Turtle Talk


Every so often we receive an e-mail from someone who recently bought “The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity” or “Synchronicity and the Other Side,” and tells us that he or she has synchronicities all the time. Sometimes they provide an example. But rarely do we get e-mails, as the one below, from Tanya, whose life is entangled in multiple synchronicities – all involving turtles. We’ll let her tell the story.


I just picked up your and Trish’s book, “The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity,” which I came across the other evening. It’s so good! Very perfect timing considering that I have had an overabundance of synchronicities occur since breaking up with my boyfriend in December. So many doors opened after that and I know that I’m on the right path!

Recently I have had a non-stop synchronicity involving turtles and these may be connected to another person. It’s bugging me out a bit because I can’t figure it out! I was hoping that maybe you could give me insight.

A little less than a month ago, I had a devastating and moving experience. I was driving home on a two lane road and in the lane next to me, a turtle had begun to cross. As soon as I could, I whipped around to get him out of the road. I stopped on the side of the road and rushed out of my car.

I was too late. In that 2 minute span, a car had already run over him, his shell split down the middle. I picked him up and went and moved my car off to the side near the creek he had crawled away from. I carried him to the creek, held him in my hands for a minute and started bawling. I was so close to saving him but I had failed. I set him down and sat with him for awhile with my hand over his shell, crying. Eventually I said good by and put a large palm leaf over his body and left. I was so shaken by the experience and didn’t know why. I couldn’t tell anyone about it at first, but two weeks later I let it out.

The week before I told my story, I heard one of my old favorite bands was playing nearby in Tampa and I had to go! I immediately texted my cousin to see if she wanted to go along and since she wasn’t huge on the band, she said she could swing it if we bought the tickets at the show since it would be $7.00 cheaper than buying them in advance. Afraid that they would sell out, I almost purchased the tickets online and ate the fees on hers. I held off though and decided that if we drove all the way to Ybor and they were sold out, we could just go see a movie.

About 3 days before the show, I told my cousin, “I’ll just win us tickets” in a joking kind of way and tried to call in when they were giving them away. Of course I didn’t get through on time. The next day on my way home from work, I called the radio station again to find out if they would be giving away any more tickets. The DJ said he was planning on it, but that if I really wanted to go, he would just give them to me then. So as I told my cousin I would, I won tickets!

At the show I noticed a pretty cute bouncer at the front of the stage who looked extremely bored. I told my cousin that he looked miserable and that’s when she recognized him as a guy she went to high school with. Sure enough after the first band played, he came over to say hello. I didn’t know him at all but felt inclined to hug him as if we had always been buddies. I do that when I’m in a non-insecure fun mood. I’m friends with everyone!

He was a very nice guy and by the end of the show I was pretty attracted to him. Since my break up in December, I had decided that I was not going to get into anything with anyone for at least 5 years or until I graduated from college. I was certainly not looking for anyone at the time I met him. I joked with my cousin that in 5 years she should hook me up with the guy.

Before my band came on, the bouncer shouted out that I shouldn’t leave after the show. He met up with me and my cousin and had something in his hand in which we were to pick a number since he only had one. My cousin told him to give me whatever it was. He dropped a guitar pick in my hand. I put it in my pocket, thanked him and gave him a hug goodbye. As we left I asked my cousin if she thought it was a bad idea to message him on Facebook to thank him or if that would be weird. She told me to add him as a friend but I didn’t want to go that far.

While walking to the car, I stopped and felt compelled to tell her my turtle story. It was the first time I had talked about it and it felt good to get it out. I still didn’t know why it had effected me so much but it did. As we drove out of the parking garage, I started removing items from my pockets to put back in my purse. When I pulled out the guitar pick which was green, I looked at it closer and it had a turtle on it! Such weird timing, I thought. I showed her and she laughed along too.

When I got home, I went on Facebook to thank the bouncer for the pick. I found his page and saw that my cousin had already posted a thank you so I just added to it. I looked at my messages on my own page and found that he had already friend-requested me (only two hours after we left, haha). I accepted the request and started checking out the pics on his page. I came across one that made my heart skip a beat. There was a picture he took of a turtle and the caption stated that he had saved it from being run over. Such weird coincidence again! I posted him about my story.

