Historic Dates/Numbers Synchros


The first date – 9-11-2001  is when planes flew into the World Trade Center and 3,000 Americans were killed. This terrorist event launched two wars and resulted in the creation of the TSA (the gropers at the airport), the Department of Homeland Security, and the Patriot Act. Nothing positive evolved from this date or these events.

The second date -2-11-2011 is when Egypt’s Mubarak resigned after being in power for 29 years ( 2+9=11). Although he was called a president, he was nothing more than a dictator supported by the U.S. government. He resigned after demonstrations that were mostly peaceful and that lasted 18 days (1+8=9). It looks as if a lot of positive change will emerge from these events. The Egyptian people seem to be on a path toward democracy.
The pattern repetition of numbers – 11s, 9s, 2s – is interesting.

There are undoubtedly numbers/dates for the protests in Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana… perhaps a new American revolution? Stay tuned!

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3 Responses to Historic Dates/Numbers Synchros

  1. Leah says:

    Ok, as I was working on my synchronicity journal a HUGE one hit me. I was speaking with Julian Lennon on the 30th anniversary of his dad's death- Dec.8th…it just hit me that he died on 12/8/1980 which equals 29 and 2+9=11…there really is something serious with the 11's. Oh and btw Julian's age this year 48 on 4/8/11…mmmhhhmmm…

    ok I promise to stop now and keep it in my journal…that one just floored me!

    Love to you!

  2. Leah says:

    I have a few I'd like to share if you'll indulge me a few lines here…they're wild.

    Starts that my birthday was 1-11-11
    I was 38 3+8=11 plus 1-11-2011=7 proving it was the last year of the cycle.

    My birthday=7- my mom is 1/7/11 and hers equalled 11!

    I am ending a very hard seven year cycle and feeling the rebirth to amazing things in year 8. My birthday will be 1-11-2012=8!

    I got the job I needed to help jumpstart the new life for the new cycle on 2-22-11 making $17/hr to start:
    2+2+2+1+1=8 1+7=8

    My fav number is 12. My next birthday I will be 39 3+9=12 for the new cycle. New positive cycle starts in 12!!!!!

    Wild so far…putting them in my journal!


  3. KE says:

    Thank you for posting my comments on my vision!

    I have found so much synchronicity with numbers lately too. Another you may remember is the Madrid Spain bombings after 9/11 that took place on 3/11. Also I read once that events on 7/11 are the same as 9/11 because 7 in Fr. is "sept" as in September or 9. The royal wedding on 4/29 can be read as 4/11(2+9).

    I get a lot of great number info like the above at a great site called Etemenanki. You'll love the number synchs there!

    Great current post there at:


    And the 3/11 info at these two posts there:



    Another great blogger for number synchs is strangeye. His recent twitter post linked the numbers in STS-133 last shuttle Discovery mission blast off yesterday to personal events.


    And at Illuminati matrix!


    I hope you find these links helpful and intersting!

    Thanks, KE

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