Aliens in the Backyard

We were just getting ready to submit our proposal for ‘Aliens in the Backyard: Abducting the World’ when we decided  to place more emphasis on synchronicity. Synchros were already rampant in the four chapters we were submitting, but we needed to focus more on it in the all-important marketing section. That’s where we emphasize how our book is different from those already published about alien abductions.

The idea is to make use of our expertise and to show that we are placing strong emphasis on an element of the abduction scenario that has been either overlooked or only mentioned in passing. That way we make our book proposal more unique.

The next morning we were still working on some finishing touches, but were getting close to sending it out. That’s when we noticed a striking headline at the top of the Local & Business section of the Palm Beach Post.

It read: District considers abduction alert.  

Apparently a man had tried to abduct two school girls and the school district was considering a district-wide alert. Not alien abductors, of course, but still it was kind of startling to see. And a synchronicity.

You might ask, how do we know it wasn’t an alien abductor going after school girls? Well, it probably wasn’t because the girls got away. As abductees report, escaping alien abductors is no easy task.


After Rob wrote this post, we heard from Al, our agent. “Who is publishing alien books these days?” he asked.

I glanced at the books  stacked on my desk, jotted down the list of publishers, and sent it off. Al responded quickly: “Trish, can you please concentrate on recent publishers?”

Now, I’m fairly certain Al has never sold a book on aliens or abductions or UFO encounters – fairly sure, but not 100 percent positive. He’s been in this business for  40 years and, at one time, represented Jess Stearns, so maybe back there somewhere, he might have repped a UFO book. But even if he never represented a book on UFOs, he immediately grasped what we needed. Rob combed through Amazon, came up with a list of recent publishers, and we sent it off.

And this may be part of the secret to Al’s success as an agent. As a Virgo who is meticulous about details, Al knows when he’s out of his element and has no hesitation about  asking for additional info. He’s also aware that the publishing industry right now is in a terrible state and to sell a book – any book – requires more than business as usual.

So, we’ll see where it goes. In the end Rob and I still adhere to the belief that each of us creates our own reality. We want to see this book published. We’ve invested a lot of time and effort in the proposal. And we’re practicing some visualization techniques we’ve learned from Mike Perry. When  it comes to manifesting what you desire, we’re all babes in the woods – and are just learning to walk.


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20 Responses to Aliens in the Backyard

  1. Darren B says:

    …or “Unexpected Visitors :Aliens in the Backyard?” ?

  2. gypsy says:

    everyone seems to be talking about the publishing business and its apparent transformation these days – at some point publishers must realize that their purpose is to provide a service for which they are handsomely paid – and that writers are their source – their only source – of selling this service they provide – unfortunately they seem to have removed themselves somewhat for whatever reason from the realm of reality in that area – what they may underestimate is that new niche in the world of writing called “self-publishing” – and especially for authors already established, it seems a great way to go –

    about manifestation – for me, it seems that the time i “try” the less likely the positive response – it’s those times i don’t “try” – but – that being said – it is also said that practice makes perfect – and i could use some of that in my life right now – so perhaps that’s the moral of this story for me, anyway –

    do you keep a visualization board – or whatever one calls such a board or a notebook – but perhaps do a bulletin board in your office – make up your own cover for your new book – the way you see it looking – then print it out and post it up on your board – and pull some images of you all doing book signings previously – that kind of thing – you know, add images or letters or whatever of all the things you all usually do in the process and fulfillment of a proposal through publishing – just a tiny little thought –

    can’t wait for it to hit the stands, you two! 😉

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Maybe the not trying is about releasing the desire? Thanks for the tips. I’ll try that manifestation board. Right now, I have a story board for this current novel pinned to my door. Hmm. Have to find some space!

  3. Darren B says:

    How about “Aliens in the Backyard : The Not So Hidden Experience”. ?

    Sorry Mike .-)

  4. All the best with the book! Yeah, the industry seems to be in a bit of a slump. I am just days away from finishing my novel, which will probably be renamed “Shadows at the Edge of Light”, or something like that. I have sent my agent a couple of query letters about it, but he hasn’t even bothered to give me a response. Maybe I’ll just approach my last publisher – Inner Traditions directly – as they do deal with authors directly.


  5. I like that the marketing focuses on your area of expertise as what makes this book different. I like the title, “Aliens in the Backyard” but the subtitle feels odd. Are the stories about abductions around the world? I know titles are often changed but it’s never too soon to consider your target audience and what words might resonate with them. Right now your target is editors…. good luck!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      OK, you’re really good at this! We weren’t sure about the subtitle. We were trying to create a metaphor of sorts – backyard/world, quantum to larger, that sort of thing. We knew it wasn’t quite right. Many thanks for your feedback!

  6. Adelita says:

    Thanks for this very interesting glimpse into the author’s process, Trish. I can easily see your new book manifested and in the hands of your many old and new reading fans.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      This morning, I had a dream – can’t recall the contents, but woke up with two words in mind: element 15. So I googled it. Element 15 is phosphorous. Wikipedia: Interestingly, this bit caught my attention: “due to its high reactivity, phosphorus is never found as a free element on Earth.” You’re the dream expert, Adelita. What tips might you have for further interpretation??

  7. mathaddict2233 says:

    See it. Feel it. Know it. Create it. That’s how it works. And don’t you just love it when it all comes together! TIMING is everything. The Hallmark Hall of Fame movies had a movie called FOLLOW THE STARS HOME. I enjoyed the movie so much I purchased it, about six or so years ago. That title was referencing a boat captain who followed the stars to guide him home. I believe we can all do that. Let ourselves be guided by the Universe and it will manifest our dreams!

  8. lauren raine says:

    I wanted to wish you every success in publishing the new book…….somehow I think it will be so. And what an inspiring quote above. I was just trying to write about “manifestation” for a new Tarot card I’ve created, and reflected that not so long ago I was saying “oh, there’s not enough love in my life”.

    While visiting in California, someone dumped 4 abandoned kittens on me. Now I have 4 furry bundles of feline love following me everywhere I go!

  9. Lots of luck with the book sale, there must be a big market for such a story with the right publisher.

    Thank you for the mention . Most of us are ‘still learning to walk’ with visualisation but I hang on to the ideal as written by Richard Ingalese in his 1904 book. He writes:

    “Constant practice has made (some people) skilled operators of the law and with them faith has grown into absolute knowledge. When a person has reached this point in his development he may go out of business and go wherever he desires because he can draw himself anything he wants at any time or in any place he may happen to be … Whatsoever a man thinketh in his heart so he is.”

    Quite something to aim for!

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