The Owl, the Yoga Studio, and Techie Tools

 Type in anything in Google, a word or phrase, a question, a random thought, and somewhere in the virtual universe,  Google will come up with something relevant. Sometimes, Google leads searchers right to this blog. The terms that people use to find their way here  range from the common to the bizarre.
For the last month or so, we’ve been getting hundreds of hits from people who are searching for phoenix or Illuminati. The phoenix search term has been fairly consistent since last fall; the Illuminati search term is more recent. On days when we have more than a thousand hits, we check sitemeter and, sure enough, these two search terms are the most common.

In doing so recently, we stumbled across one very strange and specific search question:  “What does it mean spiritually if an owl dies in front of your yoga studio?”  

Generally, search terms aren’t this specific, so this one caught our attention. We’ve done several posts on owls:  as messengers between the dead and the living, as figures in UFO sightings/abductions; as harbingers of a  deepening spirituality and wisdom. So we broke down the components. We don’t know what kind of owl it was – that in itself might be meaningful. But we know the owl was dying, it was happening in front of this individual’s yoga studio, and the person recognized the event as significant. Our initial reaction was that the owl dying where it did certainly doesn’t bode well for the survival of the yoga studio. Even though yoga is now recognized as a beneficial physical activity unconnected to any particular spiritual practice, it has been and still is often associated with spiritual practices and beliefs. And the individual asked about the spiritual significance.
On a personal level, it could mean this person is about to experience some sort of profound spiritual transformation. It could mean that someone close to this individual may be preparing to pass on. It might mean that the yoga studio won’t last much longer, that the current chapter in this person’s life is closing and he or she will move on to find some new spiritual practice. Or it may mean something else altogether.
Anyone else have other interpretations? Insights?
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28 Responses to The Owl, the Yoga Studio, and Techie Tools

  1. Darren B says:

    I found out what the bird is called that flew into my window.
    It’s called a “Sacred Kingfisher”.
    I wrote a little story about all the weirdness surrounding this incident on my blog,as it’s too lengthy to write here.

    Cheers / Daz

  2. Keri says:

    Wow! You people make me think!

    thank you


  3. Clarity says:

    Very interesting experience. Maybe seeing the owl die in front of the yoga studio doesn't have to do with the yoga studio but with the person witnessing the death scene. But of course, if the person intuitively senses the yoga studie plays a role, then it probably does. To me owls are symbols of wisdom – and perhaps old age – and a death is and end but also the signal of a new beginning as we see it in the Death Card in the Tarot. So maybe this has to do with death to old knowledge soon to be replaced by new. Maybe an important insight is on it's way ..or a spiritual transformation even. This could be big. Would love to hear the next chapter.

    Hehe, wv = vinesse ..pretty close to 'witness' if you ask me 🙂

  4. 3322mathaddict says:

    One thing none of us has thought to mention to the person who had the experience outside the yoga studio: Any and all symbols should first and foremost be examined by what it means to the person who experiences it. In other words, that person immediately should have asked herself or himself" what do owls mean to ME?" and pay attention to the very first thought that comes to mind. We can very often interpret our experiences, and our dreams, if we make a habit of accessing and inderstanding what a symbol, in this case a dead or dying owl, or just the owl symbol itself, means to US. Then if that doesn't seem to be applicable, go searching for more universal information on the specific symbol, again in this case, two symbols: one, an owl, and two, a dead/dying owl, or bird.Hope this helps!

  5. Aleksandar Malečić says:

    As it is mentioned in my comment after that post, I found this blog after searching in Google synchronicity, wolf (Fred Alan Wolf in the books of interest on the right side), tiger. They appear in the films Knowing (Nicolas Cage's surname in the film is Koestler, just like Arthur Koestler in that post) and 21 Grams and the novel Carigradski drum (Constantinople Road- available only in Serbian). Synchronicities, wolves and tigers have been following me since then. The novel Carigradski drum contains some "subliminal" messages about the future and perhaps about me in that future. Some really spooky stuff.