Since the show we carried on a troubled affair. It turned out that he lives the nightlife and me, being 4 1/2 years sober and clean, could not adapt. I’m not sure exactly what he was looking for or even what I was looking for but either way, I can’t continue hanging out with him if that’s who he is.

Also since the show, turtles have been very prominent in my life. When we talked once, the bouncer told me about how he had always had a thing for turtles and even had a pet turtle that he named after a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle when he was a kid. Coincidentally, I did too! I named him after a different Ninja Turtle, but still…. A week after I knew the guy, I was walking to my car from the beach and passed a car. The window had a sticker of a cartoon turtle with a big red cross on him. I took a pic of it. I also see turtle stickers and license plates everywhere as well.

The bouncer and I had our final straw this past Saturday night and I left never intending to talk to him again. He sent me a text Monday apologizing for what had happened. Instead of dumping my anger on him, I took responsibility for the situation because I chose to continue seeing him even though our lifestyles conflicted. That particular situation involved him being drunk and a girl hanging all over him right in front of me. My intentions of being present that evening were self-seeking. He didn’t respond back.

Yesterday, my cousin (who I work with) came into the office and gave me a bracelet with a turtle on it. She said it was to start over with the turtle symbol not being connected to the guy. I put it on and literally 5 minutes later, I received a text. It was him! He said that I was special and attached a picture that he said he had come across and made him think of me. It was a damn turtle dressed up in a Ninja Turtle costume!

Later, on my way home, I texted  a friend from work about what happened  and wouldn’t you know that a car with a turtle license plate was next to me and about 5 minutes later, another pulled up on the other side of my car. So weird!

I’m sorry this was so much! If there is anything that may cross your mind after reading this, please let me know. It’s a neat experience, but this particular one has me all sorts of confused. I really appreciate your time and help!


Okay, let’s see. Your story about becoming very emotional about missing the chance to save the turtle seemed intimately  linked to your life. The turtle represents shelter and protection and its shell was cracked open. You were in the aftermath of a relationship, and like the turtle shell, the security of the relationship was cracked open. The turtle died just as the relationship did. You were still feeling the pain.

The cute bouncer is your Ninja Turtle, a chance to regain protection from an outside source. But you are finding correctly that self-protection comes from within, not from a new relationship–not even from a Ninja Turtle.

Keep in mind that the turtle is connected with the Earth through the bottom of its shell, and the heavens, through the rounded top of the shell. So keep your feet on the ground and your head in the sky!

Just call us the Dear Abby of Synchronicity!


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19 Responses to Turtle Talk

  1. Adelita says:

    I enjoyed seeing how many times turtle shows up for Tanya. If this is my waking synchro dream, I’d pay attention to turtle. For me she is Grandmother for Native American peoples and the world is built on her back. I’d feel that there is some powerful medicine here, spiritual teaching that probably transcends who I’m dating at the moment. I applaud Tanya for her discernment in choosing her lifestyle over a potential boyfriend’s. I do love the turtle track tattoo.

  2. Darren B says:

    In another SYNC here,the author of the “The SYNC Book”
    mentioned in my comments above is edited by a guy named
    Alan Abbadessa (Abby?) -Green. It was his idea and he also contributes one chapter in the book.He has also started SYNC Book press,so people can publish their own unique books and sell them through the network.
    I love the idea of the concept of the SYNC Book where authors of sync blogs give voice as to what synchronicity means to them.Their views are as diverse from one another as the religions of the world are from each other.Which makes it an interesting read.
    He is now planning The Sync Book: Volume 2 where he gets different net bloggers on synchronicity to contribute one chapter each.
    Maybe Rob and Trish could contribute a chapter to it ?
    I don’t know who he has lined up for the second book,but I can’t wait to read that one either.

  3. In some magic the turtle is conductive to longevity and to the fertility of women – perhaps there could be a connection with this in Tanya’s story. The crying etc. some unfulfilled desire?

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    Nooooooooooo! NOT “Dear Synchro Abby”. Gotta go with “Robabb abd Abbette”! Gypsy’s version is way kool!

  5. karen says:

    Cool story…this Dear Abbey of Synchronicity thing could be a whole new sidekick for you. I would love that…many times even when presented with synchronicities it sometimes hard for me to see the forest through the trees. I’d love a place to go get help with them. Very cool!

