with her 3000 friends – the same was true for us! Now, not so much. I laughed when I read your comment.

  7. Natalie says:

    I agree about the birds and the invisible craft. That was my first reaction when it happened as well.

    I can't keep food for two days in this house, let alone 6 months worth. I am doomed.

  8. Vicki D. says:

    Ear ringing continues but not as bad.

  9. d page says:

    No.. I was having ear ringing as I posted the link. At least ground is not moving today!

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, Debra. off to check that link. have your symptoms subsided with this quake?

  11. d page says:

    Mon. Tues. Weds. was hell for me. Non functioning, no solid sleep, nightmares. I half expected and explosion of some kind. Weds. Brought ear ringing, and yesterday I kept feeling the ground move, but didn't see any significant quake activity.

  12. 3322mathaddict says:

    Vicki Monday was such a horror for me that I had to go to bed early and take medications, which don't work for the PE symptoms. I totally agree with you on the spacecraft and the birds. And also that if we trust, we will be where we are supposed to be at any given moment in Time. That brings confort.

  13. 3322mathaddict says:

    Maggie, when the deaths of the birds initially occurred, it was definitely ascertained by the ornithology pathologists, (I forgot their technical name) had all died of blunt trauma before they hit the ground; that many of them had their insides "exploded", and many had their brains "exploded", by some external froce that couldn't be determined and still hasn't. If we study red-winged blackbirds, that gives a pretty good idea of the habits of the species. One report said they have very poor vision, but according to the bird experts, they have extremely good vision. Conflicting reports. And so the seige continues around the world among so many different species…land, sea, and air. Scary.

  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nancy – where do you read that about Napolitano? That's disturbing.

  15. Vicki D. says:

    As soon as I had heard about the birds my immediate thought was an invisible space ship.
    Every time I try to think of something else being the cause again I get, invisible space ship, so that is what I think and what someone else is telling me.

    In regards to where you to go and what to do, I have always been told by my guides that "you will be wherever you are supposed to be".
    With 9/11 I had seen that in a vision back in the 1990's and I was so afraid but my guides kept reassuring me that no one I loved would be there and they weren't.
    You have got to live and not fear.

    This past Monday I had the worst ear ringing I have ever had, my ears hurt and it was so loud I couldn't hear clearly.
    Any one else have that problem?

  16. Nancy says:

    I have to agree with almost everyone here. I don't have faith in our government to tell us anything. But I have read where Janet Napolitano has quietly suggested to her friends to store 4-6 months worth of food. I have also read where many military are retiring to Arkansas because they believe a pole shift will happen in our lifetime. So no, I do not have faith that our government will fill us in on important information that has to do with our safety – they are too worried we will quit working. If they won't come clean on UFO activity – they won't warn us of impending disasters. That being said, a pole shift is probably in the works, it is looking more and more that way. What can we do? Not much. Put a few things aside and stay in the moment, is my theory. Radiate positive thinking for Egypt and for people everywhere who just want a chance at a decent life. The old is falling, maybe we can replace it with justice for all.

  17. maggie's garden says:

    I'm not sure what to make of it…it really is troubling that we don't have answers. I did read though that the birds were already affected by blunt trauma (mid air) before hitting the ground…have you heard anything on this? I'm not buying the fireworks works theory. Thanks again for good information.

  18. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    on egypt: power to the people!

    on HAARP: scary beyond words! jesse v, where are you [again]?!

    wv – xemasist

  19. 3322mathaddict says:

    Today, Egypt rejoices at the downfall of the dictator who has ruled for decades. Let us rejoice with them, and send thoughts that a re-establishment of a new government will be accomplished without more bloodshed. Egypt is my soul's home on this planet, and I feel its energies in every atom and molecule of all that I am. The joy is contagious.

  20. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I think that the revolution in Egypt, brought out by 18 days of protest against a corrupt dictatorship, should be uplifting for all of us. Perhaps as consciousness is raised through freedom, the planet responds. I hope so.

    Musing – you're right about becoming our own researchers and sharing what we learn. Off to check off that link you provided.

  21. Jen says:

    Just as I was reading this an enormous flock of black birds swarmed outside my window and landed in a line of trees on the river outside my office.

