Lie to Me

Here’s a political synchronicity related to a news event that I think works for people of all political persuasions. First, the news item:

NEW YORK — The Fox network is sticking with its regular schedule over President Barack Obama this week.

The network is turning down the president’s request to show his prime-time news conference on Wednesday. The news conference marks Obama’s 100th day in office. Instead of the president, Fox viewers will see an episode of the Tim Roth drama “Lie to Me.”

It’s the first time a broadcast network has refused Obama’s request. This will be the third prime-time news conference in Obama’s presidency. ABC, CBS and NBC are airing it.
Okay, if you’re on the political right, you might laugh and say: “Fox already has someone lying to us. We don’t need to substitute Obama for that role.” If you’re on the left, you might fall down laughing and say: “They prefer ‘Lie to Me’ than to hear the president. They’re sticking with their usual agenda, swallowing and disseminating the lies of the far right.” For independents: “They’re all liars. But some are lying more than the others.”

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9 Responses to Lie to Me

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    No matter what you think about FOX, they remain the most popular cable news network, and their most outspoken Obama basher and liberal-blaster, Bill O’Reilly (aka Bill-o the Clown) is their most popular talking head.

    That said a book out last year about Murdoch implies that even HE is embarrassed by FOX, especially Bill-o. He has a young, liberal wife now who is said to be influencing his views. But the bottom line, as Brownlie pointed out, is that he is a newspaperman and he is interested in selling newspapers and getting high ratings on his TV stations. Whatever it takes.

  2. brownlie says:

    In the UK Murdoch has several newspapers including a tabloid called the Sun. The Sun has two editions, one for Scotland and one for the rest of the UK. At a general (UK) election a few years ago the Scottish edition backed Scottish independence whilst the edition for the rest of the UK advocated a retention of the UK. Easy to be two-faced when you want to sell newspapers. No surprise, therefore, about Fox news.

  3. therese says:

    Hmm, I’ve learned a few things from this post. I don’t watch TV, have no fav programs and avoid talking heads entirely.
    In my past, I worked for a newspaper and have journalistic connections through family, so know to trust none of what is called news. But it is interesting, sometimes. I’ve heard of Rupert Murdoch, no clue who he is. What have you come up with regarding his name?
    Anagrams, well, those are too cool! I need to play with them again.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Fox News is a joke. Owned by Rupert Murdoch, the network seems to hate anything that helps anyone in any way. It’s a news outlet that flourished under Bush, pushing so many lies and more lies until it became the mouthpiece of the Bush administration. They don’t do anything out of benevolence for their viewing audience. They’re pathetic.

  5. Joyce says:

    Why should they waste time being a hypocrite when they have millions of viewers waiting to see their fantastic program? Most political watchers know what they do, and it isn’t just about Obama. There’s no need for them to put on an objective face. Besides, they only have two good programs, Idol and 24. I watch 24 every week and have boycotted Idol.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Fantasic, Jim! I think you speak a new language.


  7. JBanholzer says:

    Yesterday, I discovered a synchronous anagram related to this post:

    “CIA Disinformation” anagrams into “I minor sin a factoid”

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Except they’ve been bashing him for 99 days, questioning his citizenship, his religion, his patriotism, to say nothing of his policies. Since they’re the ‘fair and balanced’ cable channel, they might think about giving him an hour. IMHO – Rob

  9. terripatrick says:

    I applaud FOX and their common sense in awarding viewers a choice. Regardless of the title or topic of their scheduled program, Obama will be broadcast on 3 easy to access networks. What’s the point of adding a 4th?

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