  6. gypsy says:

    dear robabb and abbette – very neat post! love the little turtles! 😉

  7. Darren B says:

    Oh…I should have mentioned that there are only 14 “SYNC Book” books left in that above offer,but there are other rewards besides the books.
    And here’s a link to their Kickstarter page for anyone interested in helping a band get a record out into the world;
    Thanks for your support in advance.

  8. mathaddict2233 says:

    One last comment, this one about the bluebird. It was a tiny bluebird that sat outside on the window sill of my Dad’s hospital room at Emory and sang its heart out all day long, and when a summer thunderstorm began just before Dad transitioned, the little bluebird moved closer under the protection of the upper sill and continued to sing. It didn’t leave until Dad died. My mother received tremendous comfort all day, listening to that tiny bird. She said later that she leaned on the inside of the window and talked to the precious bluebird as if it were a person. She spoke to it about God, about Dad, about life and death, and she said the bluebird would tilt its head as if listening and hearing her, even though of course the window was sealed shut. Her presence, so close to it, didn’t frighten it away. A month after Dad died, Mom wrote a piece entitled “MY FINE FEATHERED FRIEND” about the little bluebird. I treasure it.

  9. mathaddict2233 says:

    P.S. Turtles also represent “protection”…thus the shell, and also “hiding”….the turtle pulls itself inside its shell when threatened. But in Egypt, turtle represents longevity and great good fortune, so it’s a wonderful totem to have!

  10. Darren B says:

    Just to throw in my 2c worth,
    I think maybe the turtle is your totem/spirit animal (or one of them anyway)
    and it was giving you a hard lesson that life is short and sometimes tragic, but if you follow your gut (and turtle synchronicitys maybe?) you will find your calling in life.
    The bouncer syncs maybe just means that security in life is just an illusion and although we would all love to make the right choices throughout life,there really are no safe choices other than to follow your intuition throughout life…not to say that it’s safe to do so,but it is definitely more rewarding in my experience.
    Speaking of turtles and synchronicity,maybe you should read up about the “I Ching” ,
    the Chinese divination method which is reportedly quite uncanny.It’s origins started out from reading cracked turtle shells (rather barbaric I thought) ,but nowadays coins or yarrow sticks are used.
    Speaking of bands,turtles and synchronicity.You might like to check this link out;
    This band is trying to raise $5000 dollars on Kickstarter with nine days to go till the deadline.If you pledge $15 they will send out a “SYNC Book” which I think is a bargain,as I have read the book and thought it was great.Kevin is one of the band members and one of the 26 authors of “The SYNC Book”.
    Not only that but look up at the top of the blog page and you will see a turtle with a blue bird flying on it’s back,with a spiral on the bird’s back.
    I have no idea what that turtle is doing there on their blog,but it seems to have four directional points coming from it and with a green heart in the center of it’s shell.
    What better symbol could you get to represent turtle synchronicitys than that?
    I don’t have too many turtle syncs but I do have a lot of bird syncs.
    In fact it was a blue bird crashing into my window that got me blogging about synchronicity.
    And as for Trish’s statement above,”Keep in mind that the turtle is connected with the Earth through the bottom of its shell, and the heavens, through the rounded top of the shell. So keep your feet on the ground and your head in the sky!”
    What better symbol than a bird flying on a turtles back?

  11. mathaddict2233 says:

    What an intriguing story, and no doubt Universe is trying to tell this young woman something important. In addition to the significance already mentioned regarding “turtles”, they also indicate “slow going” or tell us to move more slowly. Remember the ole tale about the turtle and the hare; the turtle moved along slowly but eventually won the race! If I saw that many turtles, with such apparent synchronicity, I would instinctively examine my life and try to determine where I needed to apply the brakes and move more slowly! Good luck to this young woman, and congratulations for staying, as she herself put it, “clean and sober”. Temptations abound out there that may try to pull her back into a lifestyle that no longer serves her, so be vigilant! Great post, guys. BTW, I bawl my eyes out every time I see a dead bird, deer, turtle, cat, dog, raccoon, possum, armadillo,squirrel, or anything else that has been killed on the road (or elsewhere). I know….that’s awfully sensitive, but I can’t help it.

  12. Momwithwings says:

    Wow what an interesting synchro story!

    I think your analysis is spot on!!

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