Synchronicity in Paris

Here’s another one from Mysteries of the Unknown. It involves a lost object, a writer, and Paris. A winning combination!

Novelist Anne Parrish was born in 1888 and died in 1957. She spent her childhood in Colorado Springs and apparently treasured the books she’d read as a kid. Among her favorites was Jack Frost and Other Stories. This synchronicity, from Mysteries of the Unexplained, reminds me of the Anthony Hopkins synchronicity, Girl from Petrovka.

During Anne’s first visit to Paris in the 1920s, she and her husband browsed the secondhand bookstalls that lined the banks of the River Seine. In one stall, she ran across an old copy of Jack Frost.
When she opened it, the inscription on the flap probably caused her heart to pause. It read: Anne Parrish, 209 N. Weber Street, Colorado Springs.

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2 Responses to Synchronicity in Paris

  1. JBanholzer says:

    Whoever currently lives at 209 N. Weber Street, Colorado Springs, should sweep through their house to see what item of interest from PARIS they might find.

  2. whipwarrior says:

    I love a good book synchronicity. They humbly remind us that the universe can be a very small place.

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