Book of ‘Guinnesis’

Here’s a very funny little synchro from Jane Clifford of Wales.


I lunched with a member of the Guinness family last week and did a quick bit of shopping beforehand. I found and bought a little book featuring wrong exam/test answers by kids.

I’ve seen such books before and they are very funny indeed, but also kind of sad in that they clearly show that the education system is failing these children. Their answers often indicate the power of television to influence their thinking.

Over lunch with Mr. Guinness, I was reading out the funniest ones, and turned the page and saw this one. The question was: What is the name of the first book in the bible?

The misguided answer: “The first book in the bible is Guinnesis.”

Ha! What are the odds of that one! Lunching with a Guinness, and coming upon a Guinness synchro!


Good one, Jane. One for the book of records.  Hmm, the Guinness Book of Synchronicities. Cheers!



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7 Responses to Book of ‘Guinnesis’

  1. lauren raine says:

    Funny! Sometimes synchronicities are so much like word puns, one can’t help but be certain the universe has a sense of humor!

    Sorry about the spam by the way………my email was hacked. I’ve done what I can, and hope it stops. Embarrousing……

  2. whoot says:

    came up with this totally bizarre coincidence (it does invovle the last solar event) with Venues transit yesterday,, yeah and Bozo (one of the few fortunate ‘it seems” thngs in his existence) did find himself in a position to watch clearly,, but as I know your not interested….

  3. gypsy says:

    very neat guinness story! and talk about a book filled with trivia! ; )

  4. Funny synchro. I like these sort of exam ‘answers’, one I remember is:

    Question: What do we call the science of classifying living things?
    Answer: Racism

  5. mathaddict2233 says:

    Just letting you know, T & R, I FINALLY am able to pull up the blog. That was the only problem I had with the computer today. Couldn’t get onto SSecrets. Computer is slow, but we’re having storms all around, somke thunder and lightning without rain, some rain without the ‘special effects’ and they are affecting the communication towers and ComCast in particular. We lost all power off and on all day yesterday and even when the power was on, our bundled electronics were disabled. Looks like the same for today. Fun post, btw! Sometimes I tend to think the author of Genesis may have been imbibing a bit of the Guinness! 🙂

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