
On Christmas Eve, we were sitting around our fire pit, warming our feet, and started talking about UFOs. I suddenly remembered two instances when I had a sighting.

The first must have been around 1963. I was in boarding school in Massachusetts, there because the high schools in Venezuela weren’t that great and the company my dad worked for paid for it. Six or seven of us were in a room on the ground floor of an old Victorian house that comprised one of the dorms. The room belonged to Holly Smith, who had inherited a ton of money when her parents had passed away a few years before. Holly was a trust fund kid – there seemed to a be a lot of them at this boarding school – and had a prime room with fantastic floor to ceiling windows that offered a panoramic view of the campus, the sky, the world. She paid extra  for that room, where she lived alone.

Many nights, some of us would sneak down to Holly’s room after lights out – yes, 10 PM was the magic hour for the dorm to go dark, arcane, I know – and sit around talking and gossiping and smoking cigarettes.So one night six or seven of us were sitting around in Holly’s room, doing our usual forbidden things, and I happened to look out one of her fabulous windows and saw a very strange light. It hovered, it was soundless, it pulsed red, yellow, blue.

“Hey, look,” I whispered to one of the other girls. “What the hell is that?”

“A plane,” she said.

“It’s not making any noise,” I said.

“We’re just not hearing any noise because it’s too far away.”

Except that it wasn’t far away. The light was close and now it was moving strangely, swiftly, zigzagging across the sky, growing larger, brighter, and changing colors. “That’s a UFO,” I said.

“No way,” said Holly.

The light zoomed in closer – not flush to the window or anything like that – but close enough for all of us to see that it wasn’t a plane, wasn’t a chopper, wasn’t like anything any of us had ever seen before. It performed – racing from right to left, moving diagonally, spinning, slowing, hovering again.

By then, I was practically hanging outside the window. I knew what I was seeing, I knew what this was, and so did everyone else in that room.Then the light shot off into the stratosphere at the speed of light.

The second sighting occurred on November 9, 1965, during a blackout to the Northeast coast of the U.S. The Life Magazine cover story depicts it well. The lights went out. I was a freshman in college, in Utica, New York, wedged between Schenectady and Syracuse. I was in my double room on the ground floor, had just come in from a class or dinner or something, and hit the button on my desk lamp – which didn’t come on. No electricity. It was already dark outside, and I made my way over to my bed and sat down and tried to remember where I had put my flashlight.

My room had long windows that slid open and looked out over the back campus where everything was totally black. But suddenly, the sky lit up and dozens of bright, orange objects cascaded through my vision. At first, I thought it was a meteor shower that was visible because of the blackout. But after a few moments of watching these objects, I knew they were the same thing I had seen two years earlier in Holly’s room. These were UFOs.

When I Googled blackout 1965, a wikipedia entry was one of the first URLs that came up. Here’s what it says:

On the same night, many UFO sightings were made in the same area. One occurred at 4:30 PM over Tidioute, Pennsylvania, and another at 5:22 PM between Syracuse Airport and Rochester, New York. They were described as fast, bright objects. During the blackout, a private pilot and a flight instructor both witnessed a bright fireball 50–100 ft in diameter, which quickly vanished. The fireball was observed over the Clay Power Station, which was originally said to be the source of the blackout before authorities reported the source of the surge to be at Beck. In New York City, UFOs with a strange glow were reported, and one of the pictures of the object taken was printed in Time Magazine. Before the Federal Power Commission‘s explanation, the Indianapolis Star, the Syracuse Herald-Journal, and the Associated Press all picked up the UFO reports.
So now, all these many years later, I’m left to marvel that I twice witnessed something inexplicable, that I intuitively know were UFOs, and that I got as close to them as I can personally accept. Years ago when Rob and I met, I defined my boundaries with UFO experiences. I didn’t want little grays running around in my bedroom, I didn’t want implants, I didn’t want terror.Forget pain and malaise. Give me magic, give me mystery, give me proof. Back then, as now, I’d like to meet a friendly ET, you know, the funny looking guy in the Spielberg movie who will take me on a wild bike ride through the light of the full moon.

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17 Responses to Sightings

  1. whipwarrior says:

    You're preaching to the choir, friend! Rob and I have been corresponding for AGES because of his Indiana Jones novels. 🙂

  2. 3322mathaddict says:

    Rob MacGregor is able to answer any questions regarding the Indiana Jones material, considering his personal involvement in the series of movies!

  3. whipwarrior says:

    Don't forget Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull! 🙂 But yes, Spielberg definitely has a thing for mysterious phenomena, UFOs, etc. I don't know if The Bearded One (LOL) ever read The Mothman Prophecies prior to his rise to fame, but you may find the answer at one of the many Steven Spielberg fan websites that abound. I'll take a look into this and see if I can turn up anything.