    I have had troubling dreams lately as well. I also keep waking up in the middle of the night with the feeling that something large and black is flapping around in my apartment. I don't know what it means, but a pole shift, among other things (climate change), could very well be to blame for all of these deaths.

  22. d page says:

    Very informative post.. as always, with much to ponder.
    As I have mentioned on other posts, my dreams have indicated a pole shift since 2004.
    With that realization I had to also accept that , should there ever be a large cataclysm, I would not be able to survive for long. My medical condition and daily requirements for my care would make it impossible for me to live. I'd have 2-4 weeks maximum.

    I do believe in some kind continuity of the soul, so I feel not all is lost – for myself or humanity.

  23. 3322mathaddict says:

    Musing, your WV: courage. Yes. And Gyps, as always, our dreams run parallel, as do the events and experiences in our lives.

  24. musingegret says:

    Just wanted to drop a quick line about the HAARP info and this recent post about the USDA.


    I think these developments are very good examples to explain why the precipitous decline of confidence in our governing bodies/agencies is occurring. Too much secrecy, too little accountability. Whistleblowers have to be the entities to expose the facts and that seems to happen within corporations more than gov't. (Except for the wikileaks military docs.) Investigative journalism is time and labor intensive and doesn't reach mainstream audiences it seems. We must all become our own 'diggers' and share the info. However, sharing isn't enough. What really effects policy changes? Individuals with a focussed special interest/concern who decide to spearhead a movement. Timeconsuming but necessary.

    Thoughts? Ideas? That security warning on the HAARP website was offputting but all too typical.

    wv: courg (pretty self-explantory, hmmmm?)

  25. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, and i forgot to mention – about cj's dream – i have had a number of dreams lately involving babies – new borns – none of them mine – but being born around me – i don't recall much, if any, of the other parts of these dreams – just the part of babies being born –

  26. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    what a story!

    i think of that very thing a lot lately – fear – in terms of all the seemingly imminent planetary possibilities that exist at the moment – my main thought is that if i/we think of the dark side so much, will not all those negative thoughts lead to the very thing feared [through our own thoughts] – and so, as i have lived in the land of denial most of my life, i'm trying to maintain residency there now – all at the same time, however, gathering whatever information i can in order to make the best life i can for me and mine – a delicate balancing act – and we are all so grateful to you, trish and rob, for giving us the information with which to better balance it all – a great post –

    let us all take hold of the joy in our lives! with joy as our focus – all the while remaining informed – thanks again for this great information –

  27. 3322mathaddict says:

    Before I woke up this morning, I had a dream in which there were a lot of children of all ages. They had been gathered together and were being kept "safe" inside a small house that had the appearance of a trailer of some type. There were a few animals: dogs, cats, birds, also being kept in this small space. The house did have separate rooms in it and was a total mess, completely unkempt because of the number of people and their belongings inside it. Several of the children had been isolated into one room because they were suffering from some kind of strange illness that was causing them to vomit constantly, with other symptoms. I handed a woman in that room a bottle that had "iodine tablets" written in big black letters on it. Iodine, among other uses, is taken to help prevent radiation sickness. There was one room I passed where several toddlers were lying together, and one or two of them were wheezing terribly, having difficulty breathing. I found the mother of one of the toddlers and asked her if there was any "Benadryl" in the house, that the baby was wheezing dangerously. I woke up in a state of deep concern, and lay there thinking about the dream and its symbols. Benadryl, as I'm sure most adults know, is an antihistamine that is commonly used to fight "allergic reactions" to medications, insect bites,foods, etc, among other uses. In any event, I came to the computer as usual and pulled up the SYNCHRO blog, and this post appeared. My dream may have nothing to do with the content of this post, but my dreams being the precognitive things that they generally are, it may have. In any event,as T & R suggested, I believe it would behoove all of us to keep ourselves informed and abreast of the news and also of the news that TPTB are trying to hide but which can be found, regardless. The question is a pertinent one: is a biological or chemical WMD being tested on this planet's animals, or are the mass deaths and odd behaviors of so many species of animals natural events? Knowledge does indeed bring power. Thanks for a timely and informative post, Trish and Rob.

  28. DJan says:

    I rely on you to keep me informed about these kinds of things, but you're right: I can't worry too much about it since I would be paralyzed with fear. It's very disconcerting in any event.

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