  6. d page says:

    Reading all the posts reminded me of a sequence of dreams I once had about a baby owl. In the dreams, I was trying to nurture a baby owl. Unexpected events and trauma kept happening, centered around a certain person. The events kept threatening the life of the baby owl.
    I finally realized, in real life, that this person (whom I thought was a friend) was trying to wreak havoc in my life, especially in regards to my spiritual practice. It turned out that this person had borderline personality disorder.
    In the dream, the owl was an aspect of my spiritual life & spiritual practice. The dreams were warning me of the danger this person was putting me in. Once I disengaged from the friendship, the dreams stopped.

    Perhaps the yoga instructor is being similarly warned.

  7. Brizdaz says:

    "I was trying to work out if this indecent was some type of message for me or not"

    That should read "I was trying to work out if this incident was some type of message for me or not"

    That was a Freudian slip of the spell check,maybe? .-)

  8. Brizdaz says:

    "…a small bird suddenly flew straight at me and smacked into the wall at full speed…"

    The weekend before last I was watching a DVD in the living room,and all of a sudden this loud bang came off my window.At first I thought someone had thrown or hit a ball into my window.I opened the front door to look and see what was happening (because the window is covered with a wooden blind,and sits behind a sofa bed) and to my surprise I see a little strange bird standing on the veranda with it's body facing one way and it's neck facing the other.
    I thought it must have broken it's neck,and would surely die.So I went inside to get a box to put it in,and to grab my camera (so I could show the wife what a strange bird it was).I stayed with it for a good quarter of an hour,as it slowly seemed to regain consciousness (it was conscious when I first got to it,but it seemed to be quite dazed).I took a few photos of it ( which I'll put up on my blog,for those who would like a closer look )and then opened the front door to get the box for it,but the noise of the door opening must have startled it,and it flew off.
    I have never seen that type of bird around here before,and I haven't seen one since.I don't even know what type of bird it was.
    I was trying to work out if this indecent was some type of message for me or not.If it was,it went over the top of my head.
    But now I'm thinking it might connect to the story Marcus just told above,for some reason,and the message may not even be for me,it could be for somebody out there in blogland reading this post and I'm just a messenger passing it on.
    Either way,I felt I had to relate this story after seeing the comment Marcus made above.
    It seemed important for some subconscious reason I can't explain.
    If there is no message there for anyone,at least I've got some cute bird pictures to show.-)

  9. JBanholzer says:

    Could strange things be occurring as of late, because we are one year away from leap day?

  10. Rob and Trish MacGregor says:

    Wow, Marcus. This story isn't just profound, it's like a direct communication, spirit to spirit.

    If I remember correctly, Hopcke told a similar story in his book There Are No Accidents. I think that story involved crows. But yours is so immediate and in your face. Thank you for sharing this. You should definitely include it on your blog.

  11. Marcus T. Anthony says:

    For synchronicities I have always felt the best way to deal with them is to FEEL them, not to analyse them too much. A symbol could mean a hundred different things according to the person's personal experience, culture, and life circumstances. Owls are generally symbols of wisdom. Maybe the studio/owner needs to allow a little more wisdom from some source, as it is dying…

    This reminds me of a profound experience that happened to me at an inner child/healing/meditation retreat some years ago. My father and brother had died only a few weeks before, so it was a tough time for me. My brother committed suicide. So I was dealing with a lot of issues related to death and dying. During a break I stepped outside to do a little meditation. I was sitting in a chair, with a wall behind me. As I relaxed a small bird suddenly flew straight at me and smacked into the wall at full speed directly above my head. It fell straight to my feet, and I looked straight down into its open eye. It dimmed and closed. I literally saw and felt the life evacuate the body. It was all rather shocking. I picked up the little bird, hoping that it would awaken, but it never did. It is the only time in my life I have ever seen the final moments of a living thing’s life in full intimacy. The bird shared its death with me.

