Update from Quebec

This spring, as regular readers here will recall, we featured a 9-part series of posts about a UFO encounter in rural Quebec (start here) and the dramatic and emotional aftermath. Recently, I received an e-mail from Charles about a strange encounter he had in the parking lot of a grocery store where he shops. He tried to look at what happened as explainable in normal terms, that the unusual person was someone who was, well, just unusual.

Afterwards,  though, the more he thought about it, he realized there was a psychic component, a deeper layer to this confrontation, a synchronicity. The incident reflected something going on in his life that very day, a confrontation of another type, but one that was nonetheless surprising and stressful.

Here’s the story, as told by Charles.

This happened  Thursday May 3rd in the parking lot of the grocery store where we shop. I think I was the only one left in the parking lot except for the worker’s cars. I had put all the grocery’s bags in the trunk and I was sitting behind the steering wheel. I had my map light turned on, but my car was not running yet. I was looking at the receipt for the groceries when, seemingly from nowhere, appeared a strange person on my left.

He or she was very tall and thin  and bald with a extremely white skin and very small ankles. This person was dressed all in blue and wearing strange pants like baseball pants that were tight at the ankles. He/she was holding an armful of empty groceries bags in one hand. (We now have to bring our own bags for groceries here in Quebec.)

He or she hardly moved past the car toward the grocery store on my left, and walked like an insect or like ants in cartoons.  He also wore dark square sunglasses in spite of it being night. Then he looked toward me and changed directions, stepping out in front of my car. I did not like it, and felt sorry for him or her because I told myself the poor person must be handicapped.

I started my car, but decided to wait before moving forward, since I would not have any choice but to drive toward the person,  and I did not want to frighten him. So I waited, but the person started moving toward me, walking more like a non-human robot from a science fiction movie. I told myself that this could be explained from a physical handicap.

BUT!!!…  when I saw that he was staring at me with a very aggressive look, I got this feeling that he or she was not there to go grocery shopping, but rather was there for me. Although my windows were rolled up, I could hear him or her making screaming sounds or shouting in a language I could not identify. It was like the sounds of a cat fight.

So I decided to start to drive slowly ahead, but he quickly darted closer. I stopped so I wouldn’t  hit him, and and he leaned over my windshield. He did not touch my car but was rather trying to communicate with that weird sound. So I started forward again, because I was scared he would open my door. That’s when I realized that he could not walk or make his hands move normally.  I looked over my shoulder to see what he was doing and saw that he was looking at the back of my car, still making those weird sounds.

I drove away and later felt it was a paranormal experience. I still do not like thinking of him. I’m afraid he might come back into my life again some day. Yet, I’ve been questioning myself ever since. Was I just being afraid of a handicapped person? Why would he/she be carrying so many grocery bags? How would he possibly be able to carry so many bags of groceries home? So I also thought that maybe this was an MIB, a man in black, (or a hybrid).

And the next day something startling and upsetting happened that made me think that strange person’s appearance was a sign.


Before his UFO encounter in late March of 2011, I doubt that Charles would have thought of an MIB or a hybrid as a possible explanation. That’s how things change in one’s life after an alien encounter. Besides, he might be right, maybe there are human/alien hybrids walking the planet and maybe they act somewhat like handicapped people. Maybe they are just below the radar, registering more in our subconscious minds than in our everyday reality. Who knows, maybe they are the reason zombies are so big in pop culture now!

(A shorter version of this story with a somewhat different twist appeared on Mike Clelland’s Hidden Experience blog a few days ago.) – Rob


And, off topic, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ROB! – from Trish, Megan and all our animals companions


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10 Responses to Update from Quebec

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    Charles could have been right with his on-again, off-again impressions that this person was a handicapped or disturbed human. Doesn’t sound like my experiences with MIB, but I suppse everyone has his or her own story in their regard. The description doesn’t quite seem to fit “hybrids”, either, altho at initial glance that’s what hit me. Then upon re-reading, it reminds me of a few pathetic folks in our town who are mentally disturbed, especially some of the “street-people” who carry bags around with them, who do extremely strange things, who act with non-normal behavior patterns. Some of them will grab at you when you pass them on the street. They simply are unbalanced. Who can definitively know what this entity was that Charles saw? I understand the complexities of becoming frightend and wary and paranoid after encounters. These are life-altering experiences and they tend to make us look at the entire world, and everyone in it, with some degree of suspicion and even fear.

  2. lauren raine says:

    Happy Birthday!

    Reading this, I can understand how frightening the experience must have been. But I can’t help but wonder what this person or being was trying to communicate?

  3. Rob and Trish says:

    No part 2. Charles’ upsetting event was a misunderstanding that was latter settled.

  4. Nancy says:

    Happy Birthday, Rob! You share May birthdays with two of my family members.

    The cat-like sounds reminded me of the Black Eyed Kids on Dreamland with Whitley Streiber.

  5. So will we get to learn of what was “startling and upsetting”?

    Very weird but it’s very interesting from a reader’s point of view to watch this story develop. Have just been writing about MIBs for a future post and the sighting here doesn’t seem like a standard MIB.

    Happy Birthday Rob – don’t they come round quickly these days!

  6. Momwithwings says:

    Very strange! I also am wondering if there is a part 2 to this?

    Happy Birthday Rob!

  7. gypsy says:

    very weird encounter – however, as far as MIBs are concerned the only ones with whom i’ve had encounters had none of these characteristics at all – they could have passed for anyone on the street in terms of their “sameness” physically to other men -but in the grand scheme of things, that’s really meaningless i’m sure as it’s only my individual experience – on charles’ story, it’s also interesting that this “person” was carrying grocery bags – i mean, why bother – given all the other things it/he/she did – it would be interesting to know whether or not this even is captured on any outdoor video cams –

    and as for you, rob – well – happy happy again!!! 😉

  8. mathaddict2233 says:

    Hybrid. Nothing more for me to say on this.


  9. The main event of the day – HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROB!!! With Jupiter almost exactly on your Sun I trust you are having a very jubilant time.
    XO Adele

  10. Darren B says:

    Strange encounter indeed,and happy birthday to you Rob.
    What was the startling and upsetting experience that happened the next day?
    Is there going to be a part 2 to this post,or is Charles just going to leave us wondering?

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