Egypt, Global Events, and Synchros

As the peaceful, grassroots revolution has unfolded in Egypt, we’ve been looking for synchronicities. Every global event seems to have its share. So today when we heard that Mubarak had fled Cairo and the VP had turned power over to the military, we rushed home to watch the news coverage.
During President Obama’s statement concerning the events in Egypt, he mentioned that Tahrir, the name of the square the protesters have occupied for the last 18 days, means freedom. Throughout the  media coverage, reporters have referred to it as Liberation Square. Either way, this synchro is certainly fitting.

Update: 21 years ago today, Nelson Mandela was freed from prison in South Africa. And we all know what unfolded after that!

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7 Responses to Egypt, Global Events, and Synchros

  1. Mike Perry says:

    Hopefully there will now be a 'happy ending' – though it may not be all over as yet, even if the signs are looking okay.

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    just a little update on weird computer stuff going on lately – just now i googled janet napolitano to find the references to her having told family/friends to compile a 4-6 month stock of basic living supplies – and as i clicked on a site where she is telling a committee that the danger today of a terrorist attack is greater than it has been at any time in the last 10 years, a message pops up that my computer has just crashed – now, if i were a worrier………

    oh, great! and the wv here is "roping"! lovely, just lovely! 😉

  3. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    yes, POWER TO THE PEOPLE OF EGYPT! it is a time to rejoice in the victory of the egyptian people – and to continue our positive/caring thoughts that peace prevails under military control – two things which, to me, seem more than diametrically opposed – but my thoughts remain positive for the ancient motherland of the pyramids!

    wv – tarthal

  4. rosaria says:

    It's the first step, and the biggest gamble of a nation. It took courage and fortitude!
    The taught the world that united. peaceful, an entire country can stand up to 30 yrs of dictatorship.
    My hat to them/

  5. Nancy says:

    Ummm – that would be "weak", not wea. 🙂

    One can only hope about the military.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I just saw on TV that the military numbers nearly half a million. I sure hope they're with the people, too, nancy.

  7. Nancy says:

    I couldn't be more proud of the Egyptian people to be able to pull this off in a peaceful manner! They proved to the world that peace is the way to change, and the thugs that attacked them only looked wea.

    Power to the people all over the world!

    Now lets hope the military is with the people…

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