    Maybe I’ll write something about this on my own blog today. Coincidentally, just a couple of hours ago I was reading a book, and the author was saying how some animals die to save human lives. He gave an example of how after pets had died, the pet had come back in a dream to the owner to tell them why they had died. Marcus

  12. d page says:

    A very sad synchro: A dead owl in the news. Stories like this distress me.

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Wow, quite a story by Jim.

    Then to top it off, Jim followed up with an e-mail saying that right after commenting he went to a block with this story:

    "A professional soccer player in Colombia faces up to three months in jail for kicking an opposing team's lucky owl, which had been been hit by a ball after landing on the field Sunday. The owl died Tuesday."

    The owls are taking a hit today.

  14. JBanholzer says:

    Yesterday started off as a dark day, because my co-worker and I set aside half the day to help someone move and the person never returned our call. To be productive anyway, we drove over to the local community center to pin some of our work posters to the bulletin board.

    On on our way in, I asked him how his girlfriend's yoga training was going. And right then a siren went off, followed by eight children running out of the building to flag down the paramedics (since the campus is large). They said that a woman aged 60-70 had collapsed in the bathroom, after participating in a yoga class. Rumor has it that she did not remember to hydrate herself enough, which is a common mistake here in Idaho's high altitude and dry winters.

    The status of the injured woman is currently unknown.

    When I saw this post about owls this morning, I looked at it as a powerful synchronicity, especially since I've written about owls before on this blog.

  15. Natalie says:

    I only ever see Owl as positive. Owl to me is about wisdom, and especially nightime wisdom ie ~ the astral.

    Maybe the person has made some unwise choices lately, and didn't tap into her/his inner wisdom or higher knowing.
    Perhaps the Owl died there because the spooks knew it would be an attention getter?
    Pay attention! Especially to your dreams and night time activities both spiritual and physical.

  16. Rob and Trish MacGregor says:

    daz – funny one, about some questions can't be answered by google. And weird about the images.

    I like the positive interps on this owl and the yoga studio. Now, if the person will check in at some point and let us know what happened!

  17. Brizdaz says:

    I also placed the question;

    “What does it mean spiritually if an owl dies in front of your yoga studio?”

    into Google search,and hit "Images" and got only 9 results. All pictures from your blog,I might add.
    Starting with the forklift picture (500 ways to re-invent your life),
    then the i-phone (iconfession), telephone lines
    M.C. Escher picture
    (used for lost wallet story) ,Light Man sculpture
    (magical thinking),Flying Horse painting (Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader,and the hero's journey),
    the Indiana Jones game, Fate of Atlantis picture,the Singing Bowl picture,and ending with the Twin Towers picture (Dates/Numbers).

    So maybe there is a message in that little sequence?

    Or maybe just stick with typing the word "Google" into Image search,for your message.-)

  18. maggie's garden says:

    These are some very interesting comments. I've learned much about the owl.
    Thanks everyone.

  19. Brizdaz says:

    "Type in anything in Google, a word or phrase, a question, a random thought, and somewhere in the virtual universe, Google will come up with something relevant."

    I typed the word "Google" into Google Search,and clicked on the "Images" tab and got this picture, which I thought was relevant to the post here.

    ( Icon,top right.
    You probably can't read it,but it's a picture of a church billboard saying;

  20. gypsywoman says:

    like most of those already here, i don't see this as a negative thing but more a sign of transition/change – one thing ending and a new beginning – a neat story and i don't remember ever having heard one involving a dead owl on someone's doorstep so to speak – very interesting presentation of our feathered friend!

    wv – collusin – collusion? ok, so i may have to re-think my comment on this now! 😉

  21. d page says:

    I was really surprised when I saw "owl" in your title today! I have been having a spate of owl synchros since Saturday! I am going to write a post on it.

    For me they represent 2 things: my first spiritual teacher and BIG CHANGE w/"high strangeness".

