Little Girl in the Car Seat

Megan showed us this video while we were sitting outside by the pool in her complex. She knew the words and understood the sentiment, drawing  comparisons between this vid and her last boyfriend. The video is a hoot.



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13 Responses to Little Girl in the Car Seat

  1. Delorus says:

    That little girl is bringing her magic with her in this round! Her expressions moved me as much as her dancing and power of rhythm. Beautiful. Thank you,Mom, for sharing.

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    Hope Carol has more to offer! She (Carol) is such an inspiration with her books on children’s past lives and other such things. Hopefully this little girl’s parents might be open to paying attention if she talks about having another mommy and daddy, or about other people’s names that they don’t know, or even telling them that she has another name! Children are such a wealth of past-life memories until it is “buried” deep within them by the current life experiences and those old memories fade to make room for the new life experiences. Mozart wrote symphonies at age four. And what about the eleven-year-old opera singer who was on America’s Got talent? These kids….magnificent.

  3. Darren B says:

    It reminds me of a Douglas Adams (The Hitch-hikers Guide To The Galaxy) quote about watching his daughter –
    ” I was telling somebody earlier today that I have a four-year-old daughter and was very, very interested watching her face when she was in her first 2 or 3 weeks of life and suddenly realizing what nobody would have realized in previous ages – she was rebooting! ”
    And he always said he was an Atheist throughout his lifetime ???

    I saw Gotye play live in December last year
    (only by coincidence…I didn’t go there to see him play)
    and can say personally that his music is infectious… in a good way.
    It’s a great song…and I do this in my car seat too,when it comes on the radio .-)

  4. Momwithwings says:

    I thought the same as CJ.
    She has wonderful rhythm!
    And to Meg, haven’t we all been there at some time, but then we meet someone great!

  5. mathaddict2233 says:

    WOW! The very first thing that popped into my mind, watching this, was “WHO WAS THAT CHILD IN HER LAST LIFE?????” And then when her face became so contemplative, I wondered what memories were coming to the surface that she is far too young to be able to express, but to which she is still so tightly connected. WOW yet again! Folks who have studied such matters tell us that we remember a great deal of our most relevant past life until we reach the age of four or five, so this darling is still THERE. And without a doubt, she had to have been someone with enormous musical talent. Perhaps someone who passed early (Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, for example) and has returned quickly, or someone who lived a wonderful long life and it’s time for him or her to be back with us (such as Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, etc)! The really mind-boggling thing is that she’s got the CURRENT MOVES down with such precision and rhythm! That’s inborn, not learned! I’ll watch this over and over and feel GOOD!

  6. gypsy says:

    absolutely totally FABULOUS! and what a spirit, the little girl in pink! i watched her face and was mesmerized by her expressions! and then, the thing of her physically becoming one with the music! FABULOUS!!! LOVED IT!

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