  4. Brizdaz says:

    It's funny you should mention CE3K.
    I was just thinking this morning,while reading John A Keel's "The Mothman Prophecies" ,that I would like to know if Spielberg had come into contact with this novel prior to making CE3K (it was first published in 1975) and just how much it influenced some of the scenes in his films such as CE3K and MIB,even "Back to the Future","Harry and the Hendersons" and "Poltergeist".I have a feeling that this book had a major role to play in Spielberg's later choices of subject matter for his upcoming films,whether consciously or unconsciously.

  5. whipwarrior says:

    Do you suppose the real-life blackout inspired the scene in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, when the UFOs were witnessed by people all over Indiana during the inexplicable power outage? Roy Neary, a lineman for the power company, was trying to locate the source of the outage when his fated 'encounter' happened. I bet Spielberg used the actual New York event while writing the screenplay.

  6. Mike Perry says:

    Great UFO experiences. Never had any as interesting as that (unfortunately).

    I guess there are ways to believe you are riding a bike thro' the light of the full moon ….

  7. Natalie says:

    Connie~ The dot changes as my moods change, I have noticed. (on my blog at least.)

    Trish ~ I love hearing your stories, you are such an intetesting lady.In regard to UFO's…………….. When you know, you know.

  8. Brizdaz says:

    Thanks Trish,
    I was reading this post the other day at "The Secret Sun" blog

    about Alex Proyas' "Dark City",and couldn't decide whether to buy a copy of the "Dark City – Director's Cut" DVD,or not.
    I remember seeing that movie years ago,and although it was alright,it didn't really grab me at the time.
    But I've had the nagging feeling that I should buy this special "Director's Cut",and give it a closer watch,because it has the following special features:

    * Intro by Alex Proyas
    * Memories of Shell Beach
    * Architecture of Dreams
    * Audio Commentaries by Alex Proyas, Roger Ebert, David Goyer and Lem Dobbs
    * Production Gallery
    * Theatrical Trailer
    and I've had the feeling that something wants me to watch it,for some reason.
    The fact that Proyas and I share the same birthday (Sept 23) has made me take note of his movies lately…but I didn't really want to fork out $24 for a DVD,that I was luke warm for,the first time around.
    So I thought,if the universe gives me a synchro,which in some way references "Dark City" and aliens by the end of the week ,then I will buy it.

    And coming here and seeing the picture of the "Dark City" of NY, and your story about aliens,means my local DVD store has just made a sale.-)

  9. Lauren says:

    An interesting post; thank you. It's funny, I've always wanted to see a UFO, and never came close to even one little inexplicable light, although I'm fascinated with the subject.

  10. 3322mathaddict says:

    Out of nothing but curiosity, I've been sitting here for a little while just watching The Dot. (Yeah, boring!) But, interestingly, The Dot is shifting colors as I've watched it. It's pretty cool to see, when we realize what The Dot supposedly represents. I'm thinking the mass consciousness is pretty confused right now.

  11. 3322mathaddict says:

    It is monday, 2-28-2011, 3:50pmEST.
    Has anyone else noticed The Dot is bright red??

  12. Rob and Trish MacGregor says:

    floati! Good one!!

  13. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    notwithstanding my own numerous personal experiences [some told here and some not yet told] i'm with you trish – give me the magic – the mystery and then more magic – i've had the proof!!! 😉

    and i LOVE the wv here – floati

  14. Rob and Trish MacGregor says:

    Wow, Vicki, your story is intriguing. That blackout was something else! I don't think I've ever had contact, just sightings. But I'm sure other people experienced contact the night of the blackout.

  15. Vicki D. says:

    Oh Trish, as I read this post I thought "you can't control them". I am coming to terms with this myself.
    I actually wonder since you have such fear about if it if you have already had contact but don't remember.
    I have no memories of having been "abducted" but have memories of seeing beings (who were very loving), of being "awakened" as I "fell" back into bed.
    I feel right now that with some little memories coming back if I am not ready to remember then that is ok with me.
    I will tell you though that as I read your post I literally shouted out "Yes! I knew it!" I was a child when the blackout happened and living on Long Island NY, and I know something happened to me that night. I have memories of seeing "something" walking down the street and into my room and I was trying to hide from it and I don remember it saying, in my head, "you cannot hide from us".
    That is all I remember and for years tried posting different places asking if anyone else had any "contact" on that night and never got responses.
    Thank you and thank you CJ.

    Hmm. WV is trapi, trapped?

  16. Nancy says:

    These sound very much like the sightings going on now. Bright, pulsing lights. What I witnessed, with my daughter, was an actual ship, with lights about 2/3 around it. I thought it interesting the explanation Butternut had for the flashing, pulsing lights – Merkabah.

  17. 3322mathaddict says:

    More than anything in the world, I would like to believe that establishing boundaries with UFOs and ETs is effective. I'm glad to know that it might. Or, there could be other reasons than boundaries being set, that distance has been kept. I'm very open-minded about this. In my situation, setting boundaries never worked. It could function differently for each individual. There's so much we don't know about this, in spite of the many hundreds, perhaps thousands, of authoritative texts that have been penned on the subject. Maybe one day we'll have the right answers to all our questions, Meanwhile, we trudge forward together in faith and hope.

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