Category Archives: political

Fool on the Hill

Recently, while moving about the Internet, I came upon a long list of Beatle tunes. Apparently, I could play anyone of them. So as I moved down the list, I didn’t want to hear any of those early songs from … Continue reading

Posted in political, synchronicity | 23 Comments

Birth Control and the Catholic Church

  According to a site on Catholic doctrine, “In 1968, Poe Paul VI issued his encyclical Humanae Vita (Latin, Human Life, which reemphasized the Church’s constant teaching that it is always intrinsically wrong to use contraception to prevent new human … Continue reading

Posted in political, synchronicity | 23 Comments

Hot Dog!

Fortunately, we were out of the country when the focus of the U.S. news turned to Anthony Weiner and his problems with his namesake appendage. No doubt he will be forced to resign from congress, even though many others have … Continue reading

Posted in political, politicians, Uncategorized | 12 Comments

The $3,000,000,000 War

Fair warning: this is not about synchros. OK, Bin Laden is dead. The alleged mastermind of 9-11, the reason we invaded Afghanistan, is now history, his body buried at sea. So why should we stay in Afghanistan? Bush ordered the … Continue reading

Posted in political, politicians, war | 27 Comments

The Synchronicity of Trump

While watching Donald Trump on the news the other night, it occurred to me that “trump” has two very different meanings. As a noun, it’s often used as any playing card in a suit that outranks the other suits at … Continue reading

Posted in global, political | 33 Comments

Lie to Me

Here’s a political synchronicity related to a news event that I think works for people of all political persuasions. First, the news item: NEW YORK — The Fox network is sticking with its regular schedule over President Barack Obama this … Continue reading

Posted in global, political | 9 Comments