The Quebec UFO encounter

This is the first of several posts related to a dramatic UFO encounter that occurred one year ago. It was experienced by a French-Canadian couple who live in a rural area of Quebec. The incident has had psychic reverberations, including astonishing synchronicities as well as disturbing events.

The story is deeply emotional and came to us directly from the man, who we will call Charles. He and his wife do not want their names used. Neither had any interest or belief in aliens or UFOs before this experience. Charles approached us with his story after finding the French edition of our book, The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity, in a Montreal bookstore.

The story is long and quite involved, but fascinating. At times it reads like a modern-day gothic horror tale. We’ll post the entries intermittently over the next two or three weeks. English is a second language for Charles, so we have edited the writing, but hopefully maintained the essence of the story as well as Charles’ voice in the telling.

It begins in a graveyard nine days before the UFO encounter. We usually think of hauntings and aliens as two separate scenarios. But Charles is convinced that what happened in the graveyard was related to what followed.


I guess it all started on Saturday afternoon March 19, 2011. The day was sunny, cold with very strong wind and still had a bit of snow covering the ground. A couple of days before, I started a project to create a family tree. I decided to call my father and ask him for help identifying family tombstones in our hometown cemetery.

When we arrived, I took out three sheets of paper with a list of family names.  While my father located specific tombstones, I made note of the dates of birth and death. But a strong wind came up making it difficult to write. So I went back to my car for my digital camera and began taking photos of gravestones.

One of my father’s brothers was buried in the cemetery Feb. 19, 2011, exactly a month earlier. My father and I did not attend my uncle’s funeral because of a long-standing family dispute dating back to 1984. It involved a family business and was serious enough that it had to be settled in court.  It was very difficult for my father not to go, but it would’ve been uncomfortable with other unfriendly family members there.

Something happened that day in the cemetery. My father started feeling very strange and frightened. Something frightened him, but he didn’t know what. Later, he asked me if I heard him screaming into the wind, calling for me. He said he heard a voice in his head that seemed to be coming from outside of him. It said: Tell your son not to stay there. Get him away quickly. I did remember hearing my father calling to me. At the time I was taking pictures of the family tombstone where my recently deceased uncle was buried. I walked away from the grave, and looked for my father. Oddly, even though I’d heard his voice, I had trouble finding him.

That evening, I took my 17-year-old daughter to a nearby city for her part-time job working at a restaurant. On the way there, I started feeling a pain in my stomach and began sweating profusely. I felt wetness in my pants and pulled into a gas station. I hurried to the restroom, embarrassed, thinking that I peed on myself. It was worse. My pants were filled with blood.

My first thought was that I was going to die. My father had colon cancer 20 years earlier, but was saved by surgery. Now it was my turn. I went to a clinic and was examined by an emergency physician. At his recommendation, I made an appointment with a doctor who specialized in colon surgery. I would see him at 8:30 a.m. March 28.

Little did I know how important that date would become for me. Not because of the appointment, but because of the astonishing and frightening event that would take place in the early morning hours of that day.


The next entry describes the event that has changed Charles’ life.

(The complete story can be found in liens in the Backyard: UFO Encounters, Abductions & Synchronicity, by Rob & Trish MacGregor (Crossroad Press, 2013).

This entry was posted in quebec ufo encounter, synchronicity, UFOs. Bookmark the permalink.

13 Responses to The Quebec UFO encounter

  1. shadow says:

    i’m hooked, born writers you are, leaving it there. at that point. NEED to see the rest of this story….

  2. karen says:

    Can’t wait to hear the rest of this story! Yep…total cliffhanger!!

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    By the way, (coincidentally) ;), do you notice the presence of the number “19” in this current story? Shades of yesterday’s post about Flight 191 and the number 19!!!!

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    OK Guys, get on with this story!!! Now we’ll all be getting up at dawn to check and see what’s next. No kidding. Pleeeeeeeze….what happened??

  5. Momwithwings says:

    Holy Cliffhanger!! Please don’t make us wait a week!!!!!!
    The cemetery part made me think of my daughter who, when a child, could “see” the deceased by their graves. That knowledge blew my mind and also made me very curious and now this story has me wondering if I’ll get answers.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I think you’ve mentioned that before about your daughter that she’s very psychic. Also, didn’t you have some kind of sighting? I was looking back to earlier posts – that 1965 blackout on the east coast. Remember?

  6. DJan says:

    Blogger is acting up, but I’m going to see if I can comment on WordPress. Good cliffhanger!!

  7. That’s the way to keep readers returning to your blog – leave them with a cliff hanger! I’m sure we’ll all be back (though I would have done any way) to read the next part of the story. (March 28 was Karin’s birthday so looking for synchros!)

  8. gypsy says:

    OMGosh!!! talk about a CLIFF-HANGER!!!

    what a story! – well, the intro to one so far! and i can tell you that just this little bit had my skin crawling and goosebumps all over –

    it’s wonderful, also, to see your book being read around the globe!

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