The Specter Spectacle

As we sit in our mountain abode overlooking one of the grassy Hawknest ski runs, the big news on TV this morning is that Arlen Specter has switched parties from a Republican to a Democrat. In doing so, he attacked his former colleagues for pushing the party to the far right.

So amidst this news, we heard a repeated tapping sound coming from one of the bedrooms. After five minutes, I got up and took a look. To my amazement, a robin was repeatedly flying into the bedroom window. Over and over again. Then I remembered hearing about this behavior. Robins, in particular, will attack windows, not because they are attempting to enter the room, but because they are attacking their image. They think it’s another bird.

And so, in a sense, Specter was attacking his former image as GOP stalwart as he switched to the Democratic Party.

Trish also pointed out that his name Specter is a homonym for specter, a ghost image, and the robin was attacking a specter of itself.

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One Response to The Specter Spectacle

  1. Anonymous says:

    Oh, that wily Specter! He's just looking for votes. Now that he's a supposed Democrat, he figures Obama will campaign for him. & so what if he votes against the stimulus plan and the Employee Free Choice Act and stem cell research and everything else that might actually help people. Pound sand, Specter. Peck at that window like the little robin shocked by its own reflection.

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