  22. Palisade says:

    Hi Trish and Rob,

    I'm inclined towards viewing the owl carcass as a little bit jolting, for sure, but ultimately as a positive thing.     

    I don't think the owl is literally dead. Literal death, meaning a literal "final ending" isn't actually possible.  All that's possible is minor to major changes in state.  A massive change in some entity's state of being is better conceptualized as transition.  Bodily death is akin to molting. Or else a dead bird's body on the pavement is akin to a symbollically evocative *chrysallus* left by an ever-transforming energy being.

    So the owl carcass on the pavement is actually a good and positive symbol about the inevitability of stuff like growth, adjustment, becoming more authentic, new movement, and transformation.  Maybe now would be an excellent time for the individual to get excited about manifesting outward changes in the yoga studio?  Some ideas…

    – Redo the exterior shell of the building, perhaps repaint, or get a sign, or have a mural done up?
    – Redecorate the interior?  Perhaps hire a professional decorator to offer opinions about this?    
    – Apply new learnings?  
    – Involve new techniques?
    – Consider interviewing and then hiring on some completely amazing additional instructor?
    – Move the whole studio to a different location, perhaps with more square footage or a prettier location or a space with more visability?  Maybe look to see if any great spaces are up for sale? 

    Maybe the person in question is not the yoga studio owner, but just a yoga student who noticed a dead owl on her way to class.  Maybe she should consider switching to a different instructor or to a different practice for a while such as tai chi or chigong. Or consider an outward change in herself,  such as a new hair cut or a new kind of yoga outfit with different colors or made from some other material? Is it possible that her life has become a bit stagnant?  

    The owl is saying, "Hi.  Just thought I'd remind you that change is the nature of the game."

    When an owl "dies," it hasn't literally died; it's merely transitioned from a physical state.  It's spirit and/or its original chi is freed (at least for a while) from a certain way of being, plus it's always improved in that it contains more information than it originally began with.

  23. Rob and Trish MacGregor says:

    I hope the person comes back on to see the various comments. Math – interesting stuff about the direction!

  24. 3322mathaddict says:

    P.S. The Dot is really shifting into Red a lot within the past 48 hours. Must be a lot of changing patterns in the Mass Consciousness thoughtforms. Curious WV:

  25. 3322mathaddict says:

    According to the late Ann Ree Colton, who was a renowned spiritual Light worker and author, OWLS are intercessory symbols for Master M,a Great Immortal and Inward Master on The Light Stream #1. She states: "If the owl is facing east, the disciple is remembering Eastern lives. If the owl is facing west, the disciple has opened the Christ Light within his mind. If the owl is facing south, the disciple is yet bound by ancestry. If the owl is looking north, the disciple is to be sent to a new polarity, requiring him or her to pioneer in a new spiritual theme." Although she doesn't address the dying of birds or owls, I would certainly think that the last definition would apply to this person's experience….that the Yoga studio has done its work and it's time for the person to move forward towards a new and different spiritual direction. I've found Colter and also Tanner to be magnificent teachers in interpretations of symbols. Even without their revered assistance, however, if I had experienced seeing a dying bird, especially an own, which also symbolizes wisdom, watchfulness, and silence, I would meditatively consider where the owl was in terms of its dying, because that seems to be a very clear symbol. Birds are messengers of Spirit, and each bird species represents a particular genre of spirtuality. (This from me, not from Colter or Tanner) In my own life, I've had many experiences where birds have brought important messages prior to the tangible, overt manifestation of its message. I never ignore the presence of our feathered friends, particularly when they present me with a specific thoughtform by their actions.

  26. Mike Perry says:

    In one book I have – Owl: 'Beware of deception; be discerning.' So I guess this could be relevant to the yoga studio.

  27. DJan says:

    Hmmm. Interesting to wonder what it signifies, but it sure seems to be something. I would think (not that I know anything but just feel this) that it's the yoga studio that is more likely to close. I hope we actually get to find out what happens next. 